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Chapter 3: It's Him, the Jerk 是那个讨厌鬼 2010-12-05 18:39:48

          Before Shu Qin arrived at the camp, she hurriedly fixed her clothing and hair so she would look like a man. When she had left the mansion, she had been wearing one of those skirts she often saw in historical dramas. She quickly took them off and tore it into strips to use as chest binding. Then, she tied her hair up, like how she had seen men do on her way to the army camp.

          When Shu Qin handed her draft notice to the people at the admissions, the person looked over the notice and then looked at Shu Qin.

          "What is your name?"

          "Wen--" Shu Qin suddenly realized that "Shu Qin Wen" was a girl's name. So:

          "My name is Tai Wen (文泰)."

          Shu Qin was issued a set of armor, a sword, a shield, a helmet, and an identification tag that she was to carry on her at all times. Since she was a captain, she was able to have her own room, which eliminated her fear of being discovered to be woman.

          At lunch, she walked into the canteen tent, preparing to meet people for the first time...

          ... and walked smack into Ming Jian.

          "Watch where you're going!" Ming Jian said, softly but coldly.

          Shu Qin, gasped, then glared back. "I was going to say sorry, but now..." and she walked away.

          "Hey, that's no way to treat your general!" One of the other captains blocked her way.

          "Hmph, so he's the general, is he?" Shu Qin still couldn't forgive him for punching her, even though she was the one who punched first. Thus, Shu Qin wanted a fight, one where she wasn't at a disadvantage for not having any weapons.

          "Yes, and you better treat him like one!" It seemed as though the other captains all admired this young general.

          "Why should I respect him when he isn't respectful at all?" Shu Qin couldn't help getting a little cocky with her attitude.

          "What do you want?" Ming Jian finally got annoyed.

          "Me?" Shu Qin threw back her head and laughed. "I want to have a match with you. You win, I'll shut up."

          "And if I lose?" Ming Jian said, his face getting colder by the second.

          "You have to do me three favors." Shu Qin grinned.

          The other captains started mumbling amongst themselves. "That punk... he's going to get killed..." "No one can beat the general... he's the best there is..."

          "So, when do you want to have the match?" Ming Jian ignored his followers.

          "Now." And without waiting for a reply, Shu Qin stepped outside.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,650 次
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