It was a sunny day or maybe a rainy day. Well, yes, it was raining cats and dogs outside my house. But inside, I feel nice and comfy.
While I was watching TV, the phone rang. At the other end, it was my friend, Lary. Lary is a famous detective. Lary shouted excitedly, “Look, look, I saw a ghost house in the news. You must follow me to solve the mystery. I’ll be there in ten seconds to pick you up.”
Then, the line went dead. After that, Lary bursted in. “Let’s go!”he cried. Before long, I found myself being dragged out of my house and plopped into the back seat of Lary’s car. Lary jumped in and we zoomed off in a squeal of tires, to the ghost house! I was in an adventure, an enormous one!

Soon, we reached the ghost house. Lary said the ghost house is full of mysteries, and we’re going to solve them one by one.