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Hello, everyone,

Please read my reports using google translator Google Translate Thanks .

Kang, Ruo Qian 05/01/2024






RuoQian Kang (康若茜)

Dear editor, hello!

   I am one of the victims of the Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping’s international extreme terrorist AI controlled brain crimes. They have been secretly carrying out AI brain controlled weapons attacks on the brain nerves of the American public for decades. They used them many years ago to commit extreme terrorist crimes. Extreme terrorist criminal brain-controlled weapons secretly control the brain nervous system of the American public and U.S. government officials, control people's thoughts and brain nerve reaction patterns, load the brain nervous system energy with evil thoughts and wrong logic, and use electromagnetic waves to attack the brain nerves forcibly. Let the entire human brain become a guinea pig.

  I registered as a blogger on the Wanwei Reader website at the end of July last year. Respect for Justice is the name of my blog. I wrote a large number of exposés based on my current experience of being accused. Since they are committing crimes involving the AI human brain nervous system, they can use AI computer machines and electromagnetic waves to control the thoughts of the American public and U.S. government officials. They take advantage of people's unfamiliarity and ignorance about crimes in this field, and are easily confused by the Chinese brain control agencies. The brain nervous system cannot understand and face, cannot take correct measures to apply the elements such as combat and elimination, and commit crimes crazily in the United States. I have already mastered a large number of evidence photos of their crimes. These are all my own crimes in the brain and nerves. The photos were taken during the torture.

We, the general public, should immediately pay enough attention to it, disseminate the exposé report I wrote, let everyone in the American public know about the extreme terrorist criminal activities in China that target our brains in the United States, and urge the US government to face and crack down on China's extreme terrorist criminal activities. , until the extreme terrorist criminals in China are completely eliminated.

Here is the link to my website, please read. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/ you very much! Looking forward to your reports and interviews.

RuoQian Kang (Kang Ruoqian)

Dear editor, 

     I am one of the victims of the Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping’s international extreme terrorist AI controlled brain crimes. They have been secretly carrying out AI brain controlled weapons attacks on the brain nerves of the American public for decades. They used them many years ago to commit extreme terrorist crimes. Extreme terrorist criminal brain-controlled weapons secretly control the brain nervous system of the American public and U.S. government officials, control people's thoughts and brain nerve reaction patterns, load the brain nervous system energy with evil thoughts and wrong logic, and use electromagnetic waves to attack the brain nerves forcibly. Let the entire human brain become a guinea pig.

   I registered as a blogger on the Wanwei Reader website at the end of July last year. Respect for Justice is the name of my blog. I wrote a large number of exposés based on my current experience of being accused. Since they are committing crimes involving the AI human brain nervous system, they can use AI computer machines and electromagnetic waves to control the thoughts of the American public and U.S. government officials. They take advantage of people's unfamiliarity and ignorance about crimes in this field, and are easily confused by the Chinese brain control agencies. The brain nervous system cannot understand and face, cannot take correct measures to apply the elements such as combat and elimination, and commit crimes crazily in the United States. I have already mastered a large number of evidence photos of their crimes. These are all my own crimes in the brain and nerves. The photos were taken during the torture.

    We, the general public, should immediately pay enough attention to it, disseminate the exposé report I wrote, let everyone in the American public know about the extreme terrorist criminal activities in China that target our brains in the United States, and urge the US government to face and crack down on China's extreme terrorist criminal activities. , until the extreme terrorist criminals in China are completely eliminated.

Here is the link to my website, please read. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/ you very much! Looking forward to your reports and interviews.

RuoQian Kang (Kang Ruoqian)


The title of one of my articles is: "A summary of 230 exposé reports in chronological order--A summary of the extreme terrorist crime report of Xi Jinping using the country's supreme leadership to abuse human brain nerves"

--Written to publishers and readers

--In the process of successful self-rescue, I was rescued and had the opportunity to write a report exposing my experience of being controlled by criminal electromagnetic waves.

The tentative title of this book is "A Record of Extreme Terrorist Crimes by Chinese Extreme Terrorist Criminal Xi Jinping who used his power as President to carry out AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons on the brains of all human beings around the world."

Author: By Kang, RuoQian (Kang Ruoqian) 04/26/2024

Supporter: Mr. Time, Harry Gao (Gao Changsheng)


1. The purpose and outcomes of our disclosure reporting

It has been nine months since I started writing the exposé report I published on Wanwei Reader on July 31, 2023. In the past nine months, as a victim, an extremist terrorist group has been kidnapped by China’s Xi Jinping’s brain-controlled weapons for 35 years. Ordinary people who are victims of cranial nerves and the mother of the victim’s son Harry Gao, an ordinary scholar in the comprehensive field of cranial nerves whose brain was bombarded by AI machine electromagnetic wave brain-controlled intracranial sound transmission technology to create evil thoughts, I met my elementary school classmate Mr. Shi. An exposé report written with the support of spiritual encouragement in consciousness. This report is based on the real experience of my victim. It is for the purpose of reporting to the U.S. government and people all over the world. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/

Our purpose is to let people all over the world understand the international extreme terrorist crimes that have continued for 35 years and have been abusing our entire human brain and nervous system every day, artificially creating diseases, destroying human brain and nerve intelligence, and threatening our lives and property. 35 It went undetected for years, and reports to U.S. government officials did not receive the attention they deserved. Our purpose is to enable us humans and the U.S. government to take collective action to jointly combat extreme terrorist and criminal activities.

Another goal of mine is to awaken human beings to protect their own brain neural resources. One of the purposes of China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorism crimes is to turn humans into mentally retarded people who obey high-pressure rule, into irrational brains that cannot survive, and to change DNA. They use AI to control brain electromagnetic waves to separate parts of the human brain's upper and lower brain regions, turning it into a sex-addicted, pathologically split brain where the higher-level brain is underdeveloped, the higher-level nerves are inactive, the lower-level brain is developed, and the lower-level nerves are active, and the brain cannot work together in a unified manner. The non-human brain. They use electromagnetic waves and subconscious sound transmission to stimulate the relevant neural areas of humans by creating erroneous logical ideas and brain nerve energy to destroy the survivable brain nervous system data of the human brain, resulting in corresponding erroneous neural links and corresponding negative energy that cannot survive. , forcing human beings to automatically go to death without even realizing it.

