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What is "Meridian"? 2010-03-18 15:57:20

                       Chinese traditional medicine culture: Meridian


       Meridian is one of foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. The experimental           research of Meridian are given by Chinese researchers:


  1. The meridian point (the lower most resistance at the acupuncture point area of traditional Chinese medicine) and the relation between meridian point and the body are defined meridian which is not the connective line between acupuncture point areas on the skin surface of human body. [1]
  2. Meridian channel system is an independent system connected with the nerves to the cortex, it acted through the nerves, and the nervous action is realized by humoural agents, and the relationship among meridian, cerebral cortex and viscera is meridian-cortex-viscera interrelationship. [2]
  3. The substance of meridian is the throughput system that is intercellular and intra-cell in progress exchange, transportation and integration of material, energy and information. [3][4]
  4. The pathway of regularity circulation of the throughput system is called by meridian phenomenon. [3][4]
  5. The meridian circulation is one example of two-way feedback of human body. [1]




[1] Zhang Liang, Zhang Kui, Zhang Renxiang. The two-way feedback and passing-way of human body[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2008, 6(2): 37-41.

[2]Chang Hsichun. Document of 1th National meeting of meridian[A]. Shanghai College of Chinese Medicine Edited; Acupuncture[M]. Beijing: People Hygiene Publisher, 1974. 100. (in Chinese )

[3] Zhang Renxiang, Zhang Renji. Expression of the meridian phenomenon in mathematrics[J]. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Pek., 2005, 41(4): 640-641. (in Chinese)

[4] Zhang Renxiang, Zhang Renji. A theoretical summary and mathematics expression on the regulation of life in meridian science[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2007, 5(1): 32-39

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作者:peter-wang 留言时间:2010-03-19 07:35:50
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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2010-03-18 19:42:26
This is a nice work indeed.
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