关于政府大规模审查运动您需要了解的一切(双语 bilingual)Everything You Need to Know about the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NDgyOTIy

Everything You Need to Know about the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRYSKaS-XtQ&t=0s Tucker Carlson 1.55M subscribers Feb 16, 2024 Rosa Luxemburg Quote: "There is no democracy without socialism, and no socialism without democracy" in the jpg attachment. Outline The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I'm describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It's the inversion of democracy." Transcript 0:00 the defining fact of the United States is freedom of speech to the extent this country is exceptional it is 0:06 because we have the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights, we have freedom of conscience we can say what we really 0:12 think there is no hate speech exception to that just because you hate what somebody else thinks you cannot force 0:18 that person to be quiet because we are citizens not slaves but that right that 0:23 foundational right that makes this country what it is that right from which all other rights flow is going away at 0:30 high speed in the face of censorship now modern censorship there is no resemblance 0:35 to previous censorship regimes in previous countries and previous eras our 0:40 censorship is affected based on fights against disinformation and Mal 0:46 information and the key thing to know about these is they are everywhere and of 0:51 course they have no reference at all to whether what you are saying is true or not in 0:57 other words you can say something that is factually accurate inconsistent with your own conscience and in previous 1:04 versions of America you had an absolute right to say those things but because someone does not like them or because 1:09 they are inconvenient to whatever plan the people in power have they can be denounced as 1:15 disinformation and you could be stripped of your right to express them either in person or online in fact expressing 1:21 these things can become a criminal act and is and it is important to know that this is not just the private 1:27 sector doing this these efforts are being directed by the US government which you pay for and at least 1:32 theoretically own it is your government but they are stripping your rights at very high speed most people understand 1:39 this intuitively but they don't know how it happens how does censorship happen what are the mechanics of it Mike Benz 1:47 is we can say with some confidence the expert in the world on how this happens 1:53 Mike Ben had the Cyber portfolio at the state department he is now executive director of foundation for freedom 1:59 online and we are going to have a conversation with him about a very specific kind of censorship by the way we cannot recommend strongly enough if 2:05 you want to know how this happens Mike Benz is the man to read but today we just 2:12 want to talk about a specific kind of censorship and that censorship that emanates from the fabled military-industrial complex from us 2:19 defense industry in the foreign policy establishment in Washington that is significant now because we are on the 2:24 cusp of a global war and so you can expect censorship to increase dramatically and so with that here is 2:30 Mike Benz executive director of foundation for freedom online Mike thanks so much for joining us and I and 2:36 I just cannot overstate to our audience how exhaustive and comprehensive your knowledge is on this topic it is almost 2:42 it is almost unbelievable um and so if you could just walk us through how the 2:47 foreign policy establishment and defense contractors and DOD and just the 2:52 whole cluster the constellation of Defense related publicly funded institutions stripped from us our 2:58 freedom of speech sure you know one of the easiest ways to start the story is really with the story of 3:05 Internet freedom and it switched from internet freedom to internet censorship because free speech on the internet was 3:12 an instrument of statecraft almost from the outset of the privatization of the internet in 3:17 1991 uh we quickly discovered through the uh efforts of the defense department 3:24 the state department and our intelligence services that people were using the internet to congregate on 3:30 blogs and forums and Free Speech were championed more than anybody by the 3:35 Pentagon the state department and our sort of CIA cutout NGO blob architecture 3:43 to support dissident groups around the world to help them overthrow authoritarian governments as 3:50 they were sort of build essentially the internet free speech allowed 3:55 kind of insta regime change operations uh to be able to facilitate the foreign 4:01 policy establishment's State Department agenda Google is a great example of this Google began as a DARPA Grant uh by 4:10 Larry page and Sergey Bren when they were Stanford PhDs and they got 4:16 their funding as part of a joint CIA NSA program to chart how quote birds of a 4:22 feather flock together online through search engine aggregation and then one year later they launched Google and then 4:29 became a military contractor quickly thereafter they got Google Maps by purchasing a CIA satellite software 4:35 essentially uh and the ability to track to use free speech on the internet as a 4:42 way to circumvent State control over media over in places like Central Asia 4:48 or all around the world was seen to be able to do what used to be 4:54 done out of CIA station houses or out of embassies or consulates in a way that that that was totally turbocharged and 5:03 all the internet free speech technology was initially created by our National Security State vpns virtual 5:09 private networks to hide your IP address tour the dark web to be able to buy and trail uh sell Goods anonymously 5:17 end-to-end encrypted chats all these things were created initially as DARPA projects or as joint CIA NSA projects to 5:24 be able to help intelligence backed groups to overthrow governments that 5:30 were causing a problem uh to the Clinton Administration or the Bush Administration or the Obama Administration and this plan worked 5:37 magically from about 1991 until about 2014 uh when there began to be an about 5:44 face on internet freedom and its utility now the high Watermark of the sort of internet free speech moment was the Arab 5:50 Spring in 2011 2012 when you had this one by one all the adversary 5:56 governments of the Obama Administration Egypt Tunisia all began to be toppled in Facebook revolutions and Twitter 6:03 revolutions and you had the state department working very closely with the social media companies to be able to 6:09 keep social media online during those periods there was a famous phone call from Google's Jared Cohen to Twitter to 6:17 uh not do their scheduled maintenance so that uh dis so that the preferred opposition group in Iran would be able 6:23 to use Twitter uh to uh to win that election so it was an in free speech was an instrument of statecraft from the 6:29 National Security State to begin with all that architecture all the NOS the relationships between the tech companies 6:36 and the National Security State had been long established for freedom in 2014 after the coup in Ukraine There Was 6:44 An Unexpected counter coup where Crimea and the Donbass broke away and they 6:49 broke away with essentially a military back stop that NATO was highly unprepared for at the time they had one 6:56 last hail Mar chance which was the Crimea annexation vote on uh in in 7:02 2014 uh and when the hearts and minds of the people of Crimea voted uh to join 7:08 the Russian Federation that was the last straw for the concept of free speech on 7:13 the internet in the eyes of NATO as they saw it the fundamental nature of War changed at that moment and NATO at that 7:20 point declared something that they first called the Jasim Moff Doctrine which is named after this Russian military 7:26 General uh who they claimed made a speech that the fundamental nature of War has changed you do not need to win 7:32 military skirmishes to take over Central and Eastern Europe all you need to do is control the media and the social media 7:38 ecosystem because that is what controls elections and if you simply get the right Administration into power, they 7:44 control the military so it is infinitely cheaper than conducting a military war to Simply conduct an organized political 7:51 uh influence operation over social media and Legacy Media an industry had been 7:56 created that spanned the Pentagon the British Ministry of defense and Brussels into an organized political 8:05 Warfare outfit essentially infrastructure that was created initially stationed in Germany and in 8:11 Central and Eastern Europe to create psychological buffer zones basically to create the ability to have the 8:17 military work with the social media companies to censor Russian propaganda 8:22 or to censor domestic right-wing populist groups in Europe who are rising 8:28 in political power at the time because of the migrant crisis so you had the systematic targeting by our state 8:33 department by our IC by the Pentagon of groups like Germany's afd the 8:38 alternative for deuts land there and for groups in Estonia Latvia Lithuania now 8:44 when Brexit happened in 2016 it was that was that was this crisis moment where suddenly they didn't 8:51 must worry just about Central and Eastern Europe anymore it was coming Westward this idea of Russian control 8:57 over hearts and minds and so at that was Brexit was June 2016 the very next month 9:03 at the war at the Warsaw conference NATO formally amended its Charter to 9:09 expressly commit to hybrid Warfare as their as this new NATO capacity so they 9:15 went from you know basically 70 years of Tanks to this explicit capacity 9:22 building for censoring tweets that they were deemed to be Russian proxies 9:27 and again, it is not just Russian propaganda this was these were now Brexit groups or groups like Mato 9:32 Salvini in in Italy uh or in Greece or in Germany or in Spain with the Vox 9:38 party and now at the time NATO was publishing white papers saying that the biggest threat NATO faces is not 9:45 a military Invasion from Russia it is losing domestic elections across Europe in to all these right-wing 9:52 populist groups who because they were mostly working-class movements were campaigning on cheap Russian energy at a 9:58 time when the US was pressuring this energy diversification policy and so they made the argument after Brexit now 10:06 the entire rules-based international order would collapse unless the military took control over media because Brexit 10:11 would give rise to fit in France with Marine Le Pen to spit in Spain with the Vox party to it exit in in Italy to 10:18 greit in Germany to greit in Greece the EU would come apart so NATO would be 10:24 killed without a single bullet being uh being fired and then not only that now 10:29 that NATO's gone now there is no enforcement arm for the international monetary fund the IMF or the World Bank 10:35 so now the financial stakeholders who depend on the battering ram of the National Security State would basically 10:40 be helpless against governments around the world so from their perspective if the military did not begin to censor the 10:47 internet every all the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave rise to the modern world after 10:53 World War II would collapse so you can imagine the re later Don Trum the 2016 10:59 election so you well you just told a remarkable story that I have never heard anybody explain as lucidly and crisply 11:05 as you just did but did anyone at NATO or anyone at the state department pause for a moment and say wait a second, we've 11:12 just identified our new enemy as democracy within our own countries I think that is what you are saying they 11:18 they feared that the people the citizens of their own countries would get their way and they went to war against that 11:24 yes, now you know there is a rich history of this dating back to the Cold War you know the cold war in Europe was 11:30 essentially a similar a similar struggle for hearts and minds of people especially in Central and Eastern Europe 11:37 yes, you know in these sorts of you know Soviet buffer zones and you starting in 11:42 1948 the National Security State was really established then you know you had the 1947 act which established the 11:49 Central Intelligence Agency you had uh you know this this new world order that 11:54 had been created with all these international institutions and you had the 1948 UN Declaration on human rights 12:00 which forbid the territorial acquisition by military force so you can no longer 12:05 run a traditional military occupation government in the way that that we could 12:11 in 1898 for example when we took the Philippines everything had to be done through a sort of political 12:17 legitimization process whereby there is some ratification from the hearts and minds of people within the country 12:24 now often that involves simply put puppet politicians who are groomed as leaders by our state department but the 12:31 battle for hearts and Minds had been something that we had been giving ourselves a long moral license leash if 12:39 you will uh since 1948 one of the Godfathers of the CIA George Kennan at 12:44 uh 12 days after we rigged the Italian election in 1948 by stuffing ballot boxes and working with the mob, we P 12:51 published a memo called the inauguration of organized political Warfare where he said listen uh it is a mean old world out 12:58 there we at the CIA just rigged the Italian election we had to do it because if the Communist won maybe there would never be 13:03 another election in Italy again so uh but it is effective guys uh we need a department of dirty tricks to be 13:10 able to do this around the world and it is essentially a new social contract we are constructing with the American 13:16 people because this is not the way we have conducted diplomacy before but we are now forbidden from using the war 13:21 department in 1948 they also renamed the war department to the defense department so again as part of this this diplomatic 13:27 Onslaught for political control rather than it looking like it is over military control but essentially what ended up 13:34 happening there is we created this foreign domestic firewall we said that we have a department of dirty tricks to 13:40 be able to rig elections to be able to control media to be able to meddle in the internal affairs of every other plot 13:47 of dirt in the country but this this sort of sacred dirt on which the American Homeland sits will uh they are 13:54 not allowed to operate there the state department the defense department the CIA are all expressly forbidden from 14:00 operating on us soil of course this is so far from the case it is not even funny but uh but that is because of a number of 14:07 laundering tricks that they have developed over 70 years of doing this but essentially there is there was no moral 14:12 quandary at first with respect to the creation of the censorship industry when 14:17 it started out in Germany and in and in Lithuania and Italy and Estonia and in 14:23 Sweden and Finland uh there began to be a more diplomatic debate about it after 14:29 Brexit and then uh it was it became Full Throttle when Trump was elected and what 14:36 Little Resistance there was washed over by the rise and saturation of 14:42 Russia gate which basically allow them to not have to deal with the moral 14:47 ambiguities of censoring your own people because if Trump was a Russian asset you 14:53 no longer really had a traditional Free Speech issue it was a national security issue it was only after Russia gate died 14:58 died in uh in July 2019 when Robert Mueller basically choked on the stand 15:03 for 3 hours and revealed he had absolutely nothing after two and a half years of investigation that the foreign 15:10 to domestic Switcheroo took place where they took all this censorship architecture spanning DHS the FBI the 15:18 CIA the DOD the DOJ and then the thousands of governments funded NGO and 15:25 private sector mercenary firms were all basically transited from a foreign FOC 15:30 from a foreign predicate a Russian disinformation predicate to a democracy predicate by saying that disinformation 15:37 is not just a threat when it comes from the Russians It is an intrinsic threat to democracy itself and so by 15:43 that they were able to launder the entire democracy promotion regime change toolkit uh just in time for the 2020 15:49 election it I mean it is almost beyond belief that this has happened I mean my own father worked for the US 15:56 government in this business in the information War against the Soviet Union and you know was a big part of that and 16:03 the idea that any of those tools would be turned against American citizens by the US 16:10 government was I think I want to think was Unthinkable and speak 16:15 1988 and you are saying that it is there really has not been anyone who is raised objections and it is just it is absolutely 16:22 turned inward to manipulate and rig our own elections as we would in say ltia yeah well as soon as the Democracy 16:28 predicate was established you had this professional class of professional regime change artists and operatives 16:34 that is the same people who argued that you know we need to bring democracy to Yugoslavia to get and that is the 16:40 predicate for getting rid of you know Moscovici or any other country around the world where we basically overthrow 16:46 governments to preserve democracy well if the Democracy threat is home grown now then that 16:54 becomes uh you know then then suddenly these people all have new jobs moving on 16:59 the on the US side and I can go through a million examples of that but one thing on what you just mentioned 17:05 which is that you know from their perspective they 17:10 just were not ready for the internet 2016 was really the first time that social 17:17 media had reached such maturity that it began to Eclipse Legacy Media I mean 17:22 this was a long time coming I think folks saw this building from 2006 17:27 through 2006 you know uh internet 1.0 did not even have social media from 1991 to 2004 17:34 there was no social media at all 204 Facebook came out 2005 Twitter 2006 17:40 YouTube 2007 the smartphone and so and in that initial period of social media 17:45 nobody was getting subscribers ships at the level where they competed with Legacy news media but over the 17:53 course of being you know so initially even these dissident voices within the US 17:58 uh even though they may have been loud uh in moments they never reached 30 million followers they never 18:06 reached you know um a billion Impressions a year type thing as an uncensored mature ecosystem allowed 18:15 citizen journalists and independent voices to be able to out compete Legacy 18:20 news media this induced a massive crisis both in our military and in our state 18:26 department and intelligence Services I give a great example of this in 2019 at meeting of the German 18:33 Marshall fund which is you know an institution that goes back to the US uh 18:38 basically, um I do not want to say bribe but the essentially the soft power economic soft power projection in Europe 18:45 as part of the Reconstruction of European governments after World War II to be able to essentially pay them uh 18:52 with Marshal fund dollars and then in return they basically were under our Thumb in terms of how they Recon 18:58 constructed uh but the German Marshall fund held a meeting in 2019 they held a million of these frankly but 19:05 where they were a four-star general uh got up on the panel and said that uh 19:12 that the what happens he posed the question what happens to the to the US 19:19 military what happens to the National Security State when the New York Times is reduced to a medium-sized Facebook 19:25 page and he posed this thought experiment as an example of we have had 19:31 these Gatekeepers we have had these bumper cars on Democracy in the form of a of a 19:38 century old relationship with Legacy Media institutions I mean our mainstream media is not in any shape and 19:45 form even from its outset independent from the National Security State from the state department from the war 19:51 department uh you know you had the initial uh all the initial uh Broadcast News companies NBC ABC and CBS 19:59 were all created by office of War information veterans from the from the war Department's effort in World War II 20:05 you had the you had these operation Mockingbird relationships from the 1950s through the 1970s those continued it 20:12 using the National Endowment for democracy and the privatization of intelligence capacities 20:18 in the 1980s under Reagan uh there is all sorts of CIA read reading room memos you 20:23 can read even on cia.gov about those continued media relations throughout the 1990s 20:28 and so, you always had this backdoor relationship between the Washington Post the New York Times and all the major 20:35 broadcast media corporations by the way you know Rupert Murdoch and fox are part of this as well you know Rupert 20:41 Murdoch was part of the National Endowment for democracy Coalition in 1983 when it was formed as 20:47 a way to Pro to do CIA operations in an aboveboard way after the Democrats were 20:52 so ticked off at the CIA for manipulating student movements in the 1970s but essentially there was no CIA 21:01 intermediary to random citizen journalist accounts there was no Pentagon back stop you could not get a 21:07 story killed you could not have these favors for favors relationship you could not promise access to some random 21:13 person with 700,000 followers who has got an opinion on Syrian gas and so this 21:19 induced and this was not a problem for the initial period of social media from 2006 to 2014 because there were never 21:27 dissonant groups that were big enough to be able to have a mature enough ecosystem on their own and all the 21:34 victories on social media had gone uh in the way of the where the money was which was from the state department and 21:40 the defense department and the intelligence services but then as that maturity happened you now had this this 21:46 situation after the 2016 election where they said OKAY now the entire international order might come undone 70 21:54 years of unified foreign policy from Truman until Trump are now about to be broken and we need the same analog 22:03 Control Systems we had to be able to put bumper cars on bad stories or bad political movements through Legacy Media 22:10 relationships and contacts we now need to establish and consolidate within the social