Another important purpose I have is to urge people around the world to spread the news effectively, urge the President of the United States and the Secretary-General of the United Nations to conduct international arrests and immediate trials for suspected extremist terrorist criminals such as Xi Jinping, and effectively curb the influence of international extremist terrorist criminals on the human brain. Attack wildly. Let the whole world realize that China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist crimes have been secretly rampant in the United States for decades, controlling everyone in the United States, including U.S. government officials. Our readers should actively understand and explore the horror and extreme terror of this extreme control crime, its inhumanity, destructiveness, irreconcilability, insidiousness, murderousness, deprivation, brain-crippling, and brain-dismembering neurological properties, The brain cannot combine survivability, anti-humanity, artificial error world-making, ignorance, sex addiction, contradiction creation, alienation, etc. It is these unprecedented properties that even the Secretary-General of the United Nations did not realize that the United States The President also failed to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth investigation on me in a timely manner. The American media also ignored China Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist AI-controlled brain-control crimes, and the Chinese-language media in the United States also ignored it.

I have reported to the President of the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, the Governor of Massachusetts, the Department of Foreign Affairs and other departments countless times, sent emails, and mailed more than ten disclosures to the Department of Homeland Security. I called the local police 5 or 6 times, and it was discovered that people in my apartment had come in at least three times when I was not at home, but none of them received the attention they deserved. Because I discovered that AI electromagnetic waves are constantly using AI machines to interfere with the attention of government officials, their ideas about the topic are changed, and their brain nervous system response mode energy to this problem is wrongly activated, resulting in disbelief, worry, avoidance, Suspicion that there is something wrong with the reporter and other erroneous conditioned reflexes.

The most important reason is that these extreme international criminals are well prepared and have been secretly committing crimes with AI computer machines for a long time. They target our human brain and nervous system and use the victim target group to launch attacks on the entire human brain and nervous system. The human brain perceives, indescribably, simultaneously their evil goals against all the computer "success" settings.

Therefore, first, we humans need to face it together immediately, so that our brains can carry out advanced brain thinking and exploration, and we can technologically innovate righteous AI high-tech electromagnetic wave control to combat and eliminate extremist criminals.

Second, we need to expose ourselves collectively. The media takes the lead and attacks us. When our American media and the world’s media are paying attention to the extreme terrorist criminals of China’s Xi Jinping who steal our brain nervous system and destroy human beings, this group of suspected terrorist criminals It means they were arrested at the same time.

US social media reports are an effective measure to combat China's international terrorist crimes, because Xi Jinping's extreme criminal gang targets the entire human population. In order not to be discovered, they secretly use the energy created by AI electromagnetic waves to deceive everyone's attention and attract the public. Produce wrong reactions that have nothing to do with them, directing their attention to their own little calculations, sexual rights and mutual conflicts.

At the same time, we humans need to learn new ways of thinking. We need to change the forced brain response patterns that are not suitable for survival, and establish a brain response pattern for successful and correct survival. We firmly believe that good and evil are the natural biological attributes of our lives, and positive energy It is a basic scientific discovery of high frequency, and negative energy is low frequency. The purpose is to report the crime immediately and effectively on this basis.

Regarding the problems that arise in society and life, we must first focus on problems, conflicts, diseases, viruses, and wars. The culprit behind President Xi Jinping is extremist terrorist criminals. Constantly remind ourselves that they are the source of all evil. They deliberately use AI robots to create evil thoughts. Electromagnetic waves spread malignant brain nerve energy, which affects our human brain nerves, producing reaction patterns and negative energy that are not conducive to self-survival. We are subjected to extremely cruel practices every day. Therefore, we must target them, refuse to accept their evil and wrong ideas, let their evil be punished, and let them receive a fair trial. This reaction pattern must be repeated and practiced consciously in the electromagnetic wave era until the evil enemy is punished. Bring him to justice.

We are proud to have captured and brought to justice the international extremist terrorist suspects who have secretly carried out China's brain-controlled electromagnetic waves and brain nerve aggression against the entire human race for 35 years, and to have successfully exposed their crimes against humanity. They are China's Xi Jinping extremist terrorist criminal group A group of 17 people.

There are about 17 extremist suspects in the crime of extreme terrorist AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons in China. They are Chinese President Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan and his wife, Song Yixuan and Ma Dayuan, Song Zhijian and his wife, Song Ji, Hua Chunying, Xu Liyong, Xu Yong , Xi Jinping’s wave, Ma Songge and his wife, Jack Ma and his wife, Ma Kui, Zi Jianjun, Ge Hong, etc. Let the U.S. government and the American people join forces with the Chinese people and all countries belonging to the United Nations to bring the suspects of extreme terrorist criminals who are trying to destroy the brain and nervous system of our human beings to the sacred trial stand of the United Nations International Court of Justice. Our sacred laws will punish you. Conduct fair trials and fair and fair punishments.

This is a result, an extreme terrorist criminal suspect that my son and I jointly identified through the subconscious and conscious interaction of the abuse experience. Shi Shi’s classmate jointly identified the criminal suspect through the subconscious interaction of many years of abuse of the brain nervous system. This is The judgment is made based on the information revealed by the subconscious and conscious brain energy under the influence of AI electromagnetic waves when the extremely terrorist criminals themselves commit extremely terrorist brain crimes.

Inspired by the spirit of my elementary school classmate Mr. Shi, and the subconscious interaction with my son Harry Gao, I write my blog articles almost every day. I have now written nearly 500 article reports, and the number of views of my articles on the website has been reported. It has reached more than 1 million in five months, and now has more than 14 million reads. Since this is a crime personally directed by the President of China, Chinese brain-controlled criminals use electromagnetic waves of evil thoughts to prevent readers from reading my article.

For example, every time I click "copy" in the text column of each article, the article appears with overlapping garbled characters and cannot be pasted. This is one of the evidences that the electromagnetic waves of Xi Jinping’s brain-controlled machine control the human brain nervous system. For example, the reading volume of my articles went from 6,000-10,000 readings per day for several months, to about 260 readings per day now.

2. Overview of my alleged encounters and my self-rescue and actions

Song Yixuan was my colleague at Jinan No. 3 Middle School (from 1987 to the end of 1990). Song Yixuan and I worked in the same office from 1988 to 1990, serving as English teachers for senior high school students in the same grade. When the two classes I taught took the college entrance examination in 1990, the high score rate and average score of the two classes I taught ranked among the best among the seven classes in the entire grade, ranking third in Jinan City. Song Yixuan was very surprised and jealous of my teaching achievements, and she began a criminal plan to secretly steal my brain nerve data for brain control.

