后来在一个介绍意大利盲人歌手Andrea Bocelli 的电视节目中才知这是他和英国著名女高音Sarah Brightman 合唱的“Time to say goodbye”。其实这首歌最初是给Andrea写的, 但在意大利并没引起太大的反响。最终使这首歌传遍世界的却是在德国举行的一场拳击赛。
故事是这样的。德国当时著名拳王 Henry Maske 要举办告别赛, 比赛由电视实况播出。唱片公司为了推广这首歌, 请来Andrea Bocelli 和 Sarah Brightman在比赛前演唱, 并在歌词中加了一句英文。这场比赛拳王打输了。正当拳王疲惫的走向出口时, Time to say goodbye 的歌声再次响起。略带忧伤的旋律伴随著拳王老去的背影,使在场的观众无不动容。
Sarah: When I'm alone I dream of the horizon and words fail; yes, I know there is no light in a room where the sun is absent, if you are not here with me. At the windows show everyone my heart which you set alight; enclose within me the light you encountered on the street.
Time to say goodbye. -- I'll go with you to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I'll go with you on ships across seas which, I know, no, no, exist no longer; it's time to say goodbye. -- with you I shall experience them.
Andrea: When you are far away I dream of the horizon and words fail, and, yes, I know that you are with me; you, my moon, are here with me, my sun, you are here with me with me, with me, with me.
Time to say goodbye. -- I'll go with you to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I'll go with you on ships across seas which, I know, no, no, exist no longer,
Both: with you I shall experience them again. I'll go with you on ships across seas which, I know, no, no, exist no longer, with you I shall experience them again. I'll go with you.
看了一些资料。这首歌原是意大利歌曲。这英文是从意文翻译过来的。这首歌虽说是“Time to Say Goodbye”,但实际要表达的却是“To Go With You”。这一点是确定无疑的。
问题是如何理解。这是一对恋人也是确定无疑的。这首歌描述了这一对恋人行将远航时刻的眷恋与憧憬。是说男的远航之前对恋人说再见,并在心里认为恋人会伴随着他?还是这一对恋人同时去远航而向旧的世界(海)说再见(seas that exist no more)?不能肯定。但我倾向于前者。
我今天才知道这首歌的后面还有一个感人的故事。这首歌最先由Andrea在95年 用意大利语唱的。96年时,德国有一个拳王要退役。专门请Sarah在他结束传奇生涯的告别赛上为他演唱。Sarah接受了拳王的邀请后,就挑选了这一首意大利歌曲,并邀请Andrea去和他一起唱。然而,在96年底的告别比赛中,老拳王意外败落。当老拳王登台谢幕时,“Time to Say Goodbye”的动人旋律同时响起。老拳王激动万分,泪流满面。闻者,观者也无不动容。于是,老拳王的时代虽然结束,但一个新的音乐传奇时代却开始了。