media companies and the initial 22:17 predicate for that was Russia gate but then after Russia gate died and they used a simple democracy promotion 22:22 predicate then it gave rise to this multi-billion-dollar censorship industry that joins together the 22:29 military-industrial complex the government the private sector the Civil Society organizations and then this vast 22:36 cobweb of media allies and professional fact cheer groups that that serve as this sort of Sentinel class 22:42 that surveys every word on the internet so can you give us and thank 22:49 you again for this almost unbelievable explanation of why this is happening can you give us an example of how it happens 22:57 how just and just pick one among I know countless examples of how the National Security State lies to the population 23:06 censors the truth um in real life yeah so you know we have this state 23:11 department outfit called the global engagement Center which was created by a guy named Rick Spangle who described 23:17 himself as Obama's propagandist and chief he was the undersecretary for public affairs which is essentially the 23:24 Rel which is the liaison office role between the state department and the 23:29 mainstream media so this is basically the exact Nexus where government talking points about war or about diplomacy or 23:36 statecraft get synchronized with mainstream media may I add something to that is someone I know Rick Spangle he 23:43 was at one point a journalist um and Rick Spangle has made public arguments against the First Amendment and against 23:49 free speech and some on it and he published an opad in 2019 he wrote a whole book on it and he you know he made 23:56 the argument that that we just you know went over here that essentially uh the fir the Constitution 24:03 was not prepared for the internet and uh we need to get rid of the First Amendment uh accordingly and you know he 24:10 described himself as a free speech absolutist when he was the managing editor of Time Magazine and even when he 24:16 was in the state department under Obama uh he started something called the global engagement Center which was the 24:22 first government censorship uh operation within the federal government but it was 24:28 fore in facing so it was okay now at the time they used the uh the Homegrown Isis 24:34 predicate threat for this and so it was very hard to argue against the idea of the state department uh having this 24:41 formal coordination partnership with every major Tech platform uh in the US 24:46 because the you know at the time there were these Isis attacks that were and we were told that Isis was recruiting on 24:53 Twitter and Facebook and so the global engagement Center was established essentially to be a state department um 25:00 entanglement with the social media companies to basically put bumper cars on their ability to uh to platform 25:06 accounts and to and one of the things they did is they created a new 25:11 technology which is it's called natural language processing it is an artificial 25:17 intelligence machine learning uh ability to create meaning out of words in order 25:23 to map everything that everyone says on the internet and create this vast topography of how communities 25:30 are organized online who the major influences are what they are talking about what narratives are emerging or 25:36 trending and to be able to create this sort of network graph uh to know who to Target and uh and how 25:43 information moves through an ecosystem and so they began plotting the language you the prefixes the suffixes the 25:49 popular terms the slogans that Isis uh folks were talking about on Twitter when 25:55 when Trump won the election in 2016 um uh everyone who worked at the state 26:01 department uh was expecting these promotions to the White House National Security Council under Hillary 26:07 Clinton who I should remind uh viewers you know was also Secretary of State under Obama ran the state 26:13 department but these folks were all expecting promotions on November 18th November 8th 2016 and were 26:20 unceremoniously uh put out of jobs by a guy who was a 20 to1 Underdog according to the New York Times the day of the 26:26 election and when that happened these State Department folks took their special set of skills coercing 26:33 governments uh to C to for sanctions the state department led the uh the effort 26:39 to sanction Russia over the Crimea annexation in 2014 these State 26:44 Department diplomats did an international road show to pressure European governments to pass censorship 26:50 laws to censor the right-wing populist groups in Europe and as a boomerang 26:55 impact to censor populist groups who were Affiliated in the US so you had folks who went 27:02 from the state department directly for example to the Atlantic Council which was which was this major facilitator uh 27:09 between the government uh between government-to-government censorship the Atlantic council is a group that is one 27:15 of Biden's biggest political backers, they uh they build themselves as NATO's think tank so they represent the 27:22 political census of NATO and in many respects when NATO has uh Civil 27:28 Society actions that they want to be coordinated to synchronize with military action a region the Atlantic 27:34 Council essentially is deployed to consensus build and make that political action happen within a region of 27:40 interest to NATO now the Atlantic Council has seven CIA directors on its board a lot of people do not even know 27:46 that seven CIA directors are still alive Lo alone all concentrated on the board of a single organization that's 27:52 kind of the heavyweight in the censorship industry they get annual funding from the Department of Defense the state department and CIA cutouts 27:59 like the National Endowment for democracy the Atlanta Council in January 2017 moved immediately to pressure 28:05 European governments to pass censorship laws to create a transatlantic flank ATT tank on Free Speech in exactly the way 28:12 that Rick Spangle essentially called for to have us mimic European censorship laws one of the ways they did this was 28:20 by getting Germany to pass something called Nets DG in August 2017 which was which was essentially kicked off 28:26 the era of uh of automated censorship in the US what net GG required was unless 28:34 social media platforms wanted to pay a $54 million fine for each instance of speech each post left up on their 28:41 platform for more than 48 hours that had been identified as hate speech um they would they would be fined basically into 28:48 bankruptcy when you aggregate 54 million over tens of thousands of posts per day and the safe haven around that was 28:56 if they deployed artificial intelligence-based censorship Technologies which had been again 29:01 created by DARPA to take on Isis to be able to scan and ban speech 29:07 automatically and this was this gave you know I call these weapons of mass deletion these are essentially the 29:12 ability to censor tens of millions of posts with just a few lines of code and 29:18 the way this is done is by aggregating basically the field of 29:23 censorship science fuses together two disparate groups of studs if you will there is the sort of political and social 29:30 scientists who are the sort of thought leaders of what should be censored and then there are the sort of quants if you 29:36 will these be the programmers the computational data scientists computational Linguistics every 29:41 University there is over 60 universities now who get federal government grants to do this censorship uh the censorship 29:48 work and the censorship preparation work where what they do is they create these code books of the language that people use the same way they did for Isis they 29:55 did this for example with covid they created these covid lexicons of what dissident groups were saying about 30:01 mandates about masks about vaccines about high-profile individuals like Tony Fauci or um or 30:09 uh Peter Dashiki or any of these others protected VIP individuals whose reputations had to be protected online 30:16 and they created these code books they broke things down into narratives the Atlanta Council for example was a part 30:21 of this this government funded Consortium something called the virality project which mapped 66 different 30:28 narratives that dissidents were talking about around covid everything from Co Origins to vaccine efficacy and then 30:35 they broke the down these 66 claims into all the different factual sub claims and then they plugged these into these 30:42 essentially machine learning models to be able to have a constant World heat map of what everybody was saying about 30:49 covid and whenever something started Trend that was bad for what the Pentagon wanted or was bad for what Tony Fauci 30:55 wanted they were able to take down tens of millions of posts they did this in the 2020 election with mail and ballots 31:01 it was the same ask I am sorry I just got to have there is so much here and it is so shocking so you are saying the 31:09 Pentagon our Pentagon the US Department of Defense censored Americans during the 31:16 2020 election cycle yes, they did this they oh they did this through the so 31:23 there are the two most censored events in human history I would argue to date are the 2020 election and the covid-19 31:32 pandemic and I'll explain you know how I aired there so the 2020 31:38 election was determined by mail and ballots and I am not weighing into the substance of whether mail and ballots 31:43 were or were not a legitimate or safe and reliable form of voting that's a completely independent topic from my 31:51 perspective than the censorship issue one but the censorship of mail and ballots is really one of the most 31:57 extraordinary stories in our American history I would argue what happened was 32:02 is you had this plot within the Department of Homeland Security Now this gets back to what we were talking about 32:08 with the state Department's Global engagement Center, you had this group within the Atlanta Council and the foreign policy establishment which began 32:15 arguing in 2017 for the need for a permanent domestic censorship government office to serve as a quarterback for 32:23 what they called a whole of society counter misinformation counter disinformation Alliance that just means 32:29 censorship the counter Mis or disinformation but the whole their whole society model explicitly proposed that that we need 32:36 every single asset within Society to be mobilized in a whole of society effort 32:42 to stop misinformation online it was that much of an existential threat to democracy and so it but they 32:49 fixated in 2017 that it had to be centered within the government because only the government would have the clout 32:55 and the coercive threat powers and the and the perceived authority to be able to tell the social media companies what 33:02 to do to be able to summon an NG a government funded NGO swarm to create that media surround sound to be able to 33:09 arm a tin you knows an AstroTurf army of fact Checkers and to be able to liaison and connect all these different 33:16 censorship industry actors into a cohesive unified hole and the Atlanta Council initially proposed with this 33:22 blueprint called forward defense it is not offense it is forward defense guys they Al proposed