At that time, my son Zhao Tianzhe was less than 2 years old. My son was in kindergarten in Jinan No. 3 Middle School. Song Yixuan focused on my healthy son Zhao Tianzhe and conducted electromagnetic wave brain training on him to commit crimes.

Song Yixuan's father served as one of the persons in charge of electromagnetic waves for brain-controlled weapons in the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Committee. He was preparing to major at the time. Song Yixuan secretly discovered that we had excellent genes and no political background. Mr. Zhao Jian was raised by his adoptive mother from birth. Song Yixuan thought that our family was easy to bully. Song Yixuan teamed up with his father Song Ji and her brother Song Zhijian to conduct multiple investigations on our family and steal electromagnetic waves of brain data. She pretended to be my friend. Learn more about our family over time.

Mr. Zhao Jian and I were introduced to each other and dated for two years. We got married in April 1987 and divorced after more than three years. Zhao Jian is very strong and outstanding. He graduated from the Physics Department of Shandong Normal University. He works as a physics tutor at the Electronic Education Department of Jinan Railway Dachang and his work has been well received. He was kind to others, simple and hard-working, very intelligent, and very capable. My parents had a very good impression of him at that time, and I should be grateful.

We often had conflicts with Mr. Zhao Jian around 1991. He lied that he was recuperating at work and had been away from home for more than half a year. I didn't know his whereabouts. I was in a lot of pain and anxious at that time, and we divorced after he came back. All of this is a crime loaded with electromagnetic waves and brain nerve energy secretly and deliberately carried out by the Song family to destroy relationships in our family, with the purpose of dividing our family.

   In 1992, when Xi Jinping was a local official in Xiamen, China, he transferred our brain data to Song Yixuan through his brain control data network, which is the brain database of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, from which he searched for mothers and children to carry out mother-child model chaotic brain research. Psychological abuse crime. In 1992, Xi Jinping made a decision to suppress Kang Ruoxian's ambition and suppress Zhao Tianzhe's future by suppressing Zhao Jian's personality. They then maliciously created brain energy to persecute and supervise Mr. Zhao Jian's brain nervous system. The brain energy was loaded with persecution and surveillance, causing Zhao Jian to change his lively and cheerful personality and become docile and helpless.

The Song family jointly started a persecution and death plan against our family, including my parents, sister Kang Ruojun's family, and my aunt Kang Jinling's family. They now revealed through the brain-controlled weapon transmission that after Mr. Zhao Jian was arrested and imprisoned, he formulated an early death and slow death electromagnetic wave brain control plan for his family, which led to my cousin having heart bypass surgery twice when he was 50 years old. It caused the blood disease of his son who was less than 30 years old, caused the early death of my aunt Kang Jinling, caused my cousin to suffer from multiple chronic diseases, caused my cousin to have pre-cancer, caused my cousin to have strokes and many bizarre events. The car accident caused my sister and I to fight openly and covertly. Song Yixuan focused on the suppression and persecution of my sister Kang Ruojun's family members, destroying our family relationship.

Song Yixuan and her husband Ma Dayuan, parents Song Ji and Qiu Jin, and brother Song Zhijian decided to conduct brain-controlled electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks on our children and parents respectively. They formulated a detailed plan to frame Zhao Jian. They created criminal brain energy and forcibly acted on his brain system through electromagnetic waves. This group of human extreme terrorist criminals wantonly tramples on human rights and suppresses and belittles the nature of unjust cases. It’s too long to describe!

From October 2015 to now, the international electromagnetic wave extreme terrorist criminals commanded by Chinese President Xi Jinping have further secretly carried out lethal brain torture on me, my son and his family members. From February 2021 to now, they have developed to The AI machine creates evil thoughts of death in the brain nerve energy, and uses the intracranial sound transmission and amplification technology to directly affect the electromagnetic waves of their evil thoughts into my brain nervous system, and carries out brain-controlled torture crimes, making me aware of the fascist torture they carry out. Abuse, forcing our brain systems to accept their humiliation and offense, to destroy my will. They used AI robot-like criminal tools to torture my high-level brain and low-level brain using a separation and isolation policy. This made me, the accused brain victim, lose the comprehensive ability and narrative ability of my high-level brain to resist and escape from torture, making me unable to realize. My own entire being.

At the same time, the Chinese international electromagnetic wave extreme terrorist criminals personally commanded by the criminal government Chinese President Xi Jinping use the method of violating our mothers and children as a model for violating the public, and secretly control the individual brain nervous systems of different members of the public according to the needs of their AI machines. Abuse. When they commit such extremely horrific crimes, they imply that they control humans so that they cannot perceive and realize them. This is actually deception. However, when we do not face this extremely horrific crime in our consciousness, it is equivalent to obeying their malicious deception. If the corresponding wrong neural links are generated, our entire brain nervous system will really lose the ability to perceive and realize the control and abuse of China's electromagnetic waves on itself, and lose the ability to resist. This is the current sad and terrifying situation of our entire human society. This is the purpose of this book.

Two years and five months after my consciousness was controlled by the extreme criminals using criminal electromagnetic waves to control my brain, I found the great Wanwei Reader website and registered the blog name "Respect for Justice" and began to write about my horrific experience of being brain-controlled. It was a great lucky start. I am grateful to the great Wanwei Reader Network for their righteous actions. I wish all employees of Wanwei Reader Network good luck and good rewards.

I am under the eyes of the ferocious enemies of electromagnetic waves. Under the constant threats and obstructions of their electromagnetic waves, every blog post of mine is loaded with irreproducible negative energy. Their criminal photo evidence is published in my "Personal Album" evidence column. middle. At first, any of my moves to write or publish exposing articles were maliciously blocked by electromagnetic waves. However, I did not give in. I gained even more courage to defeat their evil enemies. I knew that I was doing something right and I was saving myself. Evil law-breaking Those who committed the crime were Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminals. As a result, I generated positive energy, I felt the correct brain response, and I felt dignity.

