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Chapter 7: The Heart and the Mind (Part 2) 心与思(二) 2010-12-05 18:41:46

          The servant led Shu Qin through rows of tents, and finally stopped in front of a luxurious one with guards posted around.

          "Miss, the leader is waiting for you inside."

          Shu Qin gulped. What if the leader managed to make a move on her? What if, somehow, the leader discovered the poison hidden in her robes? What if...

         Shu Qin shook her head. She would not allow such thoughts to undermine her courage now.

          Shu Qin walked into the tent with dignity, and waited silently in the middle of the tent. The leader was reading with his back to Shu Qin. Shu Qin opened her mouth to speak, to notify him of her presence, when the leader spoke.

          "What is your name?"

          "Shu Qin Wen." Shu Qin was surprised. Somehow, the voice seemed familiar...

          "Shu Qin Wen?" The leader sounded even more surprised than she was. He turned around, and Shu Qin sank to the floor, her knees weak.

          It was Mu Cong Li.

          Mu Cong rushed to help her up, but he couldn't hide his surprise.

          "You-why are you here?"

          "I-I don't know. I just remember I was walking in the streets, and suddenly I was awake in this world." Shu Qin felt tears of relief flooding out of her eyes. Finally, someone she knew. Someone from her old world...

          Then Shu Qin jolted back into reality. She was on a mission, and her mission was to kill this person before her eyes.

          "What are you doing here?" Shu Qin asked Mu Cong, wanting to know why, why was the boy she loved the person she must kill?

          "I don't know either. I think, though, that we were sent here to change history. My mission is to create a new dynasty, a new kingdom."

          Shu Qin felt something stab her heart. Again. And again. She had learned her history well. This rebellion by the Tubos would be an utter failure and result in near massacre for the defeated. Mu Cong, the boy she loved, was her enemy. In order for history to go on as it should, Shu Qin must use the poison.

          But how could she, how could she kill him when she loved him so? Shu Qin felt her spirit break inside. She couldn't do this. She wouldn't be able to kill him. Not before, not now, not ever.

          Shu Qin screamed. She couldn't bear this pain, this battle within her soul, between her heart and mind. Her heart told her to spare her love, but her mind told her that she would have to kill Mu Cong. For her mission's sake, for history's sake.

          "Shu Qin, are you okay?" Mu Cong hugged her tightly. Shu Qin couldn't help but sob uncontrollably onto his shoulders.

          "I--I was s-so lonely..." Shu Qin bawled. She knew that she couldn't expose her identity, or Ming Jian's identity. "I thought... I would never see you again..."

          "Me too. I thought that you were lost forever..."

          Shu Qin sat up and looked Mu Cong in the face. Did he like her too? No, it wasn't possible. Mu Cong never even said hi to her...

          "Shu Qin, be my queen. Marry me. Stay with me here. You won't have to be a courtesan anymore. Please, for your sake and for mine. Don't leave me alone. I promise I'll protect you and make you happy." Mu Cong looked into Shu Qin's eyes.

          Shu Qin was surprised with what Mu Cong had proposed, and for a few moments Shu Qin just sat there with her mouth open. Then, she slowly stood up and backed out towards the door. No, she couldn't marry yet. Not now. Something was pulling her back... and it wasn't just her bad marriage experiences. In a split second, Ming Jian's face flashed through her mind... what the hell!?

          "Shu Qin, where are you going?"

          Suddenly, in Shu Qin's confused mind, Mu Cong's handsome face was replaced by the fat blob's repulsive one. Shu Qin screamed and ran for her life.

          Shu Qin crashed right into Ming Jian.

         “Did you do it?" Ming Jian asked Shu Qin. Shu Qin couldn't speak, and held on to Ming Jian, trembling with fear. Ming Jian was going to press for more answers, but hearing the soldiers come to see what the commotion was about, he grabbed Shu Qin and ran.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,448 次
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