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To Survive in the New Era, We Need Right Ideas. 2024-01-26 16:43:05

To Survive in the New Era, We Humans Need to Make Right Judgments, Find the Code of life That Guarantees a Virtuous Cycle of Success, and Defeat Evil. (1)

RUOQIAN KANG 01/26//2024

   The publication of my report in English was violated by the brain control system of Xi Jinping’s brain control agency in China. They are afraid that the extreme crimes of brain control by the Chinese Communist Party in English will be exposed. So we the public should pay attention to translate my Chinese reports into English using google software, https://translate.google.com/。The public must focus on translating my Chinese report into English using software and disseminating it around the world. As long as we do this, it will be a victory for us humans.

    We humans have subcousciouslly entered a new era, a new era of extreme terrorist crimes controlled by the electromagnetic waves of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping that attack the human brains. This new era has brought about a new situation, and we are facing new tasks, new way of thinking, and new requirements, because we humans must defeat the Chinese terrorist Xi Jinping government that has been secretly depriving human beings of survival for decades and attacking the brain systems with dark terror, because in order to survive, we must believe that this outcome is destined to succeed. Anyone who has any reason to be afraid or has no confidence in defeating China's horrific Xi Jinping government is a deceptive idea that has been instilled. It is not conducive to us humans defeating the evil Chinese government. It is wrong and has become the part of source of Xi Jinping's horrific and extreme crimes and cConscious or subconscious supporter. Therefore, we must see the essence clearly and choose the right stand.

  Our collective subconscious represents the positive will of Mankind, which is right and long-term survival and development. This is an objective natural law that is not dependent on anyone's concousness. When the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan carry out international extreme terrorist crimes, when they use electromagnetic waves to spread evil ideas in the consciousness, a certain level of the subconscious of each human being will automatically generate good beat over evil energy at the same time, including those who deliberately create evil energy in their consciousness. People, at a certain level of their subconscious mind, will also automatically generate the instinctive power to destroy evil over good, and eliminate the anti-human thoughts of evil over good in their consciousness. This is determined by the natural laws that occur in the right natural material world. This is the law of the universe. Purification ability is a natural and right reaction of the brain nerves that occurs automatically in a normal, natural material society where electromagnetic waves do not interfere with the human brain nervous system.

  Because the positive will of mankind determined by objective natural laws does not allow anyone to violate the essence of good over evil. In other words, the essence of righteousness over evil that we humans normally possess will not be subconsciously produced by anyone at a certain brain level without being interfered by electromagnetic waves. This is the right essential decision of our vitality of righteousness over evil. Yes, it is the instinctive reaction of the brain nervous system at this level that determines the forward development of our humanity. However, Xi Jinping took advantage of Song Yixuan's wave, as well as the different brain nerve energy patterns of individuals in society to wrongly intensify them, forcing the public to become arousal about evils such as high-pressure ruling energy. Song Yixuan's wrong energy model is, When pursuing extremely evil goals that seem reasonable on the surface and win, no matter how evil they are, our human brain nervous system will automatically produce a pattern of wrong destroying right. This is the horrific anti-human and non-human crime of China’s Xi Jinping.this is extreme brains of molecules control criminal activities.

   They have been secretly using this extreme terror method every day for many years, using computers and machines to input these evil thoughts, and using electromagnetic waves to direct the energy of these thoughts to attack the nervous system of the human brains in the world to create horrific stimulation, causing damage to the human brains. The nervous system carries out various persecutions of a nature that fools, deceives, threatens, intimidates, seduces and suppresses. At the same time, they control the human advanced nervous systems and prevent normal thinking, unable to perceive and realize the criminal existence of this extreme terrorist brain nervous system, and dare not face it rationally. They continue to conduct random and horrific experiments with computer machines on the human brain nervous system, or simulate reality, which is to artificially generate a false reality corresponding to the energy creation from the brain nervous system, making humans mistakenly believe that it is the natural life and life that occurs in the natural material world, and forcing humans to become accustomed to it. This is a life with endless consequences and a vicious cycle.

By RuoQian Kang01/26/2024

My reports link at https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/


To Be Continued 




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