I feel a heavy responsibility and I have the responsibility to speak out. At that time, my language awareness, perception, memory, comprehensive ability and other high-level brain abilities were limited, but I was determined to do what I should have as a healthy person to speak out. , because you extreme criminals are worse than pigs and dogs in the eyes of me, Kang Ruoxi! You don’t have the ability or authority to do this, I won’t allow it! You will be punished for your evil deeds. This is the truth I have pursued since I was a child.

I gradually realized that China’s Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminal group has controlled the entire human brain and nervous system, including U.S. government officials, for the past 35 years, forcing our human brain to be unable to realize and face this group of human enemies. However, Xi Jinping’s international extreme terrorist crimes are related to each of us humans, to the survival of our human brains, to our lives, and to the homeland security of the United States, because their electromagnetic waves strengthen the evil created by our brain nervous system. Thoughts, they are bullying our collective subconscious. I saw the evidence hidden in the email I sent to the U.S. Homeland Security that the Chinese brain control prevented the U.S. government from producing the necessary brain energy for this crime. It was published in a personal photo album. Their method was to reverse order, that is, to pervert relevant matters. People carry out of order errors and misaligned brain energy.

During the process of being abused, I felt a bombardment. I needed to be calm and clear-headed. This was a prerequisite for me to defeat the enemy and stand on the interface of righteous survival. We must believe that our souls are unyielding and cannot be shaken or damaged by electromagnetic waves. As long as we firmly rely on this positive energy source of life, we will regain our dignified life of combining spirit and body.

Because our lives are innate, natural and natural vitality, I have already constructed a correct picture for my own happy life, which is my life goal. You extreme terrorist criminals have no power or ability to do this. It makes no sense that because you, Xi Jinping, have usurped the position of President of China, you will not allow me to live, your son will not be allowed to live, I will not be allowed to be a mother, and the public of humanity will not be allowed to live. Live, you, Xi Jinping, are an illegal government, an underground government with extreme terror, AI brains, and extreme criminality!

You publicly shouted at me through the brain control technology of intracranial sound amplification in the criminal electromagnetic waves, blocking my correct life system and subverting my cognition. You have indeed ruined yourselves too much. You are doing this to me. The great contempt and humiliation of women, humiliation of mothers, humiliation of sons, humiliation of men, humiliation of humanity and deprivation of human rights. This in itself shows that you have already been destined to enter the trash can of the times, and you have lost your soul and qualifications as human beings. You, Xi Jinping’s extremely anti-human government electromagnetic wave members, are destined to receive evil retribution because of your evil. I spread such evil thoughts every day to block their electromagnetic waves from enslaving me to my brain. I pray to God to save me. I hope that the natural law of virtuous cycle of good and evil will work. I pursue the correct existence of the sunshine of justice. The laws work correctly.

3. The positive social connection between Time Classmate’s rescue for me and our justice force

I realize that this kind of extreme terrorist experience is the extreme terrorist crime that Xi Jinping has carried out 24 hours a day for decades. In our land in the United States, in China, and all over the world, this is what happened after Xi Jinping stole the power of the President of China. , using AI electromagnetic waves to control the human spirit to rob wealth, rob science and technology, steal material wealth, and steal spiritual wealth. This is one of the secrets of China’s prosperity in decades. It is through AI's extreme terrorist electromagnetic wave brain nervous system crime that they control the human brain and perform various deceptions invisibly, in a way that people cannot detect. This is why they do not hesitate to cause the destruction of mankind with this extreme terrorist crime. Why? They launch such a vicious attack on our entire species.

The nerves of our collective human brain have been stolen and kidnapped. During the crimes committed by China's brain-controlled extremist criminals, I witnessed their extreme shamelessness and brutality, and witnessed the cowardice of human beings who become passive and puppet-like when their brains are controlled. Should we humans take the actions we should take? Should we stop this rampant attack, or are we already used to being beaten and scolded, living in a state of indifference in the subconscious anticipation of the next round of brain-controlled attacks on our collective collective mind, and finding reasons to be excited?

They can change people's thoughts at will, and their thoughts and reactions are controlled to an undetectable level. What a state of terror and despair this is. I have experienced it, but this is a fact, a complicated fact, and a fact that is difficult to describe. , an invisible and invisible brain crime, we all need to be aware of, need to experience, need to perceive, need to remember, need to summarize, and need to record.

Then, they clamored that they would use the same method to eliminate my son, my ex-husband and time classmate, and use the same method to eliminate the entire human population. They once told me that they killed many, many people using this method. , I survived the catastrophe.

I need to tell others, the U.S. government, and the general public that you need to listen, because you are also being brain-controlled like me. The difference is that you do not have the conscious brain control of intracranial sound transmission technology. They do not use amplification technology to control the brain. The energy they load allows you to hear and realize, but the pattern of 24-hour abuse by electromagnetic waves is the same. We are all enveloped in criminal electromagnetic waves controlling the brain, and the abuse of the lower brain nervous system of us humans is the same, and each other is the same. infect. We, the human race, are aware of the abuse experience of this extremely complex brain controlled by intelligence. We have the responsibility to rescue the victims of brain control, protect ourselves, and work together to eliminate the criminal members of the Xi Jinping collective, an international extremist terrorist criminal in China.

So, around April 2023, when classmate Shi sent me a voice message after learning that I was brain-controlled by China’s electromagnetic waves, telling me what happened to you, I saw hope, because I knew that if The most important thing to defeat Xi Jinping's extreme neuroterrorist attack is to listen. We must know that this extremely complex and cunning crime involves the brain's nerve energy that humans have not yet known. All of us need to listen. We need to know the reason why this extreme terrorist crime that has lasted for 35 years has controlled the entire human population and has been covered up, and what is the truth? What's the secret? The American government needs to listen, the American president needs to listen, everyone in the world needs to listen, the American media needs to listen, needs to read, needs to understand, needs to spread, needs conscience and rescue operations. If you know your enemy and yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

I could only tell my elementary school classmate what happened by sending him WeChat messages for more than an hour every day, which lasted for several months, because I knew that this kind of unprecedented crime of controlling the brain nervous system was not something I could simply say. Clearly, I have so much to say, so much content that needs to be recorded and analyzed. I kept exposing it. I wrote almost every day and wrote hundreds of thousands of words of articles and reports. So, this and The spiritual encouragement and help of my elementary school classmate Shi Shi are inseparable. I am grateful to Shi Shi.

