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My reports in English are blocked Using EM Waves 2024-01-18 06:27:43

A Brief Summary of the Case Report of Brain Nerve Experiments Using Electromagnetic Wave Terrorist Attacks in the United States by the Claiming Mind-control Agency of China's Xi Jinping's Government.

Ruo Qian Kang 01/18/2024

    My name is Ruo Qian Kang, an American citizen. As a victim, I need to report a case of special nature and content to all of you. The transnational electromagnetic wave brain neuroterrorism criminal experimental activities and ideological electromagnetic wave brain neuroterrorism abuse cases created by the claiming to be Chinese President Xi Jinping's Chinese brain control agency . 

    For more than two years,this agency has now used high-tech sound transmission technology in the United States to conduct sadistic non-human brain experiments through psychological electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks on brain nerves. My life has been threatened by this case. This case is also related to the U.S. national security. In order to protect my human rights , my life and my lives of my whole family, and the U.S. national security interests,I need to report to the  U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    I would like to introduce the important contents of this case.  The Chinese brain control agency uses Shandong Chinese dialect to attack my brain nerves through electromagnetic wave intracranial sound transmission technology for more than 20 hours a day. I am now more familiar with writing in Chinese.Please understand me. I've used translation software to help me to translate this report introduction into English. 

    I was born in China, American citizen. While in China, I worked as a high school English teacher for 6 years after graduating from college. In 1990, during the open recruitment of news anchors in Jinan City, among more than 800 contestants, I was lucky enough to be admitted by Jinan TV Station and worked as a news Anchor for 3 years.I came to Beijing to work in 1994 and worked as a reporter and editor for China National Television(CCTV) for 6 years. I immigrated to Canada and to the United States at the end of 2001 and worked as an administrative secretary in our U.S. immigration law firm for 10 years. After 2006, I studied 12 courses in psychology at Nova.

     From 2011to 2013, I studied at Michigan State University and got my master's degree in Human Development and Family Studies. I came to China to live from October 2015 to September 2022. During this time, I passed the National Senior (Level 2) Psychological Counselor Examination in China and got the National Senior psychological counselor certificate in 2017. From the beginning of 2016 to the end of 2020, I worked as a part-time one-on-one English and psychological tutor at Dazhi Training School in China. I returned to the United States in September 2022 and currently living in the suburb of Boston.

    This case has a special background and lasts for a long time. It originated in the early days (late 1990s) and was related to the personal habits of China's current President Xi Jinping, who used high-tech electromagnetic wave technology to stimulate low-level nerves to absorb and utilize related neurological energy. Later, Their crimes gradually expanded and got out of control, to the point where they conducted various electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks on brain nerve experiments in the United States through intracranial sound transmission technology. These experiments are internationally prohibited experiments of a non-human nature and involve U.S. national security. China’s brain control institutions have committed crimes against humanity.

     China's brain control agencies have been trying to use high-tech technical operations to conduct various electromagnetic brain neuroterrorist attack experiments that "turn human into non-human beings" and destroy normal life systems. These experiments start from destroying human normal relations and gradually develop to create false living realities. For example, they conduct incestuous sex experiments that violate human ethics and morals, experiments on incestuous sex and electromagnetic waves that terrorize the brain, experiments on incest between mother and son, experiments on incest between father and daughter, experiments on electromagnetic waves that terrorize the brain, experiments on creating mental illnesses by loading depression and other negative energy, energy replacement fantasy neurostimulation experiments between different people, malicious removal experiments on the positive energy. So many experiments conducted by the agency that I can not use the exact term in English to say and to describe. please refer to my original draft in Chinese to understand better.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.

In order to create an illusory reality, they malicious removal the positive energy of mine that produced naturally during the interaction between me and society. They did energy conversion experiments of various levels of neural frequencies, they did experiments created mental illness by loading depression and other negaive engergy depression energy loading energy stimulation experiments and various negative energy loading experiments, national error energy data 'whitewashing' experiments, control of social opinion, control of news and public opinion experiments, liver cyst electromagnetic wave nerve energy Stimulation research and experiments, various electromagnetic wave brain nerve subconscious damage experiments on the optic nerve, nose nerve, ear nerve, hearing nerve, etc.


 hool in China. I returned to the United States in September 2022 and currently living in the suburb of Boston.



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