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[中英詩歌] 唏噓不已 2017-11-14 11:07:28



[原创] 韩亦言 版权所有(c)

屈原投江兮 不與奴才爲伍
魯迅病故兮 是莫言是蹲牢
故人西去兮 難斷其功過
兲朝當日兮 少見人直立

唯民國人杰兮 予華夏之復興
唯國父中山兮 翻出新一頁
唯蔣先總統兮 一足定乾坤
唯經國先生兮 鋪民主憲政橋

我沒有敵人兮 爲何滅其肉身
捌玖之陸肆兮 天使魔鬼面世
柒零玫志仕兮 吾人之楷模
高氏智晟君兮 九州之脊椎

愿神傳方塊字兮 去妖又降紅魔
愿正義之聲音兮 眾口放喉高歌
愿上帝之恒愛兮 流淌黃河揚子

Sigh Of Sorrow

By Yiyan Han(c)

Jumping into the river, QU Yuan committed suicide, (1)
Being the despair of the henchmen indeed!
Due to illness, LU Xun died, otherwise (2)
Had he shut up or been arrested like other criminals?
Not easy to judge their right or wrong
As they passed away long and gone.
Yet in the today's autocratic state,
Few men are able to stand up straight

O those great heroes in the Republic
Glory to China, at their time, was brought!
O the father of ROC, Dr SUN Yat-sen (3)
A new page opened in an ancient book!
O the late president CHIANG Kai-shek
In the Second World War, China was led to win!
O Mr CHIANG Ching-kuo
For freedom and democracy, a bridge has been built!

"I don't have enemy", said a famous man
Why had he still been brutally murdered then?
On the 4th Day of June, Nineteen Eighty Nine
To show the world, both the angels and devils came.
The '709' human rights lawyers and their families
In the Mainland, stand up brave citizens.
Mr GAO Zhisheng, human rights attorney,
The dissident, one of the spiritual leaders this century

May the words, made of the God given block characters
Force the red devils to surrender, and expel the demons!
May the voice of fairness and justice
Loud and clear, be sung by all citizens!
May God's eternal love be forever running
In the Yellow River and the Yangtze!

Note: The following information may be easily found from Wikipedia.
(1)QU Yuan, a famous poet, c. 340 - 278 BC
(2)LU Xun, a well-known writer,25 September 1881 - 19 October 1936
(3)ROC, the Republic of China, then the whole China but today's Taiwan

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来自: England, UK
注册日期: 2017-11-10
访问总量: 10,733 次
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2017-11-12 - 2017-11-30
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