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Chapter 4: Fight! 开战! 2010-12-05 18:40:11

          The news spread through camp life wildfire. The new captain was going to challenge the general to a kung fu match! The soldiers and other captains didn't even bother to make bets. They knew that  the match would be over in three seconds. No one could match up with the general's speed or strength. They couldn't help but feel a little sorry about the young captain getting beaten up, since he looked so frail.

          The two people stood out on the training field. Ming Jian told Shu Qin to choose the weapon they would use. After thinking some, Shu Qin decided that she would use a sword, since that was the weapon she practiced with the most often. Ming Jian had two soldiers lend them their swords, as both had left their swords in their rooms.

          After the two took their respective places, Ming Jian asked: "What counts as winning?"

          "The first person who drops her- I mean, his sword."

          Ming Jian raised his eyebrows at Shu Qin's slip of her tongue, but said nothing. The other captains and soldiers watching didn't seem to notice.

          "Well them, let's start." Ming Jian raised his sword to eye level.

          "Hya!!!" Without waiting, Shu Qin charged. Without even blinking, Ming Jian dodged and raised his sword.

          A gasp came from the crowd. Any amateur could see that Ming Jian was aiming to kill. However, the gasp quickly became a cheer as Shu Qin easily blocked it.

          "Not bad," said Ming Jian, his face as emotionless as ever.

          "I wasn't a champion for nothing." Shu Qin grinned. For the first time in years, she had found a true rival.

          The fight continued on for five more minutes, before Shu Qin said: "You're not that good... we're at the same level!"

          "Well, don't let down your guard." Ming Jian flashed a smile, as quick as his sword. At the last minute, Shu Qin was able to dodge at the last minute and avoid getting her arm sliced off; however, Ming Jian managed to tear Shu Qin's shirt. Shu Qin gasped, and in a hurry to prevent her shirt from falling off, dropped her sword.

          "I win." Ming Jian returned the sword to its owner, and walked away.

          Shu Qin stood there, glaring at Ming Jian as he left. The other captains and soldiers came up to her and congratulated her.

          "Wow, that was amazing! You're so good! If you didn't worry about your shirt, you could've won!"

          "Wow, you should be a general too!"

          "Say, why did you drop your sword just to hold up your shirt? We're all men here...no need to be embarrassed!"

          As soon as Shu Qin heard that, she blushed and ran back to her room.

          If only she didn't need to hold up her shirt, she would've won! Oh, how Shu Qin hated him even more. But then, she also felt a little bit of admiration; after all, Ming Jian was the first person to defeat her in a match.

          Shu Qin jerked in surprise as a knock sounded at the door. Who would be visiting her at this hour? No one knew her name, nor did she know anyone else's. Except for the b*****d.

          "Come in." Perhaps it was a messenger.


          Shu Qin gasped. It was Ming Jian.

          "What do you want?" Shu Qin felt unbelievably pissed.

          "I wanted to talk." How was that jerk able to keep such a poker face at all times?

          "Well, I don't. You may be the general, but that won't stop me from kicking you out of this room."

          "Temper, temper. Well, if you do want to see me go, I'll say what I want to say fast. It'll just be two things. First of all, why do you hate me?" There was so much authority in Ming Jian's voice, Shu Qin had to obey.

          "Because--" Shu Qin broke off, suddenly realizing that Ming Jian didn't recognize her. Which was good, since no one would know that she was actually a girl. "Because I don't think it's fair that a person as young as you should be my commanding general." That was the most plausible lie Shu Qin could think of.

          "Oh? And how old are you?" Ming Jian raised his eyebrows in slight amusement.

          "I-- well-- fine, I'm sixteen. Happy?" Shu Qin scowled.

          "Well, no. Because when people know of your age, they'll pick on you more. We are the only officials here who are under 20. Heck, we might be the only soldiers here that are under 20! So, keep your age to yourself. You may be strong, but you can't win against dozens of others."

          "Was that any of your business?" Shu Qin could feel her cheeks burning.

          "Technically no, but it might be, depending on your answer to my next question."

          "Which is?" Just spit it out and get the hell out of here, Shu Qin thought venomously.

          "Would you like to be my second-in-command? All of the other people may respect me, but they just aren't competent. I feel that you would be able to handle the job." Ming Jian had a hint of a smile showing on his face. So, he wasn't a cold-blooded monster after all.

          Shu Qin considered it for a bit. What was he thinking? She had only arrived this morning, and the first thing she did was pick a fight with him.

         "I don't think the others will take too lightly on that. I've done nothing to earn their respect, and they'll just be mad at you for putting me in such a powerful position the first day you meet me."

          "I think not. The people here respect my choices. Anyways, you're the first person who was able to have kung fu skills parallel to mine."

          Shu Qin thought about it. Being in a higher position didn't sound so bad.

          "Fine." Shu Qin sat down tiredly. Somehow, she felt that this was a bad, no, a horrible decision.

         "Well then, pack up your stuff and come with me." Ming Jian turned to walk out of the room.

          "Why???" Shu Qin had just finished unpacking.

          "Well, seeing as you just became a higher-ranking official, you're armor, weapons, clothes, and room will be bigger and better. Also, it'll be closer to my place, so it will be easier for us to meet up often and discuss tactics."

          "Urgh." Shu Qin grimaced as she packed up her stuff.

          "By the way, what is your name?"

          Shu Qin stopped in her tracks. If he was asking her for her name, than that meant that he truly forgot about the incident at the pond.

          "My name is Tai Wen."

          "May I just call you Tai Wen?"

          "May I just call you Ming Jian?"

          "Of course. I want to be friends." Surprisingly, Ming Jian beamed. Shu Qin couldn't hide her look on her face.


          Shu Qin coughed. "Well... it's just that you've been so cold and aloof, so I was rather shocked to see you smile and want to actually be friends."

          "Oh. Well, umm... yeah. I'll wait for you outside." Ming Jian hurried out the door.

          Shu Qin giggled to herself. Maybe Ming Jian was a nice person after all.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,460 次
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