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Chapter 9: Prophecy 预言 2010-12-05 18:42:37

          "I know what you are thinking. You can send me back to where I came from! But, sadly, my powers do not behave in that way. I can only change time and space when the heavens allow me." The old man paused, a pitying look in his eyes. "I know you want to go home, but the heavens are blocking your way."

          "What? How did you know that I came from a different place?" Shu Qin was surprised. She had told no one, not even Ming Jian, about her experience.

          "When time and space is disturbed, I can feel it. I can also determine what caused the disturbance. And a few months back, when there was a meteorite shower, I felt a strong disturbance among the skies. I realized, soon enough, that it was you, a girl who came from nearly 14 centuries into the future."

          "What!? Shu Qin is what?" Ming Jian jumped in surprise. He had braced himself for some kind of huge revelation regarding Shu Qin's background, but he didn't expect the truth to be THIS far-fetched...

          "She's from the future. The heavens sent her, after they sent me this prophecy. Now, close your mouth. You look absurd." Ming Jian hurriedly closed his mouth, which had opened when his jaw dropped in surprise. The old man procured a slip of paper with lines written on it. Shu Qin and Ming Jian huddled around the old man to take a closer look. There were eight lines of verse:





          "Ummm..." Shu Qin was an A student who got the top marks on every exam, but she was still a little confused about what the "prophecy" was trying to say.

          "I will explain. I'm pretty sure that you two understand the first line?" The old man poured some tea for himself. He received a nod from Shu Qin and a no from Ming Jian.

          "It means Shu Qin came from 1300 years in the future. But I'm sure Ming Jian understands the next verse?" Somehow, the old man seemed to be enjoying himself, not giving out the answer all in once.

          Shu Qin planned on just letting the old man be, but Ming Jian had other plans.

          "Would you just tell us what everything means at once!? We don't have time for your nonsense! There is a war going on! I'm the general and Shu Qin is my second-in-com-"

          "She is a general now, too." The old man finished the sentence smugly, as if this new fact solved everything.

          "What? But-" Shu Qin stuttered for words. This was a truly unexpected surprise.

          "His majesty will officially give Shu Qin the order later today. Also, the emperor wants to see you two after we're done here. So, to make sure that his majesty doesn't lose his temper for having us keep him waiting, I shall tell you everything I have managed to understand from this prophecy." The old man put on a serious expression again. Ignoring Ming Jian's stunned face, he faced Shu Qin and began.

          "The first two lines tell of the hero's arrival to this world. The hero would come from 1300 years into the future, and arrive to this world in the form of a meteorite."

          "That makes sense..." Ming Jian wrinkled his brow.

          "What makes sense?" Shu Qin asked, but didn't get an answer as the old man continued on.

          "The next two lines says that Shu Qin has to choose between two events, or objects. Or perhaps even people. However, Shu Qin, when the time for the choice comes, you must bear in mind that only if you learn to let go will you be able to make the right decision." The old man looked at Shu Qin knowingly.

          Shu Qin felt her stomach squirm unpleasantly. The phrase "learn to let go" sounded so ominous...

          "She'll probably have to choose between Mu Cong and something else." Ming Jian said, without looking at Shu Qin.

          "..." This only made Shu Qin feel even more queasy.

          "Who's Mu Cong?" The old man sounded curious about this juicy tidbit.

          "He's the leader of the Gaoli army. Shu Qin looked like I had stabbed her when I hurt Mu Cong, so I'm assuming they met before." Ming Jian's eyes flashed dangerously.

          "Is that so..." The old man sank into deep thought. After a pause, he went on about the prophecy.

          "Well, I don't think that matters yet... Then, in the fifth and six lines, I think Ming Jian comes in. Together, the two of you can change the fate of this world.

          "The last lines say that you will be successful, but once you succeed Shu Qin will leave this world. It seems as if the parting will be painful, so I suggest that Shu Qin you shouldn't create too many emotional ties in this world. Keep others at a distance if you don't want to be hurt or hurt them."

          That was easy, thought Shu Qin. She didn't like anyone here. She especially despised Ming Jian, that stuck-up cow who bossed her around all the time.

          "Now, we really should get moving, or else his majesty chop off our heads." Without waiting for them, the Chancellor stepped out of room and headed for the streets. Shu Qin and Ming Jian hurried to follow him, but not before Shu Qin stabbed Ming Jian in the back with one of her hair pins and made him slap her on the back. However, apart from that sudden slap (which was almost like a reflex) , Ming Jian showed no emotional response to what Shu Qin had just did. Shu Qin decided at that moment, with her back burning from the force of the slap, that she would never, ever forgive Ming Jian for hurting her and Mu Cong.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,509 次
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