英文报告 ( English) Ruo Qian Kang(康若茜) 12/20/2023 I have two pieces of paper as an important evidences that I want to hand over to the relevant departments of the U.S. Government, which is the fingerprint evidence related to Song, Yixuan, a suspect of the Chinese President Xi Jinping’international extreme terrorist brain-control agency. Song Yixuan is my old "friend". This fingerprint information is what I have got on the day before I left China for the United States on September 9 in 2022,when Song, yixuan is as one of the two witnesses of my parents Will to did her job. I have published the evidence on my photo album on blog of wanwei.net at https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/ ,please refer to it. The suspects that Chinese President Xi Jinping’international extreme terrorist brain-control agency includes Xi,jinping, Xi,jinpingnagebo, Song,Yixuan, Song, Zhijian, Hua,chuan Ying, Xu,li Yong and so on.(中国国际AI电磁波恐怖人类脑神经系统极端犯罪分子嫌疑人: 习近平,习近平那个波,宋意宣,宋志坚,华蠢应,虚立庸等等。) They use AI electromagnetic wave attack on the human brain nerve systems in the world for at leat 25years. They mainly carried out terrorist attacks on the human brains nerve systems using AI electromagnet waves.They create the evil idea-natural electromeginet waves and bad energy to stimulate the human brains'' nerve systems to create the wrong response patterns in order to achieve better positions to rule over and control others. I am one of the victims of the extreme crime of international terrorist attacks by Chinese President Xi Jinping''s brain-control agency. The Chinese President Xi Jinping used the Communist Party of China’s secret brain- control weapons to govern China and the world. When he was a local government official in China 25 years ago, he used electromagnetic waves to terrorize the brain nerve systems of the human population to carry out extreme criminal activities. Right now human society and the U.S. Government are still paying no enough attention to their international terrorist extreme crimes. Humans also does not recognize the worst nature of destroying the human brains'' nurons systems. The Chinese communist party''s terrorist criminal agency are still carrying out indiscriminate neurological terrorist attacks on the entire human brains around the world right now at the moment.
Yixuan Song and her brother Zhijian Song are members of Chinese President Xi Jinping''s extreme terrorist criminal agency and two of the cruel cretures of the international AI electromagnetic wave terrorist attack on the human population. Zhijian Song is the person who has been exploring the brain-control crimes for over 25 years. He then became main member in the Xi, Jinping''s brain-control agency. They carried out terrorist attacks on my family members'' and other human brain''s nerve systems. One of their methods of their committing crimes is to use artificial evil thoughts to stimulate the human brain nerve systems with evil energy through technologies such as AI electromagnetic waves and intracranial sound transmission, forcing the human brain nerve system to produce negative brain nerve energies and negative response patterns causing corresponding negative outcomes. One of the goals of the their crimes is to use the brain wrong nuron connetions that are built during the brain tourture process to produce the negative energy they need to rule over the country and the world, and also to achieve their evil goals of depriving humans of their spiritual and material wealth in the material world they created. They have simulated the false, not real material world created by the human brain nerve energy, and mislead humans to regard this material world the criminals created in the dark by artificially stimulating the brain nerve energy of the human brain as the real world. I left Jinan No. 3 Middle School in January 1991 and was chosen as an anchorwomen in a local TV station in Jinan and worked there about 3 years. In 1994, I worked as a journalist for a State-run T.V. Station (CCTV) for six years until I immigrated to Canada in April 2000. I obtained a green card of the United States in October 2001. Our family landed in the United States around December 31, 2001, and started our new better life in the United States. Song, Yixuan used to be my colleague from 1987 to 1990 when I was a high school English teacher at No. 3 Jinan High School in China. Song Yixuan also used to be an English teacher at that time, and later became my "friend". China’s Xi Jinping''s brain-control agency used electromagnetic wave combined with intracranial sound transmission technology attack my brain nerve systems conciouslly on February 3, 2021. They spread evil thoughts and load negative energy on the brain nervous systems of me, my son Harry Gao, my son’s wife Jessie Gao and other family members and the public. For years,in order to cover up international terrorist criminal activities, They tend to train the human brain nerve systems in nagtive ways and suppressed the human brain''s perception of China''s Xi Jinping''s international extreme terrorist crimes. They mainly suppressed the human brain''s conscious brain nerve systems in order for the the human brains not to have the abilities to even perceive the facts of the crimes, resulting in the formation of erroneous conditioned reflexes of the related brain nervous system with the theme of being unable to face and solve this problem. This is one of the main reasons that human beings have paid no attention to the devastating international extreme terrorist crimes in China for at least 25 years. There is other thing that is directoly related to Xijinping''s brain-control agency. On November 18, 2023, I accidentally photographed pictures that showed the process of the extreme terrist attack on my brain nerve systems. I have published these important evidences in the photo album of my blog column on the Wanwei.net Please click the linck https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/. God Bless Human Being. Ruoqian Kang 12/21/2023