that running this out 33:28 of the state Department's Global engagement Center because they had so many assets there who were so effective at censorship under Rick Spangle Steed 33:36 under the Obama Administration but they said oh we are not going be able to get away with that because we do not really have a national security 33:41 predicate and it is supposed to be foreign facing we cannot really use that hook unless we have a sort of National Security one then they contemplated 33:48 parking at the CIA and they said Well there is two reasons we cannot do that CIA is foreign facing we 33:54 cannot really establish a Counter Intelligence threat to bring it home domestically also we are going to need essentially tens of thousands of people 33:59 involved in this operation spanning this whole society model you cannot really run a clandestine operation that way so they 34:06 said OKAY well what about the FBI they said Well the FBI would be great it is domestic but the problem is the FBI is 34:11 supposed to be the intelligence arm of the justice department and we and what we are dealing with here are not acts of 34:18 lawbreaking it is basically support for Trump or if you know if a leftwing populist had risen to power Like Bernie 34:24 Sanders or Jeremy Corbin I have no doubt they would have done in in the UK they would have done the same thing to him there they targeted Jerry Jeremy Corbin 34:30 and other leftwing populist Natok skeptical groups in Europe but in the US, it was it was all Trump and so 34:37 essentially what they said is well the only other domestic intelligence Equity we have in the US besides the FBI is the 34:43 DHS so we are going to essentially take the CIA’s power to rig and bribe foreign 34:49 media organizations which is a power they have had since the day they were born in 1947 and we are going to combine that 34:56 with the power with the domestic jurisdiction of the FBI by putting it at DHS so DHS was basically deputized it 35:05 was empowered through this obscure little cyber security uh agency to have the combined powers that the CIA has 35:12 abroad with the jurisdiction of the FBI at home and the way they did this how did a cyber an obscure little cyber 35:18 security uh agency get this power was they did a funny little series of 35:24 switchers so this little thing called sisa they did not call the disinformation governance board they did not call it the 35:30 censorship agency they gave it an obscure little name that no one would notice called the cyber security and 35:35 infrastructure Security Agency who his founder said we just security we care about security so much it is in our name 35:41 twice you know everybody sort of closed their eyes and pretended you know that is what it was but it was created by 35:46 AC of Congress in 2018 because of the perceived threat that Russia had hacked 35:52 the 2016 election had physically hacked it and so we had need we needed the cyber security power uh to be able to 36:00 be able to deal with that and essentially on the heels of a CIA memo on January 6 2017 and a same day DHS 36:07 executive order on January 6 2017 arguing that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election and a DHS mandate 36:14 saying that elections are now critical infrastructure you had this new power within DHS to say that cyber security 36:21 attacks on elections are now our purview and then they did two cute things 36:27 one they said Cy they said Mis dis and Mal information online are a form of 36:35 cyber security attack they are a Cyber-attack because they are happening online 36:40 and they said Well actually Russian disinformation is we are protecting democracy in elections we 36:47 do not need a Russian predicate after Russia gate died so just like that you had this cyber security agency be able 36:54 to legally make the argument that you your tweets about mail and ballots if you undermine public faith and 37:00 confidence in them as a legitimate form of voting was now you were now conducting a Cyber-attack on us critical 37:07 infrastructure by articulating misinformation on Twitter and just like 37:12 that now what they did then is they in other words complaining about election fraud 37:18 is the same as taking down our power grid yes you could literally be on your toilet seat at 9:30 on a Thursday 37:26 night and tweet I think that mail and ballots are illegitimate and you were 37:31 essentially then caught up in the crosshairs of the Department of Homeland Security classifying you as conducting a 37:38 Cyber-attack on us critical infrastructure because you were doing misinformation online in the Cyber realm 37:45 and misinformation is a Cyber-attack on Democracy when it undermines public faith and confidence in our 37:53 Democratic elections and our Democratic institutions they would end up going far beyond that they would define democratic institutions 38:00 uh as being another thing that was a cyber security attack to uh to undermine and lo and behold the mainstream media 38:06 is considered a democratic institution that would come later what ended up happening was in the advance of the 2020 38:12 election and starting in April of 2020 although this goes back before you had this essentially never Trump neocon 38:19 Republican DHS working with essentially NATO on the National Security side and 38:26 they and essentially the DNC if you will uh to use DHS as the launching point 38:32 for a government coordinated Mass censorship campaign spanning every 38:38 single social media platform on Earth to pre- censor the ability to 38:44 dispute the legitimacy of mail and ballots and here is how they did this they aggregated four different 38:50 institutions uh Stanford University the University of Washington a company called graa and the Atlanta Council now 38:58 all four of these institutions the centers within them were essentially Pentagon cutouts you had uh 39:05 you had at the Stanford AET Observatory it was run by Michael McFall if you know Michael McFall, he was the US 39:12 ambassador to Russia under the uh under the um Obama administration and he 39:18 personally authored A 7ep playbook for how to successfully orchestrate a color 39:23 Revolution that is and part of that involved have maintaining total control over media and social media juicing up 39:30 the Civil Society outfits uh calling elections IL legitimate in order mind 39:36 you all these people were professional Russia Gators and professional election delegitimizes in 2016 and then I will get to that in a sec 39:43 so, Stanford University of the nominally the Stanford Aon Observatory under Michael M McFall was run by Alex 39:50 Stamos who was formerly a Facebook executive who coordinated with odni and the 39:56 with respect to uh Russia gate you know taking down Russian propaganda at 40:02 Facebook so this is another uh liaison essentially to the National Security State and under Alex Damos at Sanford 40:09 Observatory was Renee Desta who started her career in the CIA and wrote the Senate intelligence committee report on 40:16 Russian disinformation and there are a lot more there that I will leave I will get to another time but the next 40:21 institution was the University of Washington which is essentially the Bill Gates University in Seattle who is headed 40:28 by Kate Starbow who uh is basically three generations of military brass who 40:33 got our PhD in crisis informatics essentially doing U you know social media surveillance for the Pentagon and 40:40 getting you know DARPA funding and and working essentially with the National Security State then repurposed 40:46 to take on mail and ballots the third firm Graphica got $7 million in Pentagon grants uh and got their start as 40:54 part of the pentagon's manure initiative the manure initiative is the psychological warfare research center of 41:00 the Pentagon they this group was doing social media spying and 41:06 narrative mapping for the Pentagon until the 2016 election happened and then were repurposed into a partnership with 41:13 the Department of Homeland Security to censor you know 22 million Trump tweets uh pro-Trump tweets about mail and 41:19 ballots and then the fourth institution as I mentioned was the Atlantic Council who has got seven CIA directors on the board so one after another 41:26 it is exactly what Ben Rhys described during the Obama era as the blob the 41:31 foreign policy establishment it is e the it is the defense department the state department or the CIA every single 41:38 time and of course this was because they were they were threatened by Trump's foreign policy and so while much 41:45 of the censorship looks like it is coming domestically it is by our foreign facing Department of dirty 41:50 tricks color Revolution blob who are professional government Toppers who were then basically descended on the 2020 41:57 election now they did this the they explicitly said the head of this election Integrity partnership on tape 42:04 and my Foundation clipped them and it's been played before Congress and it's in you know a part of the Missouri 42:10 V Biden lawsuit now but they explicitly said on tape that they were set up to do 42:16 what the government was banned from doing itself and then they articulated a multi-step framework to coers 42:23 all the tech companies to take censorship AC they said on tape the tech companies would not have done but for 42:29 their pressure which involved using threats of government Force because they were the deputized arm of the government 42:35 they had a formal partnership with the DHS they were able to use DHS 's proprietary domestic disinformation 42:41 switchboard to immediately talk to top brass at all the tech companies for takedowns and they bragged on tape about 42:47 how they got the tech companies to all systematically adopt a new terms of service speech violation ban called 42:54 delegitimization which meant any tweet any YouTube video any Facebook post any 42:59 Tik Tok video any Discord posts any twitch video anything on the internet 43:05 that that uh undermined public faith and confidence in the use of mail and ballots or early voting drop boxes or 43:14 or ballot tabulation issues on Election Day was a prim of fascia uh terms of 43:19 service violation policy under this new delegitimization policy that they only adopted because of pass through govern 43:26 pressure from the election Integrity partnership which they bragged about on tape including the grid that they used 43:31 to do this and simultaneously invoking threats of government breaking them up or government stopping doing 43:37 favors for the tech companies unless they did this as well as inducing crisis PR by working with their media allies 43:43 and they said the government DHS could not do that themselves and so they set up this this basically constellation of State 43:50 Department Pentagon uh and IC networks to run this preens censorship 43:56 Campaign which by their own math had 22 million tweets on Twitter alone and REM you that they just on 15 platforms this 44:03 are hundreds of millions of posts which were all scanned and banned or throttled 44:08 so that they could not be Amplified or they existed in a sort of limited State Purgatory or had these frictions fixed 44:14 to them in the form of factchecking labels where you could not actually click through the thing or you had to it was it was an