Mr. Time now tells me through intracranial sound transmission that my time now knows that the enemy’s subconscious has already let me know that Kang Ruoqian is brain-controlled and threatens my time with the nature of accompanying and kidnapping me. Therefore, classmate Shi’s subconscious is looking for a strategy. Kang Ruoqian in 2023 After telling Shi Shi the news that I was being charged in February, Mr. Shi's reaction was that Xiaokang told me that I was right, I wanted to save her, I wanted to save myself, and we should be fair. He already felt that the enemy was framing him. This was real.

Around August 2023, I realized that the time classmate model helped me, and we fought against electromagnetic waves together. During the process of being abused, we know that we must remain calm and sober, our relationships need to be adjusted, we need to examine and review, we need to find objective and correct existence, and we need to respect the rules. I need to let Shi Shi understand what experiences I endured, what ideological and theoretical basis I use to adjust, the general process and experience of my study and research in the United States, so that we can jointly find the correct way to defeat Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminals. It is a great wisdom process.

This was an extremely horrifying experience of brain abuse. When I discovered that not only was my brain being controlled in such horrific and painful ways, but that the entire human race was also controlled by deceptive thoughts from electromagnetic wave brain-control weapons, I felt hopeless and helpless. For example, when I called the police, the brain-controlled intracranial sound transmission of criminal electromagnetic waves directly told me that they had loaded my brain with the energy of a bad woman, and controlled the relevant American police officers to distrust, ignore, and suffer from neurosis, etc. in my call to the police. When the nerves reacted, I felt the corresponding stimulation of the brain nervous system violation. When the police came, my brain appeared unable to speak. Although I was conscious, the brain nerve energy caused an abnormal relationship between me and the police. The distance and feeling caused the police to have corresponding brain nerve reactions, such as disbelief, neglect, etc. The police would suddenly appear with many things to do, or receive different calls, ignoring the problems I told them, etc. The brain nerves are controlled by electromagnetic waves to react. In those few hours, everything was brain activity at the level of invisible brain energy. Everything was controlled by artificial brain energy. During the Chinese international terrorist attack, you people understand. Yet? This is a little-known, widespread, extreme neurological crime that targets everyone.

After Time learned about the control Chinese brain control exerts on American government officials and police, Time spent its energy on sending me a lot of positive power that trusted me before I called the police again, so that I could relatively reduce the number of times I called the police. The electromagnetic wave controlled state of the brain nerves, which was so nervous that I could not speak, has improved significantly. We can understand this effect in this way. It is a bit like when you have a supportive friend or family member around you, the situation will be beneficial to you. The feeling.

An important problem I face is that I want to try to understand how this extremely terrifying electromagnetic wave brain control technology has damaged my brain and nervous system, and how it has carried out terrorist attacks on our entire human society and kidnapped our brains and nerves to this extent. It’s so terrifying that all human brains are being controlled without knowing it. I once suffered from a desperate feeling that made the sky and the earth uneasy. Like an elephant, I lost my brain function as a human being. I was horrified to find that the entire human race has also He has lost his true function as a human being and is in a state of being controlled by his brain. In this sense, I think the public is more pathetic than me and needs help. The public brains of mankind have been charged, and I have been accused to the point of denying that I have been accused, and do not believe that my brain has been charged to the extent that I have been accused. We actually need to help each other, unite as one, and fight against the enemy together, just like the correct attitude and approach of Shi Shi and I, in order to achieve gratifying results.

Our ideas, our way of thinking, our normal reaction patterns, our natural laws of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, our preferences, hobbies, and habits, our attention, our life trends, our real society, and our medical equipment Check results, the speed and functionality of our computers, even whether our printers are working properly, our mood changes, our opinions on a thing, etc. are all under the control of China's Xi Jinping's electromagnetic waves, and they can all use AI computers to do evil The electromagnetic wave of thoughts attacks the brain nerves to change them, and spreads them in the form of invisible evil brain nerve energy stimulation. This is their extremely terrifying darkness and extremely terrifying crime method that is difficult for our sensory perception system to detect, because they use high-tech computers and Electromagnetic waves combined with intracranial sound transmission and brain control technology have kidnapped our human brains.

With the help of the time classmate model, my body is gradually recovering, gradually recovering from the suffocating brain state of being passively beaten, and gradually clearing out the destructive energy and the negative words and words generated by this experience. Wrong brain nerve reaction patterns and wrong conditioned reflexes. I rationalize my brain nerve energy data rationally and correctly. I speculate that as long as I write it out and expose the truth, humans will know what to do. We humans are the majority, we humans If such extreme terrorist criminal activities are not allowed to exist, this evil machine will not be able to continue to invade us. When I wake up from sleep, many times I find that my classmate is using the positive energy spread between us to generate more positive energy according to his understanding and ability, and I realize that my brain energy data has improved. All this shows that we humans have accepted the deception. As long as we are aware of this, as long as we choose not to accept this kind of invasion of our brains, as long as we choose self-rescue and social rescue, as long as we take action to report to the US government, we will Can defeat Xi Jinping’s terrorist criminals.

With the conscious and subconscious support of my classmate Time, and the subconscious and conscious support of my son Harry Gao, I tried to find an established good result through practical experience and reasoning. We believe that the established result of good and evil has already existed there. . We are looking for the correct answer together, the correct answer that originally existed, and the objective law. We must see this correct path, we must realize it, we must write it out, and we must spread it so that everyone in the world knows about it. Many times, I also interact with the subconscious mind of my son Harry Gao. I feel that the positive vitality bursting out from my son in this position has been inspiring me. I hope to exert the wisdom and power of the motivation of each of us, Including my son’s family members.

4. Some of my correct answers

I just suddenly remembered an important fact from the pain of China's Xi Jinping's control of my electromagnetic waves. I forgot to write it down. I just sent a WeChat voice message to my son Harry Gao Gao Changsheng, that is, I was affected by electromagnetic waves in the first round of brain nerves. Before the abuse and harassment, when my brain nerves were being violated subconsciously, I made psychological adjustments every day. At that time, I often silently recited the elements of virtue and life, humanity, kindness, health, justice, order, dignity, life, inner decency, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Autonomy, freedom, kindness, tolerance, transcendence, high realm, great wisdom, wisdom, simplicity, equality, conscience, correct emotions, rational balance, correct ideas, correct reality, correct natural world, sympathy, good thoughts, sincerity, truth, nature , correct intellectual relationship, positive effect, loyalty to the truth, respecting the truth, knowing the truth, relying on the truth, understanding the truth, respecting the correct spirit, protecting the correct spiritual wealth, inner order, introspection, autonomy, repentance, and self-intellectual criticism. I feel content inside.

