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Scientific health theory of Chinese culture 2010-03-09 14:59:01

                                The scientific health theory of China

The theory of two-way feedback of human body is:

A.   There are six aspects stimulation influence upon human health:

  1. Physical stimulation: include mechanics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism, rays, etc.

  2. Chemical stimulation: include medicine.

  3. Biological stimulation: including virus, bacterium and germ encroach at human body.

  4. Environmental influence (inside and outside of body).

  5. Emotional influence ( the seven emotional factors and the six desires i. e. Psychological stimulation).

  6. Other stimulations: influence of food and drink; nature; action; sports, exercise and games(way, capacity, intensity, etc.); thinking; idea; language; way, habit and customs of daily life and others.

B.     The human body has features, which are both symmetric and asymmetric. The symmetric features contain asymmetrical elements and in the asymmetric features you can find symmetry. Both are coexisting in the human body. Similarly balance and imbalance coexist and can mutual change in the human body to maintain life and vitality. The appearance of two-way feedback is a special system of reaction, regulation and maintenance of symmetry and balance. The disease instinctive and direct reflection to the one or several relevant local positions(or points) is the positive feedback. Stimulation one or more relevant local correct positions(or points) at human body to relieve the patient's symptom are the negative feedback, which is the passive reflection. Of course, relevant local point includes the pain area of body. The appearance of two-way feedback is confirmed by studies on different age, sexual and race of people. The direct reflection to local position is a method of diagnostic reference, and the negative feedback is a method to alleviate the patient's symptom or pathogenesis.

C.    Appropriate control and selected stimulation on the base of two-way feedback can defend human health, to raise the ability of human disease-resistant and build up a powerful physique. But we must pay attention to select optimum method and the individual difference of human body.


Zhang Liang, Zhang Kui, zhang Renxiang, The two-way feedback and passing-way of human body[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2008, 6(2): 37-41
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作者:peter-wang 留言时间:2010-03-13 15:39:12
医学科学新观点, 此英文文章应在万维英文版中报道。请英文版编辑关注。
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作者:weite 留言时间:2010-03-10 13:35:10
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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2010-03-10 12:29:57
科学的人体双向反馈健康理论为人类带来福音,必将指导当前维护人体健康的实践,以有益于我国及世界人民。从事健康事业的官员及人士应认真思考,深刻领会,积极落实,切实执行实现以人为本。 此文应放在英文版!
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作者:weite 留言时间:2010-03-09 15:16:43
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