inconvenience to be able to 44:20 share it now they did this s months before the election because at the time they were worried about the 44:26 perceived legitimacy of a Biden victory in the case of a so-called red Mirage 44:31 blue shift event they knew the only way that Biden would be able to was would win mathematically uh was through 44:38 the disproportionate Democrat use of mail and ballots they knew there would be a crisis because it was going to look 44:43 extremely weird if Trump looked like he won by seven states in no you know uh 44:49 and then 3 days later it comes out the election switch I mean that that would put the election crisis of 44:55 the Bush Gore election uh on a level of steroids that the National Security State said Well the public will not 45:02 be prepared for so what we need to do is we need to in advance we need to pre-censorship 45:25 do look very bad uh you know and especially when you combine this with the fact that this is 45:31 right on the heels of the impeachment the Pentagon LED CIA LED impeachment you 45:38 know it was uh Eric Sarala from the CIA and it was the vermin from the Pentagon 45:43 uh who led the impeachment of trump in late 2019 over uh you know an alleged 45:49 phone call around withholding Ukraine Aid this same network which came 45:54 straight out of the Pentagon uh hybrid Warfare network uh military censorship 46:00 Network created after the first you know Ukraine crisis in 2014 were the lead 46:06 architects of the uh Ukraine impeachment in 2019 and then essentially came back on steroids as part of the 2020 election 46:14 censorship operation but you know from their perspective I mean it certainly 46:19 looks like the perfect crime these were the people DHS at the time had actually 46:24 federalized much of the national election INF uh um uh Administration 46:29 through this January 6 2017 uh executive order from outgoing 46:35 Obama um DHS head Jed Johnson uh which essentially wrapped all 50 states up 46:41 into a formal DHS partnership so DHS was simultaneously in charge of the administration of the election in many 46:46 respects and the censorship of anyone who challenged the administration of the election uh this 46:53 is like you know putting essentially the defendant uh of a trial uh as the judge 46:59 and jury of the trial it was but you are not describing democracy I mean you are describing a country in which democracy 47:05 is impossible what I am essentially describing is military rule I mean this is I mean what has happened with the rise 47:11 of the censorship industry is a total inversion of the idea of democracy itself you know de democracy sort of 47:18 draws its legitimacy from the idea that it is uh ruled by consent of the people 47:25 of the people being ruled that is it is not really being ruled by an Overlord because the government is just 47:30 our will expressed by our consent with who we vote for um the whole push after 47:36 the 2016 election and after Brexit and after a couple of other you know social media run elections that went the wrong 47:43 way from what the state department wanted like the 2016 Philippines election uh was to completely invert 47:50 everything that we described as being the underpinnings of a Democratic Society in order deal with a threat of 47:56 free speech on the internet and what they essentially said is we need to redefine democracy from being about the 48:02 will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions and who are the in the Democratic 48:08 institutions oh it is us you know it's the military it's NATO it's the IMF and the World Bank it's uh it's 48:15 the mainstream media uh who it is the Nos and oh the of course these NOS are 48:21 largely State Department funded or IC funded it is essentially all the Elite 48:27 establishments uh that were under threat from domestic the rise of domestic populism that declared their own 48:34 consensus to be the new definition of democracy because if you define democracy as being the strength of 48:39 democratic institutions rather than a focus on the will of the voters then what you are left with is essentially 48:47 democracy is just the consensus Building architecture within the within the Democratic institutions themselves and 48:53 from their perspective that takes a lot of work I mean I mean the amount of work these people do I mean for example we 49:00 mentioned the Atlantic Council which is one of these big coordinating mechanisms for the oil and gas industry in a region 49:07 for the for the finance and the JP Morgans and the black rocks in a region for the NOS in the region for the 49:13 media in the region all these need to reach a consensus and that process takes a lot of time it takes a lot of work and 49:19 a lot of negotiation from their perspective that's democracy is getting the NOS to agree with black 49:25 to agree with the with the Wall Street Journal you know to agree with uh you the community and activist 49:32 groups who are on boarded with respect to a particular initiative that is the difficult vote building process from 49:38 their perspective if at the end of the day a bunch of you know populist groups decide that they like a truck driver 49:45 who is popular on Tik Tok more than the you know carefully constructed consensus 49:50 of the NATO military brass well then from their perspective you know that is now an attack on democracy and this is 49:58 what this whole branding effort was and of course democracy again has that magic regime change predicate where democracy 50:05 is is our magic watch word to be able to overthrow governments from the ground up in a sort of color Revolution style 50:12 whole of society effort to topple a democratically elected government from the inside for example as we did in 50:19 Ukraine Victor Yanukovych was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people like him or hate him how I'm 50:25 not even issuing an opinion there but the fact is we color Revolution him out of office 50:30 we January 6th him out of office to be frank I mean with respect to the you had you know a state 50:36 department funded right sector Thugs and you know 5-billion-dollar worth of Civil 50:41 Society money pumped into this to overthrow a democratically elected government in the name of democracy and 50:46 they took that special set of skills home and now it is here perhaps 50:53 potentially to stay and this is fundamentally changed the nature of American 50:58 governance because of the threat of you know One Small Voice becoming popular on social media May me ask a question so 51:05 into that that group of Institutions that you say Now define democracy the 51:12 NGS um foreign policy establishment Etc. you included the mainstream media 51:18 now in 20121 the NSA broke into my private text apps and read them and then 51:26 leak them to the New York Times against me that just happened again to me last week um and I am wondering how common 51:34 that is for the Intel agencies to work with so-called mainstream media like the 51:39 New York Times to hurt their opponents well that is the function of these 51:46 interstitial government-funded non-governmental organizations and think tanks like for example we mentioned the 51:52 Atlantic Council which is you know NATO's think tank but other groups like the Aspen Institute which draws the line 51:57 share of its funding from the state department and other government agencies you know the Aspen Institute was busted 52:02 doing this same thing with the hunter Biden laptop censorship you know you had this strange situation where the FBI had 52:09 Advanced knowledge of the pending publication of the hunter Biden laptop story and then magically the Aspen 52:16 Institute which is run by essentially former CIA former NSA former FBI and 52:23 then a bunch of sorts of Civil Society Organizations uh all hold a mass 52:29 uh stakeholder simulation censorship simulation a 3-day uh conference you 52:34 know this came out and Yol Roth was there this was a big part of the Twitter file leaks and it has been mentioned in 52:40 multiple Congressional investigations but somehow the Aspen Institute uh which 52:45 is basically an addendum of the National Security State uh got the exact same 52:52 information that the National Security State spied on journalists and political 52:58 figures to obtain and not only leaked it but then basically did a joint coordinated censorship simulator in SE 53:05 in September two months before the election in order just like with the censorship of mail and ballots to be in 53:12 ready position to pre- censor anyone online amplifying a news story that had 53:18 not even broken yet the Aspen Institute so I mean which is by the way I am spent 53:23 my life in Washington it is kind of a I mean Walter Isaacson former Le of Time Magazine ran it for former president of 53:30 CNN um I had no idea it was part of the National Security State I had no idea its funding came from the US government 53:36 you are this is the first time I have ever heard that but given assuming what you are saying is true it is a little 53:41 weird that Walter Isaacson left asps to write a biography of Elon Musk 53:47 strange or no yeah, I am you know I do not know I I've I have not read that book I 53:54 from what I have heard from people it is a relatively fair treatment I you just total speculation but I suspect 54:01 that Walter Isaacson has struggled with this issue and may not even firmly fall in one place uh in the sense 54:08 that you know Walter Eisen son did a series of interviews of Rick Spangle uh 54:13 with the Atlantic Council and in in other settings uh where he interviewed Rick Spangle specifically on 54:19 the issue of uh of you know the need to get rid of the First Amendment and 54:25 the threat that free speech on social media poses to democracy now at the time I was very concerned this was between 54:31 2017 and 2019 when he did these Rick Spangle interviews, I was very concerned because Isaacson expressed what seemed 54:38 to me to be a highly sympathetic uh view about the Rick Spangle you know 54:43 perspective on killing the First Amendment now he did not formally endorse that position but it left me very 54:49 skittish about Isaac and but what I should say is at the time I do not think 54:54 very many people in fact I know virtually nobody in the country um uh 55:00 had any idea how deep the rabbit hole went when it came to the construction of the censorship industry and the 55:07 the How deep the tentacles had grown within the military and the National Security State to buoy and 55:13 consolidate it much of that frankly did not even come to public light until uh 55:18 until even last year you frankly some of that was galvanized by Elon Musk's acquisition in the Twitter files and the 55:24 Republican turnover in the house that allowed these multiple investigations uh the lawsuits like Missouri V Biden the 55:30 discovery process there uh and you know multiple other things like the disinformation governance board who by 55:36 the way the interim head of that you the head of that Nina Janowitz got her start uh in the censorship industry from 55:42 this exact same um clandestine intelligence Community censorship Network created after the 2014 Crimea 55:50 situation Nina Janowitz when her name came up in 2022 as part of 55:55 disinformation governance board I almost fell