发信人: dokknife (力刀_麦地辅导员), 信区: Pre_Resident_Club 标 题: 力刀:推翻和征服MATCH的三座大山--2011 ACAP演讲 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 27 17:34:49 2011, 美东)
推翻和征服MATCH的三座大山----2011 ACAP演讲
这是我在5/22/2011 ACAP给CMG们如何考版进住院的辅导会上的讲演提纲图片。供各 位参考。如果有去参加会议的人做了录音,我强烈希望您能与其他CMG,尤其那些没 有去的同学们分享,甚至最好也能送给我一份,我可以请IT专家把录音和图片嵌和 起来这样声音和图片结合一致同步更有助于理解。
多谢ACAP尤其住院和FELLOW委员会的现主席哲别、接任主席KD、以及二饼、澜京、 茶包、NICOLE、老光等CMG的组织和亲自讲演,也感谢各位CMG的参与,使得今年的 ACAP会议尤其成功和取得良好效果。
希望更多的CMG能参加这样的会议,其实,就是从外地坐飞机(有好几位CMG拖家带口 从外地赶来!)来,加上旅馆等花费,也绝对值得!你一年MATCH的失败不说精神的 创伤巨大,就算单论经济上损失也绝对比这小小的两天会议和旅差费用大得太多了!!!
失去这样绝佳得现场辅导机会是很遗憾的,其实是不明智的!我希望用网络老刀会 来给那些没有去的CMG们弥补一下损失。但如果能去,我强烈建议和劝慰各位要尽最 大努力去参加ACAP会议,这里,你将得到最真心诚意的辅导和帮助,而这种现场辅 导比看我和其他CMG们写的文字要收益大得多,也容易领会和理解。毕竟,文字得东 西理解与对话还是有很大差别的!
力刀 于加拿大 北美中国医(学)生教育网站: http://bbs.cmgforum.net or http://cmgforum.net 美加临床医学考版俱乐部(Pre_Resident_Club): http://www.mitbbs.com/club_bbsdoc/Pre_Resident_Club.html 美国医学教育博客(USMedEdu): http://www.mitbbs.com/pc/index.php?id=USMedEdu 妙手仁心__文学城医生写手集体博客 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=42839 新浪__力刀博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/dokknife 华夏文摘_力刀文集 http://archives.cnd.org/HXWK/author/LI-Dao/ MITBBS博客_ 温柔一刀客 http://www.mitbbs.com/pc/index/dokknife
推翻和征服MATCH的三座大山--2011 ACAP演讲 How to over-throw Three mountains in Match for Residency -- the Challenge especially for Old CMGs
Gang He (力刀), MD, PhD, FCAP, FASCP Assistant Professor, Pathology, Canada
Three Mountains before old CMGs-- 1. Age of graduation (Gap of Clinical practice) - Weak point? Definitely, YES! However……
2. USMLE not 99/99 or even with failure history - If you are weak, this is the fatal wound, however……
3. Research back ground - Present it as a strength/strong point, and a gift!
Mountain #1: Age & Gap--
Weak point? obviously, YES! However…… -- Maturity? Definitely, YES! Turn it over to: - strong point: your life experiences…… - strong point: understanding on this business…… - responsibility of personal, familiar, as well as……
-- Strength? Definitely, YES! Turn it over to: - why I make decision to go back clinical track?!
Mountain #2: USMLE issues-- -- Not 99/99, or had failure history, the truths are: - if you’re weak, this is the fatal wound, however……
-- Be reasonable: neither over-cover and nor self-blame -- family responsibility, full time job, ……
-- Be realistic: it’s a good experience & history, no shame at all! – language, east/western system……
Keys: be positive! Show confidence and strength!!!
Mountain #3: Research back ground-- -- A weak point? The truths are Yes or no!? - - it’s totally up to how you face and reply!
-- Present it as your strength, strong point & advantages!
-- Present it as a gift to the program!
OB/USCE: an Important Tool/Weapon to overthrow 3 Mountains: -- To understand the system and business!
-- To be familiar to the cultures and languages between pros!
-- A good way to learn and update your knowledge and skills!
-- A good opportunity to shine yourself!     