导言: 莎士比亚在《凯撒大帝》里有句传世名言: “把不忍之心和威权分开,那威权就会被人误用.”辉煌带来傲慢,威权不需要忏悔。自大在傲慢的掩饰下滋生,衰败在傲慢里悄然降临。华夏文明多次经历过这样的轮回,所以学会谦卑,韬光养晦。美利坚年青气盛,涉世未深,败象已经显现,可人们熟视无睹,任其蔓延。殊不知盛世稍纵即逝,没有自省的威权如同初春的冰雪,在阳光下渐渐融化。。。 Abuse of Greatness There is a famous line in the Play “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare, “The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power”. Those falling off the turnip truck perceive the greatness as awe and solitary glory derived from strength. But minds of malleable intelligence perceive it as the cause for conceit and arrogance. Last twenty some years counted, come perspectives that the efforts to pursue equality no longer relentless, laissez-faire entrepreneurship no longer inspiring and the mosaic of cultural diversification stained. Societal castles are being built by the self-interested establishments and fortified by the dysfunctional and venal political institutions. The ordinary citizenry is trapped in the illusion that the current two-party system is the best tutelage of their liberty. “…the Democrats definitely don't believe in economic freedom, but they say they believe in social freedom, while the Republicans definitely don't believe in social freedom, but they say they believe in economic freedom. neither believes in both.”- Doug Casey Many may remember condescending Romney gave his conceding speech at the presidential election night to an audience homogenously made of white knights, no remorse, somber, nonetheless holding together through the sublime rant. This is a graphic display of the disengagement from the principles of inclusiveness and tolerance, the intrinsic properties to the greatness of this nation. The petitions for independence filed after the election in several states prove that the Republican Party is driving under influence (DUI) of political hallucination, cultural animosity and delusional superiority down the ditch on the right side of the road. This party is loaded with self-righteous stud bucks, sanctimonious creationists and unconscionable xenophobes, so called the load-bearing, moral enforcing sensible of the society. It has become a shelter for those faithful in congruence with Parousia and sharing belief that lives are created equal in all forms, stem cells, embryos or incarnation. They see their domains being invaded and their norms of social freedom being violated by the cruddy minorities. The American main streets are being taken over by pissants in droopy pants, god-damned Chinese atheists, mucho bonita and fertile Hispanic women, stinky Indians and sexually disoriented queers. The Democrats don’t see any reason for remorse. They have vested interest in the status quo, a Potemkin village where the citizenry is hypnotized in to a wet dream that the prosperity can be borrowed. The sputtering economy can be fueled by the debt-based consumption and take off again. The entitlements, extensive benefits and Medi-whatever happily paid for by suckers around the world, especially the stupid Chinese will last forever. The Democrats are playing a two thousand year old trick of bread and circus invented in Roman times by provide goodies to its citizens in exchange of the statue of saviors. The mounting debt is only collateralized by bearded Ben’s fiat paper printing mill, no big deal if in default. It is all a mind trick, the fiscal cliff is made believe for bungee jumping. The US is still the only economic and military superman, well, maybe on a prosthetic leg paid for by the Chinese. The hapless middle class are like the male organ after sex, beaten, self-esteem low. With a black eye from the economic woes, they are remorseful for being disfranchised from the self-conscious and self-reliant life-style, financially depressed, emotionally scared by Tourettes syndrome and socially disenchanted. They are obsessed with Atkins dieting, popping Adderall or Zolfot every few hours to boost self-esteem and drinking lactose-free milk to calm their nerves before bedtime. They are at the mercy of their employer, in constant fear of being called into the boss’ office. They are still superstitiously pious about their voting right, but have lost their discretional ability to make a choice: “These bastards all look the same!” There is no remorse from the 20% downtrodden of the society. As remote from the greatness as we are from Mars, they live in their own pool of urine. Unable to pass drug test and background check for job applications and the only skill sets they possess are Xbox related, they are deemed unfit for the economic jungle of iron and concrete. The only jobs available are in the substance supply industry. Their cry for help is responded by militarized police SWAT teams. They revenge by abusing their family if they have one and abusing alcohol if they don’t. They are trapped in the basement of the society, the ladder is removed and the lid sealed, no social mobility whatsoever, living like zoo animals, wailing for succor, smoking the Olympic symbol out of weeds, fed but tightly confined with no chance to escape. There is no remorse shown by the great nation for its troublesome international policies. The ultimate abuse of power of is its invasion of Iraq. It is not only a presidential stupidity, but a blatant failure of the democratic system which is designed to keep the ruler’s sanity in check. A dimwitted president, assisted by his jingoistic henchmen, no holds barred, orchestrated a war for cause questionable as dead parrot (Monte Python). The whole nation including idiots like me howled: “support our troops!” Three young Texan girls named “Dixie Chicks” cautiously voiced their conscience but almost got lynched. The bona fides were established on the claim that the US was doing the whole world a favor to go into Iraq to eliminate the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), the evidences for such an existence were beyond reasonable doubt. When the pretext transpired, the cause was conveniently changed to doing Iraqi people a favor by liberating the Iraqi people from the dictator Saddam Hussein. Alas, the Unites States has turned an ugly page in Iraqi history, civility bollixed, hatred prevailed and economy ruined. “The hell is empty, all the devils are here” -Shakespeare. One civilization was handily defeated by another. There is no aftermath atonement of the sins committed by the great, no remorse shown for the misery of the unprivileged and no apology offered for lives lost. This is an exemplary exhibition of the great power of brazenness and impunity, the end justifying the means. Dignity yields to might and conscience is subordinated to arrogance. Any chance the greatness will be remorseful at all? Slim and none, slim is gone. |