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中共马克思主义是假的但..(bilingual)The CCP Marxism is fake... 2024-02-25 17:18:18

中共的马克思主义是假的 但就是因为假才成功(汉英双语 bilingual)







八修的假、叛、败与毛主席的真、正、成早已经深入人心;少数人意图为反革命假共叛徒们作翻案文章将是徒劳的,因为“人民的眼睛是雪亮的”,他们对谁是谁非、谁成谁败的问题早就下好了结论的。[Mark Wain 2024-02-20




The CCP's Marxism is fake, but it is only successful because it is fake (In Chinese)




Attachment: Rosa Luxemburg was quoted to say: "Those who do not move,  do not notice their chains." 

Short comment:

This view is incorrect, because Mao Zedongism or Maoism was refined from Mao Zedong Thought through a long process of study, practice, tempering and struggle for forty to fifty years; Chairman Mao's theory is undoubtedly Marxist. There is a very strict and profound difference between Marxism and the fake Marxism of Hua, Ye, Wang, Li, Deng, Jiang, Hu, and Xi or the Eight Revisionists since 1976. Modern revisionism aka false Marxism is the guiding ideology of the Chinese Special Color Party that characterizes the Eight Revisionists of China, and Mao Zedongism or Maoism, which is the guiding doctrine of the true communist parties in China and the world, exists on a completely opposite basis. The two must be treated strictly differently and should not be garbled.

The falsity, betrayal, and failure of the Eight Revisionists and the truth, righteousness, and success of Chairman Mao have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; it will be in vain for a few people to attempt to refute the verdict of the counterrevolutionary fake communist traitors, because "the people's eyes are sharp." They have already reached conclusions on who is right and who is wrong, who succeeds and who fails. [Mark Wain 02/20/2024   https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh 


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