In fact, when our brain nervous system was secretly controlled in each of our bodies in the past, the virtue and life elements that support the power of life were reduced in our bodies. Xi Jinping's electromagnetic wave brain control extreme crimes are deliberately wiping out the conscience elements in the human body. They passed Electromagnetic waves prevent humans from pursuing it. I just remembered that, in fact, I was tortured by conscious voice transmission and brain control, and my survival was based on the conscious meditation and pursuit of virtuous life elements.

I finally made an important discovery. Our souls are unyielding and cannot be shaken or damaged by criminal electromagnetic waves. As long as we firmly rely on this energy body that is a positive source of life, we will regain our dignified spirit and body. A life of union.

We have also discovered a correct logic, which is that China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist crime electromagnetic wave brain control weapons are aimed at people all over the world, and are targeted at the intrusion and torture of all human brains. Therefore, each of our subconscious and conscious brain nervous systems are secretly forced to Therefore, in this justice eradication of Xi Jinping’s extreme international criminal activities, Shi Shi and I are thinking in the right direction that will contribute to the correct and long-term survival of mankind. I thought what I should think, did what I should do, and got what I deserved. This is our book as the correct solution for me, my son Harry Gao, and my classmates to eliminate good and evil. We have already done it, and each of us human beings need to say no in spirit, heart and action to the extreme terrorist crimes of China's Xi Jinping that violate us.

A very good way to clear wrong neural links, find the true self, and reshape our unified brain is to read this book, three or four paragraphs in a cycle, after seeing and realizing Xi Jinping’s influence on us humans. When infringing content, experience your own internal speech, find it, write it down, and use the methods I mentioned in my report to eliminate it.

In this way, the process of reading actually achieves multiple goals. One of them is to remind one's subconscious negative energy, make the subconscious conscious, and give the subconscious a sun. We can then use our consciousness to completely clear away the errors, irrational evils in our subconscious mind, and give ourselves a purified soul as a human being.

5. We have seen through every bit of the anti-humanity goals and evil methods of China’s Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminals

One thing that needs special attention here is that these negative energies are the torture and abuse carried out by Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminals on us. We must always remind ourselves that the masterminds behind the scenes are Xi, Song, Mapeng, Ge Zihua and other criminal suspects. When rejecting negative energy At the same time, we must use the method I have mentioned to return these negative energies to the minds of the people corresponding to China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminals, use every possible means to control the higher brains of these people, and carry out punishment on their lower brains. They will get what they want because of their evil deeds. They were repaid for their evil deeds and were punished by the sun and justice. Therefore, this process is the process of purifying the soul and combating extreme terrorist criminals by the sun spirit pursuing justice and sunshine.

However, China’s Xi Jinping criminal group is so cruel that no one can believe an extremely terrifying brain-controlled crime model. They are constantly clearing away the energy of positive energy and resistance motivation that naturally arises from our human beings towards extreme terrorist criminal activities, and turning them against We perform brain nerve torture to eliminate all the energy and memory in the consciousness, threaten and load the brain with torture in the subconscious, force humans to mistakenly change the brain nerve response mode, and subconsciously accept wrong logic, making the human brain nerve energy data unsurvivable. They are changing the vitality energy produced by our human civilization after millions of years of evolution, and changing the laws of survival and growth of human metabolism. We must keep in mind the extremely terrifying characteristics of Xi Jinping in China, carry out targeted resistance, and activate our response accordingly. The positive energy factor of mankind's successful victory over anti-human enemies.

In fact, China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminals plan to cover up their crimes and whitewash and cover up the extreme terrorist crimes against humanity that Xi Jinping has carried out against our collective humanity for decades. This electromagnetic wave brain control is one of the goals of extreme terrorist crimes. It is whitewashing and covering up, and at the same time launching a more rampant attack on the public.

This criminal electromagnetic wave is a point of no return. Their overall goal is to eliminate hostages and hostage family members, and ultimately eliminate human beings. Their planned plan is to replace the entire human brain nerve energy with a time difference. During this period, it will have a negative impact on individual human beings. The brain nervous system conducts experimental production, absorption and utilization of various energies, making human beings unable to resist, allowing Chinese criminals to always be at an advantage, and driving the entire human population to destruction.

Song Yixuan once said to me coldly when he called me on WeChat in September 2023, "We can't stop the demise of mankind, so let's let mankind perish. It's not now, it may be five years later. We can't control it. It may be Nuclear war, destroy it." This itself means that Song Yixuan's destruction mode and subconscious energy trend are revealed.

Song Yixuan has grown from an ordinary English teacher at the No. 3 Middle School in Jinan City, Shandong Province to being so arrogant and inhumane today. The main reason is that she saw her master Xi Jinping taking over the position of president of China, the most populous country with a population of more than one billion. The extreme and irresistible AI electromagnetic wave method has controlled mankind for so many years. No one has dared to mention it publicly and directly. The subconscious of Song Yixuan, an international extreme terrorism suspect, revealed: "You Kang Ruoxian are nothing. As soon as we suppress you, we can slander you as a spirit." Are we still afraid of people suffering from schizophrenia? We have already controlled the US government, US politics, US society and the media. Whoever we put in power will be in power. If you can, there is a theory and it is the truth. How? In this way, the U.S. government still listens to us. They listen to us for their own reasons. Come on, try. We are evil. When evil takes control of power, it is a disaster. It has happened since ancient times. We cannot said".

Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan are constantly collecting correct brainwaves from the people, that is, kind brainwaves, brainwaves with a spirit of resistance, and intelligent brainwaves to control them, and use collective brain control to teach others through collective brain control to carry out oppressive control policies. To build their own ideal kingdom, this is their philosophy. They first captured Kang Ruoxian's brainwaves and her son's brainwaves. They did not choose Zhao Jian's brainwaves. They chose to carry out a repressive persecution and death plan on Zhao Jian. They have already implemented it, but Zhao Jian survived. This is Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan’s brutal trampling on the life destiny of ordinary people, which has become a reality through AI.

They use electromagnetic waves to make us humans form a wrong understanding. They are the government. They clearly know the mistakes and have analyzed the mistakes. We believe that they will take the initiative to correct the mistakes. This is what they said. This is an extremely terrifying feature of China’s Xi Jinping’s electromagnetic waves. Their years of criminal experience led them to devise this psychologically sadistic deception scam.

