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Chapter 6: The Heart and the Mind (Part 1) 心与思(一) 2010-12-05 18:41:13

         After the incident, the relationship between Ming Jian and Shu Qin became strictly business. Ming Jian no longer expressed any desire to become friends, nor did Shu Qin willingly strike up conversation.

          Soon, however, the two were sent on a top secret mission with nothing but ten men highly skilled in martial arts and in dancing or singing. Their mission was to disguise as a troop of performers. Also, the Supreme Commander(元帅) had heard rumors that the enemy general lusted for teenage girls, so one of the people were chosen to dress up as girls. Of course, none of the men were willing to dress up as a girl and be ridiculed by their comrades. Finally, Ming Jian decided that Shu Qin would be the unlucky person to dress up, the ostensible reason being that Shu Qin had the palest skin and the most delicate figure. Of course, the reason known to only Ming Jian and Shu Qin was that Shu Qin was actually a real girl, and she would have no need to pretend.

          On top of that, Shu Qin was to kill the leader when she had the chance, or if the leader tried to do anything that might confirm the fact that she might really be a girl. Shu Qin, as much as she was excited about finally going on a mission, was nervous about having to kill someone in cold blood rather than the heat of battle. She had always envisioned her first kill would be on the battlefields, where her enemy would actually put up a fight.

          The group departed at dawn, and traveled at top speed to camp. The group didn't bring small weapons, only a few daggers and a pouch of poison Shu Qin would need to slip into the enemy leader's drink.

          At first, Shu Qin was excited about being able to partake in such an important mission. Then, she realized that assassinating the enemy leader in secret was dishonorable compared to killing him in battle. When the group stopped for a rest, Shu Qin brought the issue into Ming Jian's notice.

          "Their army is too strong. It would be immensely difficult for us to try do defeat them in battle. However, their army will collapse once they lose their leader, so our best bet is to kill the leader and let the enemy fall into chaos." Ming Jian said it in such an arrogant way that Shu Qin wanted to slap him. But she let the issue go, as Ming Jian's explanation was more than adequate.

          By nightfall, they had arrived at the enemy camp. Ming Jian took on the identity of the troop leader, and asked for permission to enter the camp to entertain the generals and leader.

          "Yes, but you'll have to leave any weapons you have here. We'll pat you down before you enter." The guards eyed Shu Qin greedily, as she was now dressed as a wealthy courtesan, complete with the revealing robe and enchanting posture.

          When Shu Qin had first put on this garb in the afternoon, Ming Jian eyed her questioningly. "You look like you've done this before."

          "Done what?" Shu Qin couldn't help blushing, as she was rather unused to such indecent clothes.

          "Entertain men." Ming Jian pointed to the rest of the group waiting at the side. When Shu Qin glanced at them, a couple of them blushed, coughed, and turned away.

          Shu Qin blushed furiously. "I've never-"

          "It doesn't matter. What matters now is that this mission is successful. Got it?" Ming Jian handed Shu Qin a small packet. "Hide this somewhere. It's the poison you'll use tonight."

          Shu Qin looked all over herself. There wasn't a single pocket. "Where-"

          Ming Jian coughed uncomfortably and patted his chest.

          "Wha-" Shu Qin didn't get it.

          Ming Jian pointed at her chest, then coughed again.

          "Ohh!!" Shu Qin turned around in embarrassment and quickly shoved the packet inside.

          "Okay, time's up, let's move out!" Ming Jian called out to the other men.

          Because of her robes, Shu Qin had to be helped up onto her saddle. Also, she had to sit sideways, so the group had to go slower. Shu Qin felt extremely self-conscious as the other men in her group eyed her in an uncomfortable way.

          Now, as the group heard that they will all be patted down, everyone feared that the guards might figure out that Shu Qin was male. Well, everyone except for Shu Qin and Ming Jian. What Shu Qin feared was that the men would violate her while doing so. Shu shot a frightened look towards Ming Jian, and Ming Jian quickly caught on.

          "Of course, but you must be quick with the girl. People pay a fortune to even be in her presence." And to frighten them a bit, Ming Jian put his right hand on his sword hilt. "If I see any of you touch her inappropriately..."

          "We get the idea." The guards were impatient.

          Everyone got through the patting process safely, even Shu Qin, since she had Ming Jian glaring over her shoulder.

          As the group walked into camp, a few of the men started teasing Ming Jian.

          "Oh ho, so General Ming likes men..."

          "You looked so protective of Captain Wen, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..."

          "Get lost." Ming Jian waved his hand impatiently. He caught Shu Qin looking at him, and glared at her.

          "Remember, kill him the first chance you get." Ming Jian whispered into Shu Qin's ear as they stepped into the meeting tent.

          When the stepped in the room, a servant appeared.

          "The generals will be here shortly, and the leader would like to see the girl in his private tent. The generals hope that you will entertain them through the night."

          Ming Jian nodded. "Very well. You may take the girl."

          "Miss, please come this way." The servant bowed and raised the tent flap for her. Shu Qin took a deep breath and walked outside.

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,511 次
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