Hi, Soccerfun, Just find out that you have a blog. Hope this reply can reach you. I was thinking to write a little more on that subject, however, when I came back, rainbow has been sacked by some 泰坦尼克号巨贴.... :) 抱歉,上次的帖子,说的不清楚。 如同我在第一个帖子中提到的, to always keep “ipsum esse subsistens”in mind helps me to understand the relation between Grace and freedom. 球迷弟兄,看你的贴,有一种似曾相识的感觉。 “只有人既可以选择信又可以选择不信,这个faith才是这人的faith” 类似的话,我也说过. 我以前写的都是针对这句话或者这个想法. Yes, “… he could reject it”, 另一方面, 我们能完全独立的“选择”信吗?如果不是完全独立,我们的自由意志是不是就被损害,或者说被限制了?上述推理 -我的自由意志被损害/被限制 隐含着一个非此即彼的假设,它是基於我们对有限世界的认知,我们能用同样的认知来解释上帝与人的关系吗? 。不直接讨论定义, 教义,谈些个人感受. 希望能提一些思路,供您参考 最初,我并未深想ipsum esse subsistens ,甚至有些小小腹诽,这么喜欢拉丁文?! One day either on Youtube or Word on Fire,“… as if a zero-sum game, if man gets more the glory, God get less…. No! God is not a being….”听到这里我想,又来了。But this time, somehow, zero-sum比喻触动了我。反复思考后, 我意识到自己并不明白”自有永有”意味着什么。我勉强自己买书,努力读了几天。老实说感受就是每个字都认识,放在一起不认识。慢慢的也有收获. 即使现在,我只能说明白了一点,也希望我向您解释清楚了这一点, 那就是God is not a being, therefore, this is not a zero-sum game –e.g. either He did it or I did it. In God, there is no distinction between Essence and Existence - ipsum esse subsistens - the sheer act to be itself. God is “not” a true god or a good spirit etc. God is “the sheer act to be good” itself, to be true itself, …. In that moment we move to be good, to be true, to say I believe, how could we do it without God? How could we do it independently完全独立? 如果一定要比喻,或者可以用 共振?好比荡秋千。我自己找不到,也做不到,那个完美的频率。是这个最完美的频率,带动了我。当我们说上帝自有永有,全美全善, 我们潜意识中将上帝理解为一个美善的存在。全美全善是形容词, 自有永有成了名词。在我看来,ipsum esse subsistens 或者ST. Thomas所阐述的,就是要打破这个finite reality image. 让我们能凭藉理性的思考,而稍稍窥见the mystery of God. 中文翻译简洁,优美,无需改变,需要改变的是我们的理解,赋予它更为丰富的含义。全美全善与自有永有紧密相连,合起来还是一个动词 (个人想法,不一定妥当).Because God is the sheer act to be itself, He can do it through me. God, our creator, give us this beautiful gift of intellect and will and only He can move it without breaking it. His Grace does not impair our will, our intellect, but “enrich” it. From ipsum esse subsistens, I clearly and firmly know that there is NO contradiction in the doctrines. 我个人的困惑,或者说令我转向天主教最初缘由,既不是“ipsum esse subsistens”也不是关于预定,恩典或自由的Catholic doctrines. 因此, 如前文所述,我没有在这上特别重视或向RCIA的神父请教。因为一时兴趣,找了些书看看。有一些新的认识,完全是意外收获. 当然个人浅见,肯定有错漏的,欢迎指出。我也搭个中文顺风车,学习一下。最后还是回到St. Thomas – In God, there is no distinction between Essence and Existence. God bless. p.s. - To believe is not merely to be good, to be true or to be free. One can poke so many holes. I also intentionally skip the discussion of good act vs. bad act etc. 请勿深究,就当我在这儿随意写写感想, musing the divine infinity. - As to predestination, again without touching definitions and doctrines, all I can say is that I am content with my understanding of Catholic interpretation. Fixing my eyes at the crucifix, I am “at peace” with this doctrine. |