On the one hand, they commit all kinds of evil, and on the other hand, they confess, confess, admit, and show correction. These are all methods of deception. If their electromagnetic waves want to achieve such an effect, Song Yixuan thinks it is successful, because this kind of deception is the extreme terror of anti-human electromagnetic waves. One of the methods is to have illusions about their group of liars and thieves. This is the wrong direction. They have exposed their subconscious energy through sound transmission. They will never give up at any cost. This is the mutual commitment and commitment of their extreme terrorist criminals. oath. Through this kind of scam, they turn the idea of controlling the public in the wrong direction, ignore and simplify the crimes of this extreme country, and hope that the extreme terrorist criminals will correct themselves. Their real purpose is to block the spontaneous spirit of resistance of human beings and block themselves. The instinct and great wisdom to protect life and the new trend of actively attacking our common enemy of mankind are another extremely terrifying feature.

We have to see that the model of extreme terrorist crimes promoted by Xi Jinping and Song Yi is to search for brain waves in the public, control the conscience brain waves, resist the consciousness brain waves, and wisdom brain waves. They are obsessives who "see gold and possess it. They possess it by using their national power and AI electromagnetic waves to attack the brain nerves. On the one hand, they occupy and exploit the deprivation, and at the same time they conduct experimental expropriation of the entire human brain nervous system. This It is the Chinese brain-controlled extremist terrorist group that absolutely controls the entire human race, controls the powerful US government, and controls the secret weapon of the United Nations. Song Yixuan said that we are investigating this matter. Once it is confirmed, we will not be afraid of anything.

Therefore, I write this book in order to resolve China’s Xi Jinping’s unjust case against our mother, son and family members in a fair and sunny way, and publish this book to ensure the correct life safety and rights of our mother and child; in order for justice to win, for our dignity as human beings, and for Publish this book for the due respect and independent liberation of our sacred and inviolable brains; publish this book for the sacred right of our human beings to survive together; publish this book for us humans and U.S. government officials to jointly defeat the international extreme terrorism crimes of China and Xi Jinping This book; published in order to bring Chinese President Xi Jinping to justice for suspected extremist terrorist criminal gangs.

6. My gratitude

First of all, I am grateful to myself. I endured such overwhelming pain and survived tenaciously. For more than three years, I suffered from constant air strikes on my brain nerves through criminal electromagnetic wave consciousness, intracranial sound transmission, abuse and torture. Fighting back, constantly sorting out the nerves that were persecuted by criminal electromagnetic waves, and rehabilitating my damaged nerves. I am observing and experiencing, analyzing, summarizing, and understanding to expose the truth of the extremely horrific crimes that have unprecedented control over our intelligence. I am proud to say that I did it. , I successfully exposed each of their conspiracies and scams. I survived the process and reported it. I think I did what a dignified person should do.

During this process, my records, some of my observations and thoughts, are true. We can regard this record as a process, an observation and thinking process when fighting from the perspective of the victim. This process allows readers to appreciate how criminal, evil and cunning AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons can be. This AI brain-controlled crime targets the criminal manufacturing and processing of brain nerve energy, the root of our material world. It is an extreme terrorist crime against humanity and an unprecedented crime that destroys humanity in human history. These extreme terrorist criminals control They have long lost the ability to correct mistakes in terms of national power and wealth. They have already made the worst plan, which is to perish together with us humans.

I am grateful to the great readers of Wanwei for reading my articles. It is your support and encouragement that makes writing these reports more meaningful. You have made this exposé report against fascist tyranny possible. I am grateful to my readers. , you will be rewarded with good things, good things will be rewarded with good things. This book is a book of spirit. When faced with the attack of a heavily armed enemy, we choose to fight. We choose to use truth to defeat the enemy. We choose not to be superficially reckless or absurd, but to choose morality, conscience, and justice.

I am grateful to my son Harry Gao, his wife Jessica Gao, son Dannel Gao, and daughter Willow Gao. During the process of being deliberately persecuted by the CCP’s electromagnetic wave brain-control weapons, they were persevering and aggressive in the subconscious, showing that we humans and A tenacious belief and heroic courage that are innately sacred and inviolable.

My son Harry Gao is a victim. When he was two years old, when he needed the care of his parents, he was tortured by inhuman brain-controlled electromagnetic waves. He is still living bravely and healthily, and has built a happy family. , has a wife and children. When China's Xi Jinping brain control agency further persecutes our mother and son, my son's great sense of responsibility and positive spirit for his family, especially as a father, for their two children, is a tribute to those born in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves. The love, simplicity and kindness shown by my daughter who was born with a congenital disease brought me great comfort and added endless positive power to me. When we, mother and son, have been secretly deprived of our correct life and destiny by Chinese extreme terrorist criminals for 35 years, belittled our honest personality, confused our brain and nervous system, destroyed our personality, and destroyed the correct emotions and relationship between mother and son, We still stick to our bottom line as human beings, and we are doing our best to maintain our dignity and inner decency as human beings. I am proud of my son Harry Gao.

It is precisely because of the tremendous warmth and care that my son gave me subconsciously and consciously that I developed great courage and strength as a mother. It is Harry Gao's innate righteous fighting spirit that inspires me to pursue equality and conscience. I was extremely angry at the evil that Xi Jinping's gang tried to deprive Harry Gao of his rights as a person and a son, and deprived me of my rights as a person and a mother, and I had the courage to turn the tide of good and eliminate evil, and this book was created. I am grateful to my son Harry Gao and his family members.

I am grateful to my primary school classmate, Mr. Shi, for his great support and spiritual encouragement in writing my article. Shi, as my primary school classmate and colleague, as my former leader and friend who worked at CCTV, he was a long-term He secretly has the habit of having sexual fantasies about me. As the victim, I did not know that this problem existed between me and him. He also became a victim because he did not know that we met unexpectedly on CCTV when we grew up. Many times it has something to do with sexual fantasies. We both don’t know how to treat each other correctly. We have lost the ability to treat each other correctly because of sexual fantasies. The reason why I emphasize sexual fantasy here is because this electromagnetic wave international extreme terrorist crime uses the evil thoughts of sexual fantasy to be strengthened in air strikes through AI electromagnetic waves, forcing everyone in society to live in the harassment of sexual fantasy. Therefore, we Real life is full of strange things, and people are accustomed to them. What I saw and heard was that high school students could not sleep collectively, and there were student suicides.

