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福克斯新闻早就知道”选举欺诈”是荒谬谎言 2023-02-17 14:52:58






在节目之外,该网络的明星、制片人和高管对这些阴谋表示蔑视,称其为 "令人震惊的疯狂""完全脱离轨道 " "完全是胡说八道"--往往用更接地气的语言。该网络黄金时段的顶级明星--塔克-卡尔森、劳拉-英格拉姆和肖恩-汉尼提--在群聊中对这些说法表示轻蔑,但也谴责了公开或在电视上指出这些说法的同事。



·         著名的福克斯新闻主持人肖恩-汉尼提说:"西德尼推动的整个叙述,我一秒钟都不相信。

·         "看着朱利安尼! 真正疯狂的东西。鲁珀特-默多克在11月中旬的一封电子邮件中说,他创办的网络播放了一场冗长、漫无边际的新闻发布会,特朗普的律师鲁迪-朱利安尼和鲍威尔在会上提出了关于可入侵投票机和涉及外国共产主义者的广泛阴谋的指控。

·         塔克-卡尔森在选举结束后不久告诉一位制片人,鲍威尔在选民欺诈问题上 "在撒谎"。卡尔森在当月晚些时候给福克斯新闻主持人劳拉-英格拉姆(Laura Ingraham)发了同样的短信,并说 "这太疯狂了""这对我来说是令人难以置信的冒犯。我们的观众都是善良的人,他们相信它"

·         主持人劳拉-英格拉姆告诉卡尔森,鲍威尔是 "一个完全的疯子。