想必大家知道萬維是在加拿大運營的一家網站,但你要不是Pascal博座的粉兒,就可能不知道“苗駕”(vaxxed driving)這回事,更不太可能知道有那麽一群加拿大科學家終於對他忍無可忍而對unvaxxed driving做了非常及時、非常科學的研究,光是被研究的個體就多達11,270,763個。此石破天驚的研究論文已經發表在大名鼎鼎的The American Journal of Medicine,全文可在 https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(22)00822-1/fulltext 免費拜讀,也可以免費下載自行裱起來當作聖誕禮物饋贈開車的親友。 (背景突然有加拿大國歌響起,O Canada ...,建議鍵盤前各位請默唱3遍,對這群可愛的科學家表示由衷的敬意)
disease (COVID) vaccine hesitancy is a reflection of psychology that
might also contribute to traffic safety. We tested whether COVID
vaccination was associated with the risks of a traffic crash. MethodsWe
conducted a population-based longitudinal cohort analysis of adults and
determined COVID vaccination status through linkages to individual
electronic medical records. Traffic crashes requiring emergency medical
care were subsequently identified by multicenter outcome ascertainment
of all hospitals in the region over a 1-month follow-up interval (178
separate centers). ResultsA
total of 11,270,763 individuals were included, of whom 16% had not
received a COVID vaccine and 84% had received a COVID vaccine. The
cohort accounted for 6682 traffic crashes during follow-up. Unvaccinated
individuals accounted for 1682 traffic crashes (25%), equal to a 72%
increased relative risk compared with those vaccinated (95% confidence
interval, 63-82; P < 0.001). The increased traffic risks
among unvaccinated individuals extended to diverse subgroups, was
similar to the relative risk associated with sleep apnea, and was equal
to a 48% increase after adjustment for age, sex, home location,
socioeconomic status, and medical diagnoses (95% confidence interval,
40-57; P < 0.001). The increased risks extended across the
spectrum of crash severity, appeared similar for Pfizer, Moderna, or
other vaccines, and were validated in supplementary analyses of
crossover cases, propensity scores, and additional controls. ConclusionsThese
data suggest that COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with
significant increased risks of a traffic crash. An awareness of these
risks might help to encourage more COVID vaccination.
Dr. Fauci,你怎麽看? (欲言又止,但正文真的在此完結了)