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第一次公开发表的诗歌 2013-08-11 20:53:57

        Sunset Somewhere
                                                             A   .Z

                Its colour and its beauty,

       seems strange in the modern world.

                A glimmer of last sunshine,

                  reminds me who I am.


                    A glimmer of hope,

                      in the distance,

        while the whole world turns all grey.

                     Though it fades,

                 its warmth and lights,

                  cannot go unheard.

       Colours the world a striking yellow,

                  before it too goes.

                The dark takes over,

                   the night begins,

             but it’ll  be back tomorrow.

              It’s okay to be different,

                in this world of grey.

      We’ll fade too like the orange disc,

         but what will we leave behind?

           Leaves fall, while bird crash,

              cats and dogs die too.

   Their dying voices heard one last time,

            but they don’t go unheard.


               Put down your pen,

                open your heart,

          listen with all your might.

       Hear the beauty of this world,

              before it too fades.


                 The house

                                                              A. C


                       Derelict, diminishing,

                         It survives, alone,

           Surrounded by the building of the city,

           Towering over, like mountains of glass,

                 Reflecting the clouds around,


          The house, laying low to the ground,

                Does not reflect the sky or sun,

          It sleeps  in the darkness, the shadows,

                  The night of time itself,


             The window, dull and fractured,

                What did they once reflect?

              What secrets have they seen?

While the sills that the windows sit in remain the same,

                   The view has changed,


                   The paint, falling away,

              Once was fresh, new, shining,

             Painted carefully by one's hands,

  One, that has long gone, though his work remains,


                 Lives have lived in the house,

   Celebrated, loved, cried and laughed in the rooms,

          Carefully pruned the cross in the garden,

Blew out the candles that illuminated through the windows,

         Lives that left, and grew old, in other houses,


                Longing to be inhabited again,

                       The house waits,

                     Waits to be renewed,

             Or waits to slowly fall to pieces,

            Every day its history is slowly fading,

            Soon to be forgotten in time forever.


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