By Mr WEI Abao
Once at the ferry port of reincarnation On the bridge over the Acheron Only a sip of Lethe's water is taken For you not to be forgotten
In so many dreams Your face could faintly be seen
For that ancient vows, burning incense at dawn And lighting up candles at sunset, not for my own cultivation Reincarnated thousand times only preparing my next life To meet you in the sahā world
Translated by Yiyan Han(c) 2017-11-19
曾经在那一世轮回的渡口, 奈何桥上, 只为不把你遗忘, 孟婆汤只喝了一半。
多少个梦境里, 依稀还记得你的容颜。
只为那远古的盟誓, 我朝起焚香暮秉烛, 不为度己, 百转千回只为修来世与你在娑婆的相遇。