out of my chair because I had been tracking Nina's Network for almost 5 56:02 years at that point when her when her name came up as part of the UK inner cluster cell of a busted clandestine 56:10 operation to sensor the internet called the Integrity initiative which was created by the UK foreign office and was 56:17 backed by NATO's political Affairs uh unit to carry out this 56:23 thing that we talked about at the beginning of this of this dialogue the NATO uh sort of psychological 56:29 inoculation uh and uh the ability to kill so-called Russian propaganda or 56:35 Rising political groups who wanted uh to maintain energy relations with Russia at 56:40 a time when the US was trying to kill the Nord stream and other and other uh pipeline relations well, they did that 56:46 Marine Leen Andina Janet was a part of this this outfit and then who is the who is the 56:52 head of it after Nina Janowitz went down it was Michael cherto and Michael cherto was running the Aspen Institute cyber group and then this and 57:00 the Aspen Institute then goes on to be the censorship Simulator for the hunter Biden laptop story and then two years 57:05 later Jer off is then the head of the disinformation governance board after Nina is forced to step down yeah, a close 57:11 friends of course Michael cherto was the chairman at Bay sorry Sor of course Michael chof was the chairman of the 57:18 yeah, the largest military contractor in Europe uh Bae uh military 57:24 so you've blown my mind so many times in this conversation that I'm going to need a nap directly after it's done so 57:31 I have just got two more two more questions for you one short one a little longer short one is for people who've 57:36 made it this far an hour in and want to know more about this topic and by the way I hope you will come back whenever 57:42 you have the time um to explore different threads of the story but for people who want to do research on them 57:48 own how can your research on this um be found on the internet sure so our 57:55 foundation is foundation for freedom online.com uh we publish all manner 58:00 of reports on every aspect of the censorship industry from what we talked about with the role of the 58:06 military-industrial complex in the National Security State to what the universities are doing to you know I 58:12 sometimes refer to as digital MK Ultra there is just the field of basically the science of censorship and how and 58:18 the funding of these psychological manipulation methods to nudge people into different belief systems as 58:24 they did with covid as they did with energy and every sensitive policy issue is what they essentially had an 58:31 ambition for but so my foundation for Freedom online.com website is one way the other way is just on X uh my 58:38 handle is Mike Ben cyber I am very active there and uh publish a lot of long form 58:43 video and written content on all this I think it is one of the most important issues in the world today so it 58:48 certainly, is and so that leads directly and seamlessly to my final question um 58:54 which is about X and I am not just saying this because I post content there but I think objectively it is the last big 59:00 platform that's free or sort of free or freer you post there too um but you 59:06 know we are at the very beginning of an election year with a couple of different Wars unfolding 59:12 simultaneously uh in in 2024 so do you expect that that PL platform can stay 59:18 free for the duration of this year it is under an extraordinary an extraordinary amount of pressure and that pressure is 59:24 going to continue to mount as the election approaches um Elon Musk is a 59:29 unique individual and he has a unique buffer perhaps when it comes to 59:34 the National Security State because the National Security State is quite reliant on um on Elon Musk 59:42 properties whether that's for the uh the electrical you know the sort of the Green Revolution when it comes to Tesla 59:49 and uh and the Battery Technology there when it comes when it comes to SpaceX uh the state department is 59:54 hugely dependent on SpaceX uh because of its unbelievable uh sort of 1:00:02 pioneering and saturating presence in the field of low earth orbit satellites 1:00:07 that uh are basically how our Telecom you know system runs to things like star link there are dependencies 1:00:13 that the National Security state has on Elon Musk I am not sure he would have as much room to negotiate if he had become the 1:00:20 world's richest man selling you know at a lemonade stand uh so there's 1:00:25 and if the National Security State goes too hard on him by invoking something like cifas to sort of 1:00:31 nationalize some of these properties I think the shock wave that it would send to the international investor Community would be irrecoverable at a time when 1:00:37 we are engaged in great power competition uh so they are trying to kill you know they are trying to sort of induce a I 1:00:43 think a sort of corporate regime change through uh a series of things involving a sort of death by a th000 paper cuts I 1:00:50 think there are seven or eight different um justice department or SEC or FTC 1:00:55 investigations into Elon Musk properties that all started um after his acquisition of X but then what 1:01:02 they are trying to do right now is what I call the transatlantic flank attack 2.0 you know we talked in this in this 1:01:08 dialogue about how the censorship industry really got its start when a bunch of State Department Exiles uh who 1:01:14 we are expecting promotions took their special set of skills in coercing European countries to pass uh sanctions 1:01:20 on themselves to cut off their own leg to spite themselves uh to pass sanctions on Russia they ran back that 1:01:27 same Playbook with doing a road show for censorship instead for sanctions we are now witnessing you know transatlantic 1:01:34 flank attack 2.0 if you will which is because they have lost a lot of their federal government leg uh powers to do 1:01:40 this same censorship operation they had been doing from 2018 to 2022 in part because the house has totally turned 1:01:47 on them in part because of the media and part because Missouri V Biden which won a slam dunk case actually Banning 1:01:53 government censorship at the trial court and Appel Court levels is now between the uh before The Supreme Court they've 1:01:59 now moved into two strategies one of them is state level uh censorship 1:02:05 laws California just passed a new law which the censorship industry totally drove from start to finish around 1:02:11 require they call it transform plat you know platform accountability and transparency which is basically forcing 1:02:18 you know Elon Musk to give over the kind of narrative mapping data that these 1:02:24 conduits and Pentagon cutouts were using to create these weapons of mass deal and these abilities to just censor 1:02:30 everything at scale because they had all the internal platform data Elon Musk took that away they are using state laws 1:02:35 like this new California law to crack that open but the major threat right now is the threat from Europe uh with 1:02:41 with you know something called the uh the EU Digital Services act which was cooked up in tandem with folks like 1:02:49 news guard which is run by you know which has a board of Michael Hayden head of the CIA NSA for four-star General Rick 1:02:55 Spangle is on that board uh you know from the state Department's propaganda office Tom Ridge is on that 1:03:00 board from the from the Department of Homeland Security oh and Anders fog rasm is on that board uh he was the uh 1:03:06 General Secretary of NATO under the Obama Administration so you have NATO the CIA the NSA four-star General DHS and 1:03:12 the state department working with the EU to craft the censorship laws that now 1:03:18 are the largest existential threat to X other than potentially ex Advertiser boycotts because there is now 1:03:24 disinformation is now banned as a matter of law in in in the EU and the EU is a bigger market for X than the US there's 1:03:31 only 300 million some people in the US there is 450 million in Europe X is now forced to comply with this brand-new law 1:03:38 that just got ratified this year uh where they either need to Forfeit 6% of their Global annual revenue to the EU to 1:03:45 maintain operations there or put in place essentially the kind of you know 1:03:50 CIA bumper cars if you will that I have been describing over the course of this to have an internal mechanism to 1:03:57 censor anything that the EU which is just a proxy for NATO uh deems to be 1:04:02 disinformation and you can bet with 65 elections around the around the globe this year um you can you can predict 1:04:08 every single time what they are going to Define disinformation as so that is the main the main fight right now is dealing with the transatlantic flank 1:04:15 attack from Europe I have said this five times but that is just one of the most remarkable stories I have ever heard and 1:04:20 I am grateful to you for bringing it to us Mike Ben's executive director of the foundation for freedom online and I hope 1:04:27 we see you again thanks 1:04:33 Tucker free speech is bigger than any one person or any one organization societies are defined by what they will 1:04:39 not permit what we are watching is the total inversion of virtue My comment: The bourgeois democracy in the West is doomed to fail because the bourgeois Establishment is so corrupt deep into its body and soul that only the proletarian revolution can rescue its remnants by totally setting itself free for criticism again. [Mark Wain 2/16/2024 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ] 汉语翻译 关于政府大规模审查运动您需要了解的一切——美国民主往何处去? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRYSKaS-XtQ&t=0s 塔克·卡尔森 155 万订阅者 2024 年 2 月 16 日 罗莎·卢森堡(Rosa Luxemburg)在jpg附件中的语录:“没有社会主义就没有民主,没有民主就不会有社会主义。” 大纲 实行国家安全的国家——美国是审查和选举干预的主要驱动力。 “我所描述的是军事统治,”迈克·本茨(Mike Benz)说。 “这是民主的倒置。” 对话副本 0:00 美国的决定性事实是言论自由,只要这个国家是例外的 0:06 因为我们有《权利法案第一修正案》,我们有良心自由,我们可以说出我们真正想说的话 0:12 认为仇恨言论没有例外,仅仅因为你讨厌别人认为你无法强迫的事情 0:18 那个人要保持安静,因为我们是公民而不是奴隶,但我们有权利 0:23 使这个国家成为所有其他权利流动的基本权利 0:30 面对审查制度的高速现在现代审查制度没有相似之处 0:35 以前的国家和以前的时代的审查制度 0:40 审查制度因打击虚假信息和恶意行为而受到影响 0:46 信息,了解这些信息的关键是它们无处不在并且 0:51 当然他们根本不关心你所说的是真是假 0:57 换句话说,你可以说一些与你自己的良心不符、与以前的事实不符的话。 1:04 你有绝对的权利说这些话,但因为有人不喜欢它们,或者因为 1:09 他们不利于当权者的任何计划,他们可以被谴责为 1:15 虚假信息,您可能会被剥夺亲自或在线表达这些信息的权利 1:21 这些事情可能会成为犯罪行为,并且重要的是要知道这不仅仅是私人行为 1:27 这样做的部门这些努力是由美国政府指导的,你至少要为此付费 1:32 理论上拥有,这是你的政府,但他们正在以非常高的速度剥夺你的权利,大多数人都明白 1:39 这是直观的,但他们不知道它是如何发生的 审查制度是如何发生的 其机制是什么 迈克·本茨 1:47 我们可以有信心地说世界上的专家知道这是如何发生的 1:53 迈克·本茨 (Mike Benz) 曾在国务院负责网络事务,现在担任自由基金会的执行董事 1:59 在线,我们将与他就一种非常具体的审查制度进行对话,顺便说一下,如果 2:05 你想知道这是怎么发生的 迈克·本茨 (Mike Benz) 是值得一读的人,但今天我们只是 2:12 想谈谈一种特定的审查制度以及源自我们传说中的军工联合体的审查制度 2:19 华盛顿外交政策机构中的国防工业现在意义重大,因为我们正处于 2:24 全球战争的风口浪尖,所以你可以预期审查制度会急剧增加,因此这里是 2:30 迈克·本茨 (Mike Benz) 在线自由基金会执行董事 迈克非常感谢您加入我们,我和 2:36 我无法向我们的听众夸大你们在这个主题上的知识是多么详尽和全面。 