偷、骗、装在我这里都是一样地下贱,你不需要骂脏字,但装得愚蠢无比地和别人对话就是对别人智商的侮辱,所以我叫你滚,你答应了又跑回来,言而无信,继续鄙视你。 我发现很多很讨厌川普的人有一个共同点:他们都喜欢装,以前别人都不揭穿他们,现在川普不吃那一套,他们被揭穿了就恼羞成怒。 看看这一段: “Can I check in on oil again today?” a White House reporter said before Trump interrupted and asked what the price of oil is at the moment. "Where is it today? What is the price? Give me the price,” the president said. "I am not sure, to be honest,” the reporter replied. "How can you ask a question when you don’t know the price?” Trump asked, to which the reporter said he would look it up. The president dismissed the question and moved on to another reporter. "Let me just go to somebody else,” Trump said. 这一段对话是经典,喜欢装的人会说川普不nice,但我喜欢川普就喜欢他这样,让那些伪装者无地自容。 我的文章就是反种族歧视的,你却说我不敢公开反种族歧视,没有办法不鄙视你,滚吧,我盖楼不需要你帮忙了 |