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尊重正义 ,61岁
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· 07/26 周蓉是中央电视台记者,中
· 7月26号 更新 健在的95岁前中国
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· 07/26/请转发中共习近平对全世界
· 07/18 紧急通告 我的公寓公司和
· 7/20 Letter to my Son Harry Ga
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· 随时更新 我康若茜作为中国脑控
· 7月9号 我万维文章被修改,立刻
· 07/26 周蓉是中央电视台记者,中
· 7月26号 更新 健在的95岁前中国
· 07/26更新我们研究出乱性神经兴
· 07/26/请转发中共习近平对全世界
· 07/18 紧急通告 我的公寓公司和
· 7/20 Letter to my Son Harry Ga
· 07/20 请阅读第二篇“康若茜本
· 7/18/2024中共派高亚明前妻罗洁
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We Love Our Good Lives And Enjoy Our Good Lives

We Love Our Good Lives And Enjoy Our Good Lives

Written in 09/2012,and revised in 12/24/2023

By Ruo Qian Kang 康若茜(中文名)

 Life, there is a good life,

Good life is out there for us, which belongs to us,

We knew it from our hearts.

Here are the lives we have created using our rational ideas;

Here are the Lives we have along with harmonious energies;

That is a good life!

Good Lives, we human beings have good lives,

since we choose God's Will of good lives,

Good Lives, we human beings have good lives,

since we choose to value right, positive effect of right nature on Self, Others,and the World. 

Good Lives, we human beings have good lives,

since we therefore could reach that level of right coorperations inside our brains of the united state.

                  That is a good life!

Lives , we have good lives,

We have good livese with Real Selves and Right Souls; 

We have good livese with Right Ideas and Right Realities;

That is the good life!

Life, there is a good life,

Good life is out there for us, which belongs to us,

We knew it from our hearts.

These are the lives with internal unity;

There are good lives in the real, natural and right material world;

 That is the good life!

We need that good Lives, We can make that happen, and make that reality!

   We Love our good lives and enjoy our good lives!

We have met our internal needs!

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