2:42 这几乎令人难以置信,所以如果你能告诉我们如何 2:47 外交政策制定和国防承包商和国防部以及 2:52 整个集群与国防相关的公共资助机构从我们手中被剥夺了 2:58 言论自由 当然你知道开始故事的最简单的方法之一就是讲故事 3:05 互联网自由,它从互联网自由转向互联网审查,因为互联网上的言论自由是 3:12 几乎从互联网私有化一开始就成为一种治国手段 3:17 1991 呃通过国防部的呃努力我们很快就发现了 3:24 人们通过互联网聚集的国务院和我们的情报部门 3:30 博客、论坛和言论自由比任何人都受到了更多的支持 3:35 五角大楼、国务院和我们那种中央情报局剪裁的非政府组织 blob 架构 3:43 支持世界各地的持不同政见团体,帮助他们推翻独裁政府 3:50 他们本质上是建立在允许互联网自由言论的基础上的 3:55 Insta政权更迭行动的一种,能够为外国提供便利 4:01 政策制定的国务院议程 谷歌就是一个很好的例子 谷歌最初是 DARPA 资助的呃 4:10 拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布伦在斯坦福大学攻读博士学位时,他们得到了 4:16 他们的资金是中央情报局和国家安全局联合计划的一部分,旨在绘制鸟类如何引用 4:22 通过搜索引擎聚合在网上聚集在一起,然后一年后他们推出了谷歌,然后 4:29 很快就成为那里的军事承包商他们通过购买中央情报局卫星软件获得谷歌地图后 4:35 本质上呃以及追踪在互联网上使用言论自由的能力 4:42 在中亚等地规避国家对媒体控制的方法 4:48 或者世界各地都被认为能够做以前做的事情 4:54 在中央情报局驻地或大使馆或领事馆中以完全涡轮增压的方式完成 5:03 所有的互联网言论自由技术最初都是由我们的国家安全国家 VPN 虚拟创建的 5:09 私人网络,隐藏您的 IP 地址 游览暗网,以便能够匿名购买和跟踪呃销售商品 5:17 端到端加密聊天所有这些最初都是作为 DARPA 项目或 CIA NSA 联合项目创建的 5:24 能够帮助情报支持的团体推翻政府 5:30 给克林顿政府、布什政府或奥巴马政府带来了问题,这个计划奏效了 5:37 神奇的是,从大约 1991 年到大约 2014 年,呃,当时开始有一个关于 5:44 面对互联网自由及其实用性,这种互联网言论自由时刻的高水印是阿拉伯人 5:50 2011年的春天2012年的时候你已经一一面对了所有的对手 5:56 奥巴马政府、埃及、突尼斯等政府都开始在Facebook和Twitter革命中被推翻 6:03 革命,国务院与社交媒体公司密切合作,以便能够 6:09 在那段时期,保持社交媒体在线,谷歌的贾里德·科恩 (Jared Cohen) 给 Twitter 打了一个著名的电话, 6:17 呃不进行他们的定期维护,以便呃这样伊朗的首选反对派组织能够 6:23 使用 Twitter 呃呃来赢得那次选举,所以这是言论自由,是美国治国之道的工具 6:29 国家安全国家从构建所有 NOS 以及科技公司之间的关系开始 6:36 2014年乌克兰政变后,为了自由早已建立了国家安全国家 6:44 一场意想不到的反政变,克里米亚和顿巴斯分裂,他们 6:49 脱离了实质上的军事后盾,而北约当时对此毫无准备 6:56 上一次冰雹三月份的机会是克里米亚吞并投票在呃在 7:02 2014 年,克里米亚人民投票决定加入 7:08 俄罗斯联邦是压垮言论自由概念的最后一根稻草 7:13 北约眼中的互联网,战争的根本性质在那一刻发生了变化,北约在那一刻发生了变化 7:20 点宣布了他们首先称为“贾西姆莫夫主义”的东西,该主义以俄罗斯军队的名字命名 7:26 他们声称的将军发表了讲话,战争的基本性质已经改变,你不需要赢 7:32 军事冲突接管中欧和东欧你所需要做的就是控制媒体和社交媒体 7:38 生态系统,因为这就是控制选举的因素,如果你让正确的政府掌权,他们 7:44 控制军队,因此比进行军事战争要便宜得多 7:51 呃对社交媒体和传统媒体的影响力运作是一个行业 7:56 创建了一个横跨五角大楼、英国国防部和布鲁塞尔的有组织的政治组织 8:05 战争装备主要是最初驻扎在德国和美国的基础设施 8:11 中欧和东欧建立心理缓冲区基本上是为了创造有能力 8:17 军方与社交媒体公司合作审查俄罗斯的宣传 8:22 或者审查正在崛起的欧洲国内右翼民粹主义团体 8:28 由于移民危机而在当时的政治权力中,所以你受到了我们国家的系统性攻击 8:33 由我们的 IC 部门由五角大楼的德国 afd 等组织负责 8:38 现在,德国人在那里的土地以及爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛的团体的替代方案 8:44 当 2016 年英国脱欧发生时,正是在这个危机时刻,他们突然没有 8:51 必须再担心中欧和东欧了,俄罗斯控制的想法正在向西蔓延 8:57 就在下个月,2016 年 6 月英国脱欧 9:03 战争期间,北约在华沙会议上正式修改其宪章 9:09 明确致力于混合战争作为北约的新能力,因此他们 9:15 从你知道的坦克 70 年的历史到现在的明确容量 9:22 用于审查被视为俄罗斯代理人的推文的建筑 9:27 再说一次,这不仅仅是俄罗斯的宣传,现在还有英国退欧团体或马托这样的团体 9:32 萨尔维尼 (Salvini) 在意大利、呃、希腊、德国或西班牙与 Vox 合作 9:38 党,现在北约正在发布白皮书说北约面临的最大威胁不是 9:45 来自俄罗斯的军事入侵,它正在欧洲各地的国内选举中输给所有这些右翼分子 9:52 民粹主义团体因为主要是工人阶级运动而以廉价的俄罗斯能源为竞选对象 9:58 当时正值美国施压能源多元化政策,所以他们现在在英国脱欧后提出了这一论点 10:06 除非军方因英国脱欧而控制媒体,否则整个基于规则的国际秩序将会崩溃 10:11 将会引起法国与马琳·勒庞的配合,西班牙的 Vox 党退出意大利, 10:18 德国的格雷特和希腊的格雷特欧盟将分崩离析,北约也会 10:24 没有一颗子弹就被杀死了,然后不仅是现在 10:29 北约现在已经消失了,国际货币基金组织、国际货币基金组织或世界银行不再有执行机构 10:35 所以现在依赖国家安全国家攻城槌的金融利益相关者基本上会 10:40 从他们的角度来看,如果军方不开始审查,我们将无法对抗世界各地的政府 10:47 互联网上所有民主机构和基础设施都催生了现代世界 10:53 第二次世界大战即将崩溃,所以你可以想象 2016 年的唐·特鲁姆 (Don Trum) 10:59 选举所以你好吧,你刚刚讲述了一个非凡的故事,我从未听过任何人解释得如此清晰明了 11:05 就像你刚才所做的那样,但是北约的任何人或国务院的任何人都停顿了一下并说等一下,我们已经 11:12 刚刚确定我们的新敌人是我们自己国家内的民主,我想这就是你所说的 11:18 他们担心自己国家的人民会为所欲为,因此他们发动了战争来反对他们 11:24 是的,现在你知道这方面的历史可以追溯到冷战时期,你知道欧洲的冷战是 11:30 本质上是一场类似的斗争,为人们的心灵和思想进行斗争,特别是在中欧和东欧 11:37 是的,你知道在这些类型中,你知道苏联的缓冲区,你从 11:42 1948 年国家安全国家真正成立,然后你知道你有 1947 年的法案,该法案建立了 11:49 中央情报局你有呃你知道这个新的世界秩序 11:54 与所有这些国际机构一起创建了 1948 年联合国人权宣言 12:00 禁止通过军事力量获取领土,因此你不能再 12:05 以我们能够做到的方式管理一个传统的军事占领政府 12:11 例如,1898 年,当我们占领菲律宾时,一切都必须通过某种政治手段来完成 12:17 合法化进程,国内人民的内心和思想中得到一定程度的认可 12:24 现在,这常常涉及到被我们国务院培养成领导人的傀儡政客,但 12:31 争取心灵和思想的斗争一直是我们给自己施加了很长的道德束缚的事情,如果 12:39 你会呃,自 1948 年以来,中央情报局的教父之一乔治·凯南 (George Kennan) 12:44 嗯,在我们通过塞满投票箱和与暴徒合作来操纵 1948 年意大利选举 12 天后,我们 12:51 发表了一份名为“有组织的政治战争的启动”的备忘录,他在其中说,听着,这是一个卑鄙的旧世界 12:58 我们中央情报局刚刚操纵了意大利选举,我们必须这样做,因为如果共产党获胜,也许永远不会有 13:03 意大利再次举行选举,所以呃,但这很有效,伙计们,呃,我们需要一个肮脏的伎俩部门 13:10 能够在世界各地做到这一点,这本质上是我们正在与美国建立的新社会契约 13:16 人们,因为这不是我们以前进行外交的方式,但我们现在被禁止使用战争 13:21 1948年,他们还将陆军部更名为国防部,因此,这也是这次外交的一部分 13:27 对政治控制的攻击,而不是看起来像是对军事控制的攻击,但本质上是最终的结果 13:34 发生的事情是,我们创建了这个外国国内防火墙,我们说我们有一个肮脏的伎俩部门 13:40 能够操纵选举,能够控制媒体,能够干涉其他阴谋的内政 13:47 这个国家的泥土,但是美国祖国坐落的这种神圣的泥土将呃,他们是 13:54 不允许在那里开展活动 国务院、国防部、中央情报局都被明确禁止 14:00 在我们的土地上运作当然这与实际情况相去甚远,这甚至都不好笑,但是呃,但这是因为一些 14:07 他们70多年来开发的洗钱伎俩,但本质上是不道德的 14:12 起初对于审查员的设立感到困惑船舶工业何时 14:17 它始于德国、立陶宛、意大利、爱沙尼亚和 14:23 瑞典和芬兰呃之后就开始了更多的外交辩论 14:29 英国脱欧,然后呃,特朗普当选后就全速前进了,什么 14:36 那里的阻力很小,但被上涨和饱和冲垮了。 14:42 俄罗斯之门基本上让他们不必处理道德问题 14:47 审查自己的人民的含糊之处,因为如果特朗普是俄罗斯的资产,你 14:53 不再真正存在传统的言论自由问题,这是一个国家安全问题,直到俄罗斯之门消失之后才出现 14:58 2019 年 7 月在呃去世,当时罗伯特·穆勒 (Robert Mueller) 基本上在证人席上窒息了 15:03 3个小时后,经过两年半的调查,他发现自己一无所获 15:10 国内 Switcheroo 发生了,他们采取了跨越国土安全部、联邦调查局的所有审查制度 15:18 中央情报局、国防部、司法部以及数千个政府资助的非政府组织和 15:25 私营雇佣军公司基本上都是由外国方便旗转型而来 15:30 从外国谓词俄罗斯虚假信息谓词到民主谓词,说虚假信息 15:37 这不仅仅是来自俄罗斯的威胁,也是对民主本身的内在威胁,因此 15:43 他们能够在 2020 年及时清洗整个民主促进政权更迭工具包 15:49 选举我的意思是这几乎令人难以置信,这已经发生了我的意思是我自己的父亲为美国工作 15:56 政府在针对苏联的信息战中参与了这项业务,你知道这是其中的重要组成部分 16:03 任何这些工具都会被美国用来对付美国公民的想法 16:10 政府是我想我想认为是不可想象的并且说话 16:15 1988年,你说确实没有人提出反对,只是绝对如此 16:22 向内操纵和操纵我们自己的选举,就像我们会说“是的,一旦民主” 16:28 谓词成立了,你有这个专业的政权更迭艺术家和操作人员的专业阶层 16:34 正是这些人认为,我们需要给南斯拉夫带来民主,这就是 16:40 摆脱你知道莫斯科或世界上任何其他我们基本上推翻的国家的谓词 16:46 如果民主威胁是国内产生的,那么政府就必须很好地维护民主 16:54 变成呃你知道然后突然这些人都有了新的工作 16:59 在美国方面,我可以举出一百万个例子,但你刚才提到的一件事 17:05 也就是说你从他们的角度知道他们 17:10 只是还没有准备好迎接互联网 2016 年确实是社交媒体第一次 17:17 媒体已经达到了如此成熟的程度,以至于它开始让传统媒体黯然失色,我的意思是 17:22 这是一个很长的时间,我想人们从 2006 年就看到了这座建筑 17:27 到 2006 年,你知道,从 1991 年到 2004 年,互联网 1.0 甚至没有社交媒体 17:34 根本就没有社交媒体 204 Facebook 于 2005 年问世 Twitter 2006 年 17:40 YouTube 2007 智能手机等等以及社交媒体的初始阶段 17:45 没有人能达到与传统新闻媒体竞争的水平,但在 17:53 当然,你知道最初甚至美国国内的这些持不同政见者的声音 17:58 呃,尽管他们可能声音很大,呃,在他们从未达到 3000 万粉丝的时刻,他们从来没有 18:06 作为未经审查的成熟生态系统允许的,每年达到十亿次展示次数 18:15 公民记者和独立声音能够在竞争中超越传统 18:20 新闻媒体这在我们的军队和我们的国家引发了巨大的危机 18:26 我在 2019 年德国国防部会议上举了一个很好的例子 18:33 马歇尔基金这是你知道的一个可以追溯到美国的机构呃 18:38 基本上,嗯我不想说贿赂,但本质上是欧洲的软实力经济软实力预测 18:45 作为二战后欧洲政府重建的一部分,以便能够基本上支付他们的费用 18:52 与元帅基金美元,然后作为回报,他们基本上在我们的拇指之下,就他们如何侦察而言 18:58 建造了呃,但是德国马歇尔基金在 2019 年召开了一次会议,坦率地说,他们持有 100 万个这样的基金,但是 19:05 他们是四星将军呃在小组中站起来说呃 19:12 他提出了美国会发生什么的问题 19:19 当《纽约时报》缩小为中等规模的 Facebook 时,国家安全国家会发生什么 19:25 页面,他提出了这个思想实验作为我们已经进行过的例子 19:31 这些守门人我们已经在演示中提供了这些碰碰车形式为a的cracy 19:38 与传统媒体机构的百年关系我的意思是我们的主流媒体没有任何形式和 19:45 甚至从一开始就独立于国家安全国家、独立于国务院、独立于战争 19:51 部门呃你知道你有最初的呃所有最初的呃广播新闻公司 NBC ABC 和 CBS 19:59 全部是由战争信息办公室的退伍军人创建的,他们来自战争部在第二次世界大战中的努力 20:05 你有你有这些从 20 世纪 50 年代到 70 年代的知更鸟行动关系,这些关系仍在继续 20:12 利用国家民主基金会和情报能力私有化 20:18 在里根统治下的 20 世纪 80 年代,嗯,有各种各样的中央情报局阅读阅览室备忘录。 20:23 甚至可以在 cia.gov 上阅读有关整个 90 年代持续的媒体关系的信息 20:28 因此,华盛顿邮报、纽约时报和所有主要媒体之间总是存在这种后门关系 20:35 广播媒体公司,你知道鲁珀特·默多克和福克斯也是其中的一部分,你也知道鲁珀特 20:41 默多克于 1983 年加入国家民主基金会,当时该联盟的名称为 20:47 在民主党被击败后,Pro 可以光明正大地开展中央情报局行动的一种方式 20:52 人们对中央情报局在 20 世纪 70 年代操纵学生运动感到不满,但实际上中央情报局并不存在 21:01 随机公民记者账户的中介,没有五角大楼的后盾,你无法获得 21:07 故事杀死了你不能拥有这些恩惠关系你不能承诺访问一些随机的 21:13 拥有 70 万粉丝的人,对叙利亚天然气有意见,所以这个 21:19 这对于 2006 年至 2014 年社交媒体的初始阶段来说不是问题,因为从来没有 21:27 不和谐的团体足够大,能够自己拥有一个足够成熟的生态系统,并且所有的 21:34 社交媒体上的胜利已经影响了国务院的资金来源, 21:40 国防部和情报部门,但随着成熟的发生,你现在有了这个 21:46 2016 年大选后的情况是,他们说好吧,现在整个国际秩序可能会崩溃 70 21:54 从杜鲁门到特朗普多年的统一外交政策现在即将被打破,我们需要同样的模拟 22:03 控制系统我们必须能够通过传统媒体将碰碰车放在坏故事或坏政治运动上 22:10 我们现在需要在社交媒体公司内部建立和巩固的关系和联系以及最初的 22:17 其谓词是“俄罗斯门”,但在“俄罗斯门”死后,他们使用了简单的民主促进 22:22 然后它催生了这个价值数十亿美元的审查行业,该行业将 22:29 军工联合体、政府、私营部门、民间社会组织,然后是这个庞大的组织 22:36 充当此类哨兵阶层的媒体盟友和专业事实欢呼团体的蜘蛛网 22:42 它调查了互联网上的每一个词,所以你能给我们一些信息并表示感谢 22:49 您再次对为什么会发生这种情况做出了几乎令人难以置信的解释,您能给我们举个例子来说明它是如何发生的吗 22:57 我知道国家安全国家如何对人民撒谎的无数例子,如何公正地挑选一个 23:06 审查现实生活中的真相,是的,所以你知道我们有这种状态 23:11 名为“全球参与中心”的部门机构是由一个名叫 Rick Spangle 的人创建的,他描述了 23:17 他本人是奥巴马的宣传员和负责人,他是负责公共事务的副部长,这本质上是 23:24 Rel 是国务院和国务院之间的联络办公室角色 23:29 主流媒体,所以这基本上就是政府谈论战争、外交或 23:36 治国之道与主流媒体同步 我可以补充一些我认识的人 Rick Spangle 他 23:43 曾经是一名记者,嗯,里克·斯潘格尔(Rick Spangle)曾公开反对第一修正案和反对 23:49 言论自由和一些相关内容,他在 2019 年出版了一个 opad,他就此写了一整本书,你知道他创造了 23:56 我们只是你知道的论点在这里,本质上是宪法 24:03 没有为互联网做好准备,呃,我们需要相应地废除第一修正案,呃,你知道他 24:10 当他担任《时代》杂志总编辑时,甚至当他 24:16 在奥巴马领导下的国务院,呃,他创办了一个叫做全球参与中心的机构,这是 24:22 联邦政府内部的第一次政府审查呃运作,但它是 24:28 正面对着所以现在没问题了,当时他们使用呃本土的伊斯兰国 24:34 普雷迪对此进行了威胁,因此很难反驳国务院的想法,呃有这个 24:41 与美国各大科技平台建立正式协调伙伴关系 24:46 因为你知道,当时伊斯兰国发动了这些袭击,我们被告知伊斯兰国正在招募人员 24:53 Twitter 和 Facebook,因此全球参与中心的成立本质上是为了成为一个国务院嗯 25:00 跟社交媒体公司的纠缠基本上把碰碰车放在他们呃平台能力上 25:06 他们所做的一件事就是创建了一个新帐户 25:11 技术,它被称为自然语言处理,它是一种人工的 25:17 智能机器学习呃有能力用单词按顺序创造意义 25:23 绘制每个人在互联网上所说的一切内容的地图,并创建这个社区如何进行的巨大地形图 25:30 是在网上组织的,他们的主要影响力是他们在谈论什么,正在出现什么叙述或 25:36 趋势并能够创建这种网络图呃知道目标是谁以及呃以及如何 25:43 信息在生态系统中流动,因此他们开始绘制前缀和后缀的语言 25:49 流行术语 Isis 呃人们在 Twitter 上谈论的口号 25:55 当特朗普在 2016 年赢得大选时,嗯嗯,所有在该州工作的人 26:01 呃,部门期待希拉里领导下的白宫国家安全委员会的晋升 26:07 我应该提醒一下克林顿,你们知道,他也是奥巴马领导下的国务卿,负责管理国家 26:13 部门,但这些人都期待 2016 年 11 月 18 日升职,并且 26:20 据《纽约时报》报道,在比赛当天,一个以 20 比 1 的失败者比例被一个人毫不客气地解雇了。 26:26 选举发生时,这些国务院人员利用他们的特殊技能来胁迫 26:33 政府呃到C到国务院领导了制裁的努力 26:39 2014年,这些国家因吞并克里米亚而制裁俄罗斯 26:44 部门外交官进行了一次国际路演,向欧洲各国政府施压,要求通过审查制度 26:50 审查欧洲右翼民粹主义团体的法律并作为回旋镖 26:55 对审查隶属美国的民粹主义团体的影响,所以有人去了 27:02 例如从国务院直接到大西洋理事会,这是主要的推动者呃 27:09 在政府之间,呃,在政府与政府之间的审查制度之间,大西洋理事会是一个组织,它是一个 27:15 拜登最大的政治支持者,他们呃,他们把自己打造为北约的智囊团,所以他们代表了 27:22 北约的政治普查以及北约在许多方面进行的民事普查 27:28 他们希望协调的社会行动与大西洋地区的军事行动同步 27:34 委员会的主要任务是建立共识,并在某个区域内采取政治行动。 27:40 现在,北约对大西洋理事会感兴趣,其董事会中有七名中央情报局局长,但很多人甚至不知道 27:46 七名中央情报局局长还活着,只有洛一人,他们都集中在一个组织的董事会上,这个组织是 27:52 他们是审查行业的重量级人物,他们每年从国防部、国务院和中央情报局那里获得资金 27:59 与国家民主基金会一样,亚特兰大委员会于 2017 年 1 月立即采取行动施压 28:05 欧洲各国政府将通过审查法,以完全相同的方式创建跨大西洋侧翼 ATT 坦克,以保障言论自由 28:12 里克·斯潘格尔(Rick Spangle)本质上呼吁我们模仿欧洲审查法,他们这样做的方式之一是 28:20 让德国队在 2017 年 8 月通过了一个名为 Nets DG 的项目,这实际上是一个开始 28:26 在美国呃自动审查时代,网络GG要求的是除非 28:34 社交媒体平台希望为每个帖子中留下的每条言论支付 5400 万美元的罚款 28:41 超过48小时的平台被认定为仇恨言论,嗯他们会被罚款基本上 28:48 当每天数以万计的帖子累计 5400 万条时,你就会破产,而围绕它的避风港就是 28:56 如果他们再次部署基于人工智能的审查技术 29:01 由 DARPA 创建,旨在对抗 Isis,使其能够扫描并禁止言论 29:07 自动地,这让你知道我称这些武器为大规模删除武器,它们本质上是 29:12 只需几行代码即可审查数千万个帖子的能力 29:18 完成此操作的方法是基本上聚合以下领域 29:23 如果你愿意的话,审查科学将两组不同的螺柱融合在一起,其中存在某种政治和社会因素 29:30 像你这样的科学家那些应该受到审查的领导者,如果你 29:36 这些将是程序员、计算数据科学家、计算语言学吗? 29:41 大学 现在有 60 多所大学获得联邦政府拨款来进行这种审查制度呃审查制度 29:48 他们所做的就是创建人们使用的语言的密码本,就像他们为伊斯兰国所做的那样 29:55 例如,他们用新冠病毒创建了这些新冠词典,记录持不同政见团体的言论 30:01 关于托尼·福奇(Tony Fauci)或嗯或等知名人士的疫苗的强制要求 30:09 呃 Peter Dashiki 或任何其他受保护的 VIP 个人,他们的声誉必须在网上得到保护 30:16 他们创建了这些密码书 他们将事情分解成叙述 例如亚特兰大议会就是其中的一部分 30:21 其中,政府资助了一个名为“病毒性项目”的联盟,该项目绘制了 66 个不同的地图 30:28 持不同政见者围绕新冠病毒谈论的一切,从共同起源到疫苗功效,然后 30:35 他们将这 66 个主张分解为所有不同的事实子主张,然后将它们插入到这些主张中 30:42 本质上是机器学习模型,能够获得每个人都在谈论的内容的恒定世界热图 30:49 新冠病毒以及每当出现不利于五角大楼想要的或不利于托尼·福奇的趋势的趋势 30:55 希望他们能够删除数千万个帖子,他们在 2020 年选举中通过邮件和选票做到了这一点 31:01 这是同样的问题,我很抱歉,我只是想知道这里有这么多,这太令人震惊了,所以你说的是 31:09 五角大楼,我们的五角大楼,美国国防部在 31:16 2020 年选举周期是的,他们这样做了他们哦他们通过所以这样做了 31:23 我认为迄今为止人类历史上审查最严重的两个事件是 2020 年大选和 covid-19 31:32 大流行,我会向你解释我是如何在那儿播出的,所以 2020 年 31:38 选举是通过邮件和选票决定的,我不会考虑是否邮寄和选票的实质内容 31:43 是否是合法或安全可靠的投票形式,这是一个完全独立于我的话题 31:51 与审查制度问题相比,这一观点更为重要,但对邮件和选票的审查确实是最重要的审查制度之一 31:57 我们美国历史上的非凡故事我认为发生的事情是 32:02 你是国土安全部内部有这个阴谋吗现在这又回到了我们正在讨论的话题 32:08 与国务院的全球参与中心一起,亚特兰大委员会和外交政策机构中也有这个小组 32:15 2017年争论需要设立一个永久性的国内审查政府办公室来充当四分卫 32:23 他们所谓的全社会反虚假信息反虚假信息联盟,这只是意味着 32:29 审查制度反对错误或虚假信息,但整个社会模型明确提出我们需要 32:36 社会内的每一项资产都将被动员起来参与整个社会的努力 32:42 为了阻止网上的错误信息,这对民主构成了很大的生存威胁,所以他们 32:49 2017年确定必须以政府为中心,因为只有政府才有影响力 32:55 以及强制威胁权力以及能够告诉社交媒体公司什么的感知权威 33:02 要做才能召集 NG(政府资助的非政府组织群)来创建媒体环绕声 33:09 武装一个锡罐,你知道一支由事实跳棋组成的 AstroTurf 军队,并且能够联络和连接所有这些不同的人 33:16 审查行业参与者陷入了一个有凝聚力的统一洞,亚特兰大议会最初提出了这一点 33:22 蓝图称为前锋防守,这不是进攻,而是前锋防守,他们阿尔建议用完这个 33:28 国务院全球参与中心的成员,因为他们在那里拥有如此多的资产,在里克·斯潘格尔·斯蒂德 (Rick Spangle Steed) 的领导下,他们在审查方面非常有效 33:36 在奥巴马政府的领导下,但他们说哦,我们将无法逃脱惩罚,因为我们并没有真正的国家安全 33:41 谓词,它应该是面向外国的,我们不能真正使用这个钩子,除非我们有一种国家安全钩子,然后他们考虑 33:48 在中央情报局停车,他们说,好吧,我们不能这样做有两个原因,中央情报局是外国人面对我们 33:54 无法真正建立反情报威胁并将其带回国内,我们基本上需要数万人 33:59 参与这个跨越整个社会模式的行动,你不能真正以这种方式进行秘密行动,所以他们 34:06 说好的好的他们说联邦调查局怎么样 联邦调查局会很棒 这是在国内 但问题是联邦调查局 34:11 应该是司法部的情报部门,我们和我们在这里处理的事情不是 34:18 违法这基本上是对特朗普的支持,或者如果你知道左翼民粹主义者是否像伯尼那样掌权 34:24 我毫不怀疑他们会在英国对桑德斯或杰里米·科尔宾做同样的事情,他们的目标是杰里·杰里米·科尔宾 34:30 以及欧洲其他左翼民粹主义纳托克怀疑团体,但在美国,一切都是特朗普的主张,所以 34:37 基本上,他们所说的是,除了联邦调查局之外,我们在美国拥有的唯一其他国内情报机构是 34:43 国土安全部,所以我们基本上将利用中央情报局的权力来操纵和贿赂外国 34:49 媒体组织,这是他们自 1947 年诞生之日起就拥有的权力,我们将把它结合起来 34:56 将联邦调查局的国内管辖权交给国土安全部,这样国土安全部基本上就被代理了 35:05 通过这个不起眼的小网络安全机构被授权拥有中央情报局拥有的综合权力 35:12 在国外,在国内受 FBI 管辖,他们的做法是,网络是如何成为一个不起眼的小网络的? 