如果説以前的Google還是偷偷摸摸檢索你的郵件,以及記錄一下你都搜索了什麽,現在不一樣了,人家牛大發了,因爲敗燈政府剛剛給它授權了。我建議,如果你對保護隱私比較重視,就別用Google了,以保護隱私為賣點的搜索引擎還是不少的 ,比如duckduckgo(非廣告哈,只是個人常用而已)。 以下内容轉自 https://www.survivethenews.com/it-begins-federal-investigators-are-issuing-warrants-for-google-to-turn-over-anyone-typing-in-certain-search-terms/ It begins. The federal government is issuing warrants from compliant Google to turn over anyone typing in certain search terms. But they assure the American public that they can be trusted. Just like the federal government assured Americans they would not abuse the secret FISA courts to spy on innocent Americans! We now know that crooked feds were spying on Donald Trump, his family, his campaign and his presidency using the secret courts to obtain warrants. This is your brave new world. Get used to it.