英国的Newsflare网站10月20日发布了一位新闻爱好者提供的名为“poor Falun Gong protester(可怜的法轮功示威者)”的视频,内容是法 轮功在习主席访英第一天参加示威抗议者人数寥寥无几,与支持者相比真是相形见绌······。
poor Falun Gong protester
As Chinese students and business people came to Buckingham very early, most good place are occupied. In the footage, only a very limited space are occupied by protesters of Falun Gong who wears yellow coat. Groups near them are from some Uk-China business association or Universities such as Queen Mary, University of London in blue poster.
中国学生和商人很早就来到白金汉宫,最好的地方都被占用。在录像中,只有一个非常有限的空间被那些身穿黄色外套的法轮功抗议者们占领。他们附近的团体都是来自一些英中商业协会或大学,比如打着蓝色海报的英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院。 |