35:18 安全呃机构获得这种权力是因为他们做了一个有趣的小系列 35:24 所以这个叫做 SISA 的小东西他们没有称之为虚假信息治理委员会他们没有称之为 35:30 审查机构给它起了一个没人会注意到的不起眼的小名字,叫做网络安全和 35:35 基础设施安全局,他的创始人说我们只是安全,我们非常关心安全,这是以我们的名义 35:41 有两次你知道每个人都闭上眼睛假装你知道那是什么,但它是由 35:46 2018 年国会 AC,因为俄罗斯被黑客攻击视为威胁 35:52 2016 年的选举对它进行了物理攻击,所以我们需要网络安全能力,呃,以便能够 36:00 能够处理这个问题,基本上是在 2017 年 1 月 6 日中央情报局备忘录和国土安全部同一天发布的 36:07 2017 年 1 月 6 日的行政命令,声称俄罗斯干预了 2016 年选举和国土安全部的授权 36:14 说选举现在是关键的基础设施,你在国土安全部拥有新的权力说网络安全 36:21 对选举的攻击现在是我们的职权范围,然后他们做了两件可爱的事情 36:27 他们说他们说网上的 Mis dis 和 Mal 信息是一种形式 36:35 网络安全攻击它们是网络攻击,因为它们发生在网上 36:40 他们说,实际上,俄罗斯的虚假信息是,我们正在保护选举中的民主,我们 36:47 俄罗斯之门死后不需要俄罗斯谓词,就像你让这个网络安全机构能够 36:54 如果您破坏了公众信心,则可以合法地提出您发布有关邮件和选票的推文的论点,并且 37:00 对他们作为合法投票形式的信任现在对我们进行网络攻击至关重要 37:07 通过在 Twitter 上阐明错误信息等来破坏基础设施 37:12 换句话说,他们现在所做的就是抱怨选举舞弊 37:18 与关闭我们的电网是一样的,是的,您实际上可以在周四 9:30 坐在马桶座上 37:26 晚上和推特我认为邮件和选票是非法的,而你是 37:31 本质上,然后陷入国土安全部的十字准线,将你归类为进行 37:38 对我们关键基础设施的网络攻击,因为您在网络领域在线发布错误信息 37:45 当错误信息破坏公众对我们的信心和信心时,它就是对民主的网络攻击。 37:53 民主选举和我们的民主机构最终将远远超出他们所定义的民主机构 38:00 呃,这是另一件事,是对呃的网络安全攻击,旨在破坏主流媒体 38:06 被认为是一个稍后出现的民主机构,最终发生的事情是在 2020 年之前 38:12 选举并从 2020 年 4 月开始,尽管这可以追溯到特朗普新保守主义之前 38:19 共和党国土安全部在国家安全方面主要与北约合作, 38:26 他们,本质上是民主党全国委员会,如果你愿意使用国土安全部作为启动点 38:32 政府协调的大规模审查运动涵盖各个领域 38:38 地球上唯一一个社交媒体平台来预先审查以下内容的能力: 38:44 质疑邮件和选票的合法性,他们是这样做的,他们汇总了四种不同的 38:50 机构 呃,斯坦福大学,华盛顿大学,一家名为 graa 的公司,以及现在的亚特兰大理事会 38:58 所有这四个机构的中心本质上都是五角大楼你有呃 39:05 斯坦福 AET 天文台是由迈克尔·麦克福尔 (Michael McFall) 管理的,如果你认识迈克尔·麦克福尔 (Michael McFall),他是美国人 39:12 奥巴马政府时期的驻俄罗斯大使,他 39:18 亲自撰写了关于如何成功编排颜色的 7ep 剧本 39:23 正在发生的革命和其中的一部分涉及保持对媒体和社交媒体的完全控制 39:30 公民社会组织呃称选举是合法的 39:36 你们这些人都是专业的俄罗斯鳄鱼,2016 年的专业选举被剥夺了合法性,我稍后会讲到这一点 39:43 因此,斯坦福大学名义上的斯坦福怡安天文台由迈克尔·M·麦克福尔 (Michael M McFall) 领导,由亚历克斯 (Alex) 管理 39:50 斯塔莫斯曾任 Facebook 高管,曾与 odni 和 39:56 关于呃俄罗斯之门,你知道摧毁俄罗斯的宣传 40:02 Facebook 所以这是另一个呃联络人,本质上是国家安全局,在桑福德的亚历克斯·达莫斯领导下 40:09 观察员是蕾妮·德斯塔 (Renee Desta),她在中央情报局 (CIA) 开始了她的职业生涯,并撰写了参议院情报委员会的报告 40:16 俄罗斯的虚假信息还有很多,我会离开,我会到另一个时间,但下一个 40:21 机构是华盛顿大学,本质上是西雅图的比尔盖茨大学,其领导者 40:28 作者:凯特·斯塔博(Kate Starbow),呃,她基本上是三代军事要员 40:33 我们获得了危机信息学博士学位,主要是为五角大楼进行社交媒体监控, 40:40 让您了解 DARPA 的资助以及主要与国家安全部门的合作,然后重新调整用途 40:46 为了处理邮件和选票,第三家公司 Graphica 获得了五角大楼 700 万美元的拨款,并以 40:54 五角大楼粪便倡议的一部分 粪便倡议是五角大楼的心理战研究中心 41:00 五角大楼他们这个组织正在进行社交媒体间谍活动 41:06 为五角大楼绘制叙事图,直到 2016 年大选发生,然后重新调整用途,与 41:13 国土安全部审查你知道的 2200 万条特朗普推文,呃,支持特朗普的关于邮件和邮件的推文 41:19 选票,然后我提到的第四个机构是大西洋理事会,董事会中有七名中央情报局局长,所以一个接一个 41:26 这正是本·里斯在奥巴马时代所描述的“斑点” 41:31 外交政策机构是国防部、国务院或中央情报局 41:38 当然,这是因为他们受到特朗普外交政策的威胁,所以虽然很多 41:45 审查制度看起来像是在国内发生的,它是由我们面向外国的肮脏部门进行的 41:50 颜色革命团伙的伎俩,他们是专业的政府礼帽,然后基本上是在 2020 年降临的 41:57 现在选举他们这样做了他们在磁带上明确表示了这次选举的诚信伙伴关系负责人 42:04 我的基金会剪掉了它们,并在国会播放过,它在密苏里州的一部分 42:10 V·拜登现在提起诉讼,但他们在录音中明确表示,他们准备这样做 42:16 政府被禁止自己做的事情,然后他们制定了一个多步骤框架来强制执行 42:23 所有科技公司都接受审查,他们在录音中表示,如果不是为了 42:29 他们的压力涉及使用政府武力威胁,因为他们是政府的代理机构 42:35 他们与国土安全部有正式的合作伙伴关系,他们能够使用国土安全部专有的国内虚假信息 42:41 总机立即与所有科技公司的高层讨论拆除事宜,他们在磁带上吹嘘 42:47 他们如何让科技公司全部系统地采用名为“言论违规禁令”的新服务条款 42:54 非法化,这意味着任何推文、任何 YouTube 视频、任何 Facebook 帖子、任何内容 42:59 Tik Tok 视频 任何 Discord 发布任何 twitch 视频 互联网上的任何内容 43:05 呃,这破坏了公众对使用邮件和选票或提前投票投递箱的信心和信心,或者 43:14 或选举日的选票统计问题是一个严肃的招牌呃条款 43:19 他们只是因为通过治理而采用了这种新的非法化政策下的服务违规政策 43:26 来自选举诚信伙伴关系的压力,他们在磁带上吹嘘,包括他们使用的网格 43:31 这样做的同时,还威胁政府要解散他们或政府停止这样做 43:37 对科技公司有利,除非他们这样做,并通过与媒体盟友合作引发危机公关 43:43 他们说政府国土安全部自己无法做到这一点,所以他们建立了这个基本上是国家的星座 43:50 五角大楼部门h 和 IC 网络来运行这种审查制度 43:56 根据他们自己的计算,仅在 Twitter 上就有 2200 万条推文,请注意,他们今年只在 15 个平台上发布了推文 44:03 数以亿计的帖子全部被扫描、禁止或限制 44:08 这样它们就不能被放大,或者它们存在于某种有限的状态炼狱中,或者修复了这些摩擦 44:14 以事实检查标签的形式向他们提供信息,您实际上无法点击该内容,或者您必须点击它,因为能够点击该内容会带来不便 44:20 现在就分享吧,他们在选举前几个月就这样做了,因为当时他们担心 44:26 在所谓的红色幻影事件中拜登获胜的合法性 44:31 蓝移事件他们知道拜登能够获胜的唯一方法是在数学上获胜呃是通过 44:38 民主党不成比例地使用邮件和选票,他们知道这会引发危机,因为这看起来会是一场危机 44:43 如果特朗普看起来像他在七个州获胜,那真是太奇怪了,不,你知道呃 44:49 然后三天后,选举开关出现了,我的意思是,这将使选举危机 44:55 布什·戈尔选举呃在国家安全国家所说的类固醇水平上好吧公众不会 45:02 做好准备,所以我们需要做的是我们需要提前进行预审查 45:25 看起来确实很糟糕,呃,你知道,尤其是当你将这一点与以下事实结合起来时 45:31 紧随弹劾之后,五角大楼领导中央情报局领导弹劾你 45:38 知道这是来自中央情报局的埃里克·萨拉拉,也是来自五角大楼的害虫 45:43 呃,谁在 2019 年底领导了对特朗普的弹劾,因为呃,你知道一个所谓的指控 45:49 打电话给扣留乌克兰援助的同一个网络 45:54 直接来自五角大楼呃混合战争网络呃军事审查制度 46:00 2014 年第一次乌克兰危机后创建的网络是领先者 46:06 2019 年乌克兰弹劾案的策划者,然后作为 2020 年大选的一部分,他又再次强势回归 46:14 审查制度,但你从他们的角度来看我是认真的 46:19 看起来像是一次完美的犯罪,这些人实际上是国土安全部当时抓捕的人 46:24 全国选举的大部分内容已联邦化 INF 嗯嗯嗯 政府 46:29 截至 2017 年 1 月 6 日,呃,即将离任的行政命令 46:35 奥巴马,国土安全部负责人杰德·约翰逊,呃,这基本上涵盖了所有 50 个州 46:41 与国土安全部建立正式合作伙伴关系,因此国土安全部同时负责许多地方的选举管理 46:46 尊重和审查任何挑战选举管理的人呃这个 46:53 就像你知道的那样,基本上将审判的被告呃作为法官 46:59 和审判陪审团是这样的,但你不是在描述民主,我的意思是你正在描述一个民主的国家 47:05 不可能 我本质上描述的是军事统治 我的意思是 这就是我的意思是随着崛起而发生的事情 47:11 审查行业的做法完全颠倒了民主本身的理念,你知道民主有点像 47:18 它的合法性来自于它是由人民同意统治的理念 47:25 被统治的人民并不是真正被霸主统治,因为政府只是 47:30 我们的意愿通过我们同意我们投票给谁来表达,在整个推动之后 47:36 2016 年大选、英国脱欧以及其他几次你知道社交媒体举办的选举出了问题 47:43 与国务院想要的(例如 2016 年菲律宾大选)完全相反 47:50 我们所描述的一切都是民主社会的基础,以便应对威胁 47:56 互联网上的言论自由,他们本质上说的是我们需要重新定义民主,使其不再是关于 48:02 选民的意愿是关于民主制度的神圣性以及谁是民主党的成员 48:08 机构哦,是我们,你知道,是军队,是北约,是国际货币基金组织和世界银行,是呃,是 48:15 主流媒体呃,这是谁,哦,这些当然是 48:21 主要由国务院或IC资助,基本上都是精英 48:27 呃,那些受到国内民粹主义崛起威胁的机构,宣布了自己的 48:34 共识是民主的新定义,因为如果你将民主定义为民主的力量 48:39 民主制度而不是关注选民的意愿,那么你剩下的基本上就是 48:47 民主只是民主机构内部的共识建设架构, 48:53 从他们的角度来看,这需要做很多工作我的意思是我的意思是这些人所做的工作量我的意思是例如我们 49:00 提到了大西洋理事会,它是这些大型协调机构之一一个地区的石油和天然气工业机制 49:07 为金融和摩根大通以及该地区的黑石为NOS 在该地区为 49:13 该地区的媒体所有这些都需要达成共识,这个过程需要大量的时间,需要大量的工作和 49:19 从他们的角度来看,民主的大量谈判正在让 NOS 同意黑人的观点 49:25 同意你所知道的《华尔街日报》的观点 同意呃你社区和活动家的观点 49:32 参与某项特定倡议的团体,该倡议是艰难的投票过程 49:38 如果最终你们知道一群民粹主义团体决定他们喜欢卡车司机,他们的观点 49:45 谁在 Tik Tok 上比你精心构建的共识更受欢迎 49:50 那么从他们的角度来看,你知道这现在是对民主的攻击,这是对北约军事高层的攻击 49:58 这整个品牌努力是什么,当然,民主再次具有神奇的政权更迭谓词,其中民主 50:05 这是我们神奇的手表词,能够以某种颜色革命的方式从头开始推翻政府 50:12 整个社会都努力从内部推翻民主选举的政府,例如我们在 50:19 乌克兰维克多·亚努科维奇是由喜欢他或讨厌他的乌克兰人民民主选举产生的 50:25 甚至没有在那里发表意见,但事实是我们对他进行颜色革命,让他下台 50:30 坦白说,我们 1 月 6 日他不在办公室,我的意思是关于你知道的状态 50:36 部门资助了正确的部门暴徒,你知道价值 50 亿美元的民事 50:41 社会资金投入其中,以民主和民主的名义推翻民选政府。 50:46 他们把这套特殊的技能带回家,现在也许就在这里 50:53 有可能留下来,这从根本上改变了美国的性质 50:58 治理是因为你知道“一个小声音”在社交媒体上变得流行的威胁 我可以问一个问题吗 51:05 进入你所说的那一组机构现在定义民主 51:12 NGS 嗯外交政策制定等等,你包括主流媒体 51:18 现在在 20121 年,国家安全局闯入了我的私人文本应用程序并阅读了它们,然后 51:26 将它们泄露给《纽约时报》来反对我,上周我又发生了这种事,我想知道有多常见 51:34 那就是英特尔机构与所谓的主流媒体合作,例如 51:39 纽约时报要好好伤害他们的对手,这就是这些的作用 51:46 间质政府资助的非政府组织和智囊团,例如我们提到的 51:52 大西洋理事会是北约的智囊团,但阿斯彭研究所等其他团体也划定了界限 51:57 其部分资金来自国务院和其他政府机构,你知道阿斯彭研究所被捣毁了 52:02 对亨特·拜登的笔记本电脑审查制度做同样的事情,你知道你遇到了联邦调查局曾经遇到过的奇怪情况 52:09 对即将出版的亨特·拜登笔记本电脑故事的深入了解,然后神奇地了解阿斯彭 52:16 该研究所主要由前中央情报局、前国家安全局、前联邦调查局和 52:23 然后一堆民间社会组织都会举行弥撒 52:29 呃利益相关者模拟审查制度模拟为期3天的呃会议你 52:34 知道这个消息出来了,Yol Roth 也在场,这是 Twitter 文件泄露的一个重要部分,并且在 52:40 多项国会调查,但不知怎的,阿斯彭研究所呃 52:45 基本上是国家安全国家的附录呃得到了完全相同的 52:52 国家安全国家监视记者和政治人物的信息 52:58 获得的数据不仅泄露了它,而且基本上在SE中做了一个联合协调的审查模拟器 53:05 九月,选举前两个月,就像邮件和选票的审查一样 53:12 准备好对任何在网上放大新闻报道的人进行预审查 53:18 阿斯彭研究所甚至还没有被破坏,所以我的意思是,这就是我度过的方式 53:23 我在华盛顿的生活有点像沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson),《时代周刊》前任总裁 53:30 CNN 嗯,我不知道它是国家安全国家的一部分,我不知道它的资金来自美国政府 53:36 你是,这是我第一次听说,但假设你说的是真的,那就有点了 53:41 奇怪的是,沃尔特·艾萨克森离开阿斯普斯去写埃隆·马斯克的传记 53:47 奇怪或不,是的,我是你知道的我不知道我我我没有读过那本书我 53:54 从我从人们那里听到的情况来看,这是一种相对公平的待遇,你只是完全猜测,但我怀疑 54:01 沃尔特·艾萨克森 (Walter Isaacson) 一直在努力解决这个问题,并且从某种意义上说,你甚至没有牢牢地落在一个地方 54:08 你知道沃尔特·艾森的儿子对里克·斯潘格尔进行了一系列采访呃 54:13 与大西洋理事会和其他场合呃,他专门采访了里克·斯潘格尔(Rick Spangle) 54:19 呃你知道需要废除第一修正案的问题 54:25 社交媒体上的言论自由对民主构成了威胁,当时我非常担心这是在 54:31 2017 年和 2019 年,当他接受 Rick Spangle 采访时,我非常担心,因为艾萨克森表达了似乎 54:38 我对 Rick Spangle 抱有高度同情,呃,你知道的 54:43 现在他没有正式认可这一立场,但这让我非常感动 54:49 对艾萨克感到不安,但我应该说的是,当时我不认为 54:54 事实上,这个国家有很多人我几乎不认识任何人,呃 55:00 你知道审查行业的建设和审查制度的兔子洞有多深吗? 55:07 军队和国家安全国家的触角有多深,以支撑和 55:13 坦率地说,整合其中的大部分内容直到呃才公开露面 55:18 直到去年,你坦率地说,其中一些是由 Twitter 文件中的埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 收购和 55:24 众议院共和党人的更替使得这些多项调查得以进行,例如密苏里州诉拜登案等诉讼 55:30 那里的发现过程呃,你知道很多其他事情,比如虚假信息治理委员会,他们通过 55:36 你的临时负责人 Nina Janowitz 的负责人是如何开始进入审查行业的 55:42 这个完全相同的秘密情报社区审查网络是在 2014 年克里米亚事件后创建的 55:50 尼娜·贾诺维茨 (Nina Janowitz) 的情况,当她的名字在 2022 年作为一部分出现时 55:55 虚假信息治理委员会 我差点从椅子上摔下来,因为我已经跟踪 Nina 的网络近 5 年了 56:02 在那几年,当她的名字作为英国一个被破获的秘密组织的内部集群的一部分出现时 56:10 名为“诚信倡议”的互联网传感操作,由英国外交部创建, 56:17 在北约政治事务部的支持下开展这项工作 56:23 我们在这次对话开始时谈到的事情是北约呃某种心理 56:29 接种呃呃消灭所谓的俄罗斯宣传的能力或 56:35 希望与俄罗斯保持能源关系的新兴政治团体 56:40 当美国试图很好地扼杀北溪和其他管道关系时,他们做到了 56:46 Marine Leen Andina Janet 是这套服装的一部分,然后谁是谁 56:52 尼娜·贾诺维茨(Nina Janowitz)倒台后,该部门的负责人是迈克尔·切尔托(Michael cherto),迈克尔·切尔托(Michael cherto)负责管理阿斯彭研究所网络小组,然后这个和 57:00 阿斯彭研究所随后成为亨特·拜登笔记本电脑故事的审查模拟器,然后两年 57:05 后来,在尼娜被迫下台后,杰尔·奥夫 (Jer off) 成为了虚假信息治理委员会的负责人,是的,结束了 57:11 朋友们,当然,迈克尔·切尔托是海湾公司的董事长,抱歉,索尔,当然,迈克尔·乔夫是海湾公司的董事长。 57:18 是的,欧洲最大的军事承包商呃Bae呃军事 57:24 所以你在这次谈话中多次让我大吃一惊,谈话结束后我需要立即小睡一下 57:31 我刚刚还有另外两个问题要问你,一个简短,一个长一点,一个简短的问题是针对那些已经经历过的人的。 57:36 已经一个小时了,想了解更多关于这个话题的信息,顺便说一句,我希望你随时回来 57:42 你有时间探索故事的不同线索,但对于那些想要对其进行研究的人来说 57:48 自己如何才能在互联网上找到您对此的研究,所以我们的 57:55 基金会是自由的基金会 online.com 呃,我们以各种方式发布 58:00 关于审查行业各个方面的报告,从我们谈论的角色来看 58:06 国家安全国家的军工综合体以及大学对你所做的事情你知道我 58:12 有时被称为数字 MK Ultra,它基本上是审查科学的领域以及如何和 58:18 资助这些心理操纵方法来促使人们进入不同的信仰体系 58:24 他们对待新冠病毒的做法就像对待能源一样,每一个敏感的政策问题都是他们本质上拥有的 58:31 雄心勃勃,但我的 Freedom online.com 网站基金会是一种方式,另一种方式就在 X 呃我的 58:38 负责人是 Mike Ben cyber,我在那里非常活跃,呃发布了很多长格式 58:43 关于这一切的视频和书面内容我认为这是当今世界上最重要的问题之一,所以它 58:48 当然,是并且因此直接且无缝地引导我的最后一个问题 58:54 这是关于 X 的,我这么说不仅仅是因为我在那里发布内容,但我客观地认为这是最后一个大事件 59:00 平台是免费的,或者有点免费或更自由,你也在那里发布,但是你 59:06 知道我们正处于选举年的伊始,几场不同的战争正在展开 59:12 同时,呃,到 2024 年,您认为 PL 平台能够继续存在吗? 59:18 今年免费,它承受着非常非常大的压力,而且这种压力是 59:24 随着选举的临近,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)将继续增加 59:29 独特的个人,他可能在涉及到时有独特的缓冲 59:34 国家安全国家,因为国家安全国家非常依赖埃隆·马斯克 59:42 属性是否是针对呃电气,你知道特斯拉的绿色革命 59:49 呃,还有 SpaceX 的电池技术,呃,国务院 59:54 非常依赖 SpaceX 呃,因为它令人难以置信的呃有点 1:00:02 在近地轨道卫星领域具有开拓性和饱和性 1:00:07 这基本上就是我们的电信系统运行的方式,比如星形链接,存在依赖关系 1:00:13 国家安全部门对埃隆·马斯克的态度,我不确定如果他成为总统,他是否会有那么多的谈判空间 1:00:20 世界首富在柠檬水摊上卖你知道的,所以有 1:00:25 如果国家安全局援引诸如 cifas 之类的东西来对他采取过分严厉的措施 1:00:31 将其中一些财产国有化,我认为这将给国际投资者群体带来的冲击波将是无法挽回的 1:00:37 我们正在进行大国竞争,所以他们试图杀死你,知道他们试图诱导一种我 1:00:43 想想通过呃一系列涉及被纸割伤致死的事情来进行某种公司制度的改变我 1:00:50 认为有七八个不同的司法部或 SEC 或 FTC 1:00:55 对埃隆·马斯克财产的调查都是在他收购 X 之后开始的,但后来呢? 1:01:02 他们现在正在尝试做的就是我所说的跨大西洋侧翼攻击2.0,你知道我们在这个中讨论过 1:01:08 关于审查制度如何真正开始的对话,当时一群国务院流亡者呃谁 1:01:14 我们期待促销人员利用他们的特殊技能来迫使欧洲国家通过呃制裁 1:01:20 他们自己砍掉自己的腿来激怒自己呃通过对俄罗斯的制裁他们跑回来了 1:01:27 同样的剧本,为审查而不是制裁进行路演,我们现在正在见证你知道跨大西洋 1:01:34 侧翼攻击 2.0 如果你愿意的话这是因为他们已经失去了联邦政府的很多权力 1:01:40 他们从 2018 年到 2022 年一直在进行同样的审查操作,部分原因是众议院已经完全转变 1:01:47 对他们的批评,部分是因为媒体,部分是因为密苏里州诉拜登赢得了扣篮案,实际上是班宁 1:01:53 政府对初审法院和上诉法院的审查现在介于最高法院和最高法院之间 1:01:59 现在采取两种策略,其中之一是州级呃审查制度 1:02:05 法律 加州刚刚通过了一项新法律,审查行业从头到尾完全围绕该法律进行推动 1:02:11 要求他们称之为“转型平台”,你知道平台的责任感和透明度,这基本上是强制的 1:02:18 你知道埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)会提供这些叙述性地图数据 1:02:24 管道和五角大楼的切口被用来制造这些大规模交易的武器和这些审查的能力 1:02:30 一切都规模化,因为他们拥有所有内部平台数据,埃隆·马斯克拿走了这些数据,他们正在使用州法律 1:02:35 就像加利福尼亚州的这项新法律来打破这个局面,但现在的主要威胁是来自欧洲的威胁 1:02:41 你知道有一个叫做欧盟数字服务法案的法案,它是与像这样的人一起制定的 1:02:49 新闻卫士是由你知道的,其中有一个由中央情报局国家安全局局长迈克尔·海登(Michael Hayden)领导的四星将军里克(Rick)的董事会 1:02:55 Spangle 就在那个板上,呃,你从国务院宣传办公室知道,汤姆·里奇 (Tom Ridge) 也在那个板上 1:03:00 国土安全部的董事会哦,安德斯·雾拉斯姆就在那个董事会上,呃,他是呃 1:03:06 奥巴马政府领导下的北约秘书长,所以你有北约、中央情报局、国家安全局四星将军国土安全部和 1:03:12 美国国务院与欧盟合作制定审查法 1:03:18 除了潜在的前广告商抵制之外,对 X 来说是最大的生存威胁,因为现在 1:03:24 虚假信息现已作为法律问题在印度被禁止e 欧盟,对于 X 来说,欧盟是一个比美国更大的市场 1:03:31 美国只有 3 亿人,欧洲有 4.5 亿人 X 现在被迫遵守这项全新的法律 1:03:38 今年刚刚获得批准,呃,他们要么需要将全球年收入的 6% 上缴给欧盟, 1:03:45 在那里维持运营或基本上以您所知道的方式实施 1:03:50 中情局碰碰车,如果你愿意的话,我在整个过程中一直在描述它有一个内部机制 1:03:57 审查欧盟(只是北约的代理人)认为的任何内容 1:04:02 虚假信息,你可以打赌今年全球将有 65 场选举,嗯,你可以预测 1:04:08 每次他们都会将虚假信息定义为现在的主要战斗是对付跨大西洋侧翼 1:04:15 来自欧洲的袭击 我已经说过五次了,但这只是我听过的最引人注目的故事之一 1:04:20 我很感谢你把它带给我们在线自由基金会的执行董事迈克·本,我希望 1:04:27 我们又见到你了,谢谢 1:04:33 塔克的言论自由比任何一个人或任何一个组织都更重要,社会是由他们的意愿来定义的 1:04:39 不允许我们看到的是美德的完全颠倒 我的短评: 简谈西方的资产阶级民主之一 无套裤汉于2024-02-18 罗莎·卢森堡(Rosa Luxemburg)在jpg附件中的语录:“没有社会主义就没有民主,没有民主就不会有社会主义。” 实行国家安全的国家——美国是审查和选举干预的主要驱动力。 “我所描述的是军事统治,”迈克·本茨(Mike Benz)说。 “这是民主的倒置。” 西方的资产阶级民主注定会失败,因为资产阶级当权派的腐败已经深入到其身体和灵魂深处,只有无产阶级革命才能通过再次彻底地接受批评来拯救其残余。美国民主往何处去? 富人越来越富,但是穷人得到了什么? 民主![Mark Wain 2024-02-16 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/] 西方的资产阶级民主注定会失败,因为资产阶级的当权派的腐败已经深入到其身体和灵魂深处,只有无产阶级革命才能通过再次彻底地接受批评来拯救其残余。美国民主往何处去?[Mark Wain 2024-02-16 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/] (完)