Classmate Shi Shi and I became victims of criminal electromagnetic waves in this great change in reality. China’s Xi Jinping International Extreme Terrorist Brain Control Group used electromagnetic waves to deliberately strengthen the evil thoughts of sexual fantasies. They stimulated relevant areas in our brains and forced the public to engage in chaotic sexual behaviors. Nervous energy stimulates excitement and produces unsurvivable brain response patterns such as self-denial.

However, it was in this position, where our lives were so trampled on, and amidst such humiliating non-human brain stimulation, torture, and abuse, that the dignity and strength of human beings emerged from the bottom of our hearts. We chose to fight, and we chose not to be afraid in the face of danger. As a result, we became great.

During this process, what I would also like to say is that the main reason why I survived is that I chose the right path, a correct way of self-salvation, which is the observation and independent thinking of the correct existence of nature, which is the creative pioneering spirit. , that is, a systematic and all-round observation and thinking on the subject of the understanding and relationship between the objective spirit and the decisive role of objective reality. Therefore, I paid attention to the discovery and correct application of correct ideas. Through the shameless sexual fantasies of ignorant humans to pursue excitement, and through the savage beastliness of Xi Jinping who has dehumanized humanity, he saw the correctness and rationality of our human nature. It is order and fairness, which are the inherent laws of our human life; what I see is the biological attribute of good and evil, so I know that all non-essential elemental excitement is just caused by ignorance and violates the ability of our vitality. source. Now I know that we humans cannot find our true selves because our brain nerves are stimulated and controlled by the secret illegal electromagnetic wave enemy. This realization filled me with hope and allowed me to see myself and others in the right way again. The content of the subconscious dialogue I had with my classmate at the same time while being persecuted by criminal electromagnetic waves was to first tell him these principles of life. This electromagnetic wave machine not only strengthened my ideological understanding, but also confirmed my ideological viewpoints from multiple angles. Shi Shi clearly saw and felt it, and also improved his cognition.

Therefore, our lives have tension and vitality. By stimulating this vitality and positive energy, we encourage each other, support each other, trust and support each other, and have burst out with huge and noble power. For example, we have awakened the conscience of the entire human population together. and positive force to destroy our common enemy of mankind. We can therefore say that the power of justice made this book possible. Together, we are proud of our contributions to humanity during this period.

I am grateful to Mr. Time. Mr. Time and I worked together unyieldingly during the rampant attack of criminal electromagnetic waves on us. We suppressed the malicious attacks of the CCP’s evil electromagnetic waves and gave me a relatively normal internal environment of my brain and nervous system. Writing my exposé report efficiently laid the foundation for the environment.

In order to defeat China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminal gang that is carrying out devastating persecution on our entire brain nervous system, Mr. Time and I are discussing how to understand the international extreme terrorist AI brain-controlled weapons commanded by China's President Xijinp that are invading our public. Characteristics, characteristics, patterns, means, purposes, patterns, scope, and evidence of crimes. We are exposing all their plots, tricks, and deceptions, which enables us to jointly defeat the rampant attack on us by Xi Jinping’s gang of brutal Chinese electromagnetic wave brain-controlled criminals.

We believe that justice will triumph over evil. We bravely resisted the extreme terrorist crimes committed by powerful people. In this process of self-rescue, we gained positive spiritual growth. We worked hard to become independent, complete and dignified individuals under the brutal persecution of electromagnetic waves. We are focusing on what we humans should have. With the power of positive life motivation, we are honored for the lofty, transcendent and great wisdom we have shown for the dignity of our lives and for the survival of our human beings in the process of human beings facing disasters, saving ourselves and growing together.

In short, it is precisely because of the great help of my son and his family members, and the great help of Mr. Time, that Time and I are able to carry out extreme terrorist crimes in China, create evil thought waves and spread AI electromagnetic waves to torture and torture the brain. After surviving the epidemic, I completed this masterpiece with the help of Mr. Time and my son. I am grateful to them.

Let us pray together for the success of our human sense of justice in destroying evil, and that this masterpiece recording the "Report on China's International Extreme Terrorist Crimes Commanded by Chinese Extreme Terrorist Criminal Xi Jinping" will be successfully and fortunately published!

I hope this book will awaken everyone's consciousness and awaken everyone's ability to face the truth of deadly crimes in the era of using AI electromagnetic waves to control our criminal electromagnetic waves 24 hours a day. Correct laws and regulations will be introduced as soon as possible to prohibit the crime of AI electromagnetic waves air-attacking the brain nerves, and find out A correct strategy and method to defeat Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist crimes, carry out self-rescue, carry out social assistance and mobilization, share the same hatred and enemy of the Xi Jinping Group, the underground government of China’s extreme terrorist crimes and electromagnetic waves, and stop them from being completely eliminated.

I hope that when reading this book, the restoration of the vitality of our unified brain will be the first priority. This is one of our overall goals. We coordinate our behaviors and actions while improving our own brain cognition. Achieve unity of ideas and practice. Because the era of criminal electromagnetic waves has brought about a collective decline in intelligence and the formation of schizophrenia characteristics in us humans, it has forced us humans to have expectations for the low-level nerve excitement stimulated by electromagnetic waves and turned us into sex addicts. This has all contributed to our humanity. Defeating the enemy placed higher demands.

We must seize the time to give our brains the opportunity to retain the original memory of the correct life, remind ourselves of what the correct life experience is, improve our ability to think independently, recover the nerve energy data of our brains, and use rational methods to accumulate in our consciousness our victory over Xi Jinping The confidence of extreme terrorist criminals. While accumulating positive energy, spread the truth in real life, think of various ways to awaken the existence of the correct self, awaken the participation of people in the scientific and technological circles, awaken the conscience and great wisdom of the people, awaken the media’s awareness of communication, and awaken U.S. government officials And congressional officials, wake up United Nations officials, wake up people and government officials around the world, and let us humans be aware of this decades-long AI electromagnetic wave controlled human brain neurocrime by the Chinese Communist Party. We must cherish our precious lives, cherish our human souls, and realize the correct ideas and realistic successful practices that guarantee success.

Kang Ruoxian 05/01/2024

You can send it to me.

Yes, please proceed.

I will call you.


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