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Chapter 1: The Human Meteorite 流星女 2010-12-05 18:39:00

Mu Rong Mansion (慕容府)

          The general walked in to the main hall, his forehead wrinkled from stress.

          He, Wen Mu Rong (慕容文) was an old man, nearly sixty years old. He was ready for retirement, and he was hoping to see the day when his dear son would take over and create a legacy. However, after the meeting with the emperor today, he had an ominous feeling.

          "Father, you're home early."

          The general's son walked into the hallway to greet the general. Ming Jian Mu Rong (慕容铭剑) was every girl's dream: tall, strong, unbelievably handsome, and with an impressive pedigree. At the age of 17, he had already been chosen to be the successor for the Imperial General after the old man (his father) retired. Already, at least two dozen families have requested a marriage between their daughter and Ming Jian. However, Ming Jian had always thought of women as nagging hags who had no brains (save his elderly mother), so he refused any marriage and never spoke to any girl voluntarily.

          "Father, something's wrong."

          That wasn't a question. The general sighed, and told Ming Jian what had happened earlier in the palace.

          "Father, let me take over." Ming Jian eyes shone with determination and excitement.

          "No! It's too dangerous!" The very thought of sending his only son to war unnerved the general.

          "Father, I know what I'm doing."



          The general sighed. "Tomorrow I will leave for the borders. Help me pack my luggage. When I'm not at home, you'll be the person in charge. Remember to take care of your mother well. Hurry; I leave at dawn."

          Ming Jian nodded as if in consent, but his eyes glimmered like coals.


Present Day Beijing

Wang Fu Jing (王府井)

          "Wow, these dresses are so pretty..."

          Shu Qin Wen ( 文淑琴) was shopping with her mom. Her mom said that Shu Qin needed a new dress, though Shu Qin had no idea why.

          "Mom, buying these dresses would be a waste... You know I never wear them."

          True. Shu Qin always wore baggy jeans, a t-shirt, and a baseball cap. Her hair was always kept in a tight ponytail. Shu Qin just turned 16, and she had a slim figure. However, behind her seemingly delicate looks was intense power. At the age of 15 she had become the national kung-fu champion, and she planned on participating in the international competition. Her dream was to become part of the air force, but her parents were against her joining the military.

          "Girls are at an unfair disadvantage."

          "The military is corrupt. The laws of government don't apply."

          Today, Shu Qin's mother was taking her on a shopping endeavor for some "bonding time". Little did Shu Qin know that they were actually picking out her engagement dress. Shu Qin's parents felt that by having her marry, she would become more docile and settle down.

          "Shu Qin, what do you think of the company's chairman's son?"

          "What? Mom, why are you asking me this?" Shu Qin suddenly had a hostile look on her face, as if she noticed something wrong.

          "Well..." Her mom shifted uncomfortably. "You're father and I..."


          "Were thinking of letting you two get engaged."

          "What!?" Shu Qin nearly knocked over a rack of dresses.

          "Well, honey, it's not..."

          "No. Mom, this is the 21st century. Arranged marriages no longer exist!"

          "Sweetie, you..."

          "Stop it." Shu Qin was losing control of her temper. She turned to walk out of the store.

          "Shu Qin, where are you going!?"

          "I want to go home."

          "Then wait for me. We'll go to the car together." Her mom stood up and paid for the dresses."

          "Mom, I want to be by myself." And without even waiting for a reply, Shu Qin Walked out of the door.

          On the streets, Shu Qin could only feel anger. Why did she have to marry that no-good person? He was fat, stupid, and sickly. No one would benefit from the marriage, except for the fat blob, since he would have a hard time trying to find a wife by himself. No, Shu Qin thought, she would not marry him. Especially since she liked the handsome, dreamy international student in her class, Mu Cong Li (李牧聪)...

          Shu Qin soon arrived at a crosswalk. When the light turned green, she crossed it, mumbling to herself, both angry and hurt by the fact that she would have to marry the useless jerk and not be able to tell Derek about her true feelings...

          She was so absorbed in creating venomous oaths for the "blob" that she never knew what hit her when a truck ran the red light.


Mu Rong Mansion (慕容府)

          Ming Jian walked into the dining room with some rice wine. His father was sitting at the table, looking sad and forlorn.

          "Father, I brought some wine. Would you like some?"

          "Yes, Ming Jian, how kind of you. You know how I'll never be able to taste wine when I'm with the army. Perhaps today will be the last day I drink wine."

          "Don't talk like that, father. It's unlucky."

          "I don't care anymore. I'm old anyway." The general downed the first bottle of wine.

          "Would you like some more, father?"

          "Yes." Ming Jian signaled for the servant to bring more.

          For another hour, the general silently drank from the endless supply of rice wine. Ming Jian took a sip now and then, but his mind remained alert.

          Finally, the general was drunk and fell asleep. Quietly, Ming Jian carried his father to bed and tucked him in. Ming Jian then kneeled down and kowtowed to his father's slumbering figure. Then, he packed up his armor, sword, saddled the horse, took the imperial edict, and rode into the night.

          As he left the mansion, Ming Jian noticed meteorites streaking through the sky. He tried to push the thought aside, but he couldn't help remember the old sayings that meteorites brought bad luck.

          What chilled Ming Jian even more was that a meteorite landed in the direction he was travelling.

          Where a meteorite should've been, a girl instead landed in the middle of a pond.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,467 次
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