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Chapter 2: The Hero Arrives 英雄降世 2010-12-05 18:39:23

          Ming Jian rode on through the night, pausing only to water his horse and to take short napes. By noon he was only six li (note: one li= 0.5 kilometers) away from the next village. However, as he passed a pond, he noticed a body lying on the ground.

          It was a girl, about 16 years old. She was wearing nothing Ming Jian had ever seen before. Personally, Ming Jian thought that the clothes were extremely indecent. They showed her figure, and she didn't cover her arms and legs enough. Ming Jian decided that she was dead, and was going to tell someone in the next village to come collect the body. As he was about to ride away,  he heard her cough. Ming Jian stopped, and turned back. He hated girls, true, but his honor would not allow him to let someone die. He jumped off the horse, and went up to the girl.

         "Wake up." Ming Jian slapped the girls face lightly. The girl spluttered, and blinked her eyes. When she finally focused her eyes, she jerked back with disbelief.

          "What the hell!?"

          Before Ming Jian could react, the girl had already punched him in the face. She was about to deliver a kick when Ming Jian knocked the wind out of her with a punch and drew out his sword.

          "Who are you?" For a girl, she was bold, thought Ming Jian. Weird. Wait, what was even weirder was the fact that she was able to get up so quickly after getting hit by him. Strange, even strong men would collapse on the floor...

          "Who are you?" Ming Jian asked the girl too.

          "I'm--" The girl barely said a word before she began to cough.

          "My name is Ming Jian Mu Rong. Who are you, and what are you wearing?" Ming Jian, despite his contempt for girls, was curious about this girl. Her strange attire and quick reflexes showed that she was obviously different.

          "My name is Shu Qin Wen. Where am I?" She started to cough again.

          "Well, you were lying half dead--" Ming Jian barely finished when the girl fainted.

         Ming Jian groaned. Now he had to bring the girl along to the village. Great. An extra burden.

          When Ming Jian arrived at the village, he was able to find the girl's family quickly. Apparently she was running away from an arranged marriage. However, Ming Jian had to hurry along on his way, so after dropping off the girl, he went on his way.

          Ming Jian soon forgot about the girl, and was able to make it quickly to the army camp.


Meanwhile, at the Wen Mansion (文府)

          "Shu Qin, tomorrow's a big, big day!"

          What the hell, thought Shu Qin. Why was she in a time period sixteen centuries ago? And worse off, why was she marrying? She had to find a way out.

          "Shu Qin, don't be like this. You'll finally be rich!" Her "mom" was excited. She was still excited about her success in securing the marriage of Shu Qin to the son of the town mayor.

          Shu Qin was quietly thinking. Yesterday night, an imperial messenger had came with an army draft for her elderly "father". If she could get her hands on the document... she could disguise herself as the son and join the military!

          "My Lady, and Miss, it's time for dinner." The servant came in and bowed.

          "Yes, yes, we'll be there shortly." "Mom" waved the servant away and turned back to Shu Qin. "Now, as I was saying..."

          "Mother, please let me be by myself." Something in her voice convinced "mom" that if she didn't leave, bad things would happen.

          "Yes, sweetie, but don't take too long, okay? The food will turn cold."

          When "mom" left the room, Shu Qin hurriedly dashed into the servants' room. She snatched a bundle of men's clothing and a pair of men's boots. Then, she sneaked into her "parents'" room and easily took the draft. She threw all of these pell-mell into a bundle and hoisted it onto her shoulder. Then, she dropped out of the window and ran to the stable. Phew, thank god there was a horse already saddled and prepared. Thank god her parents had paid her for horseback riding lessons. She jumped onto the horse, and charged through the open gates.

          She was free! And she could join the army as a captain because of her "father's" previous services in the army. Finally, she could fulfill her dream to join the military.

          Shu Qin cracked her whip and all but flied towards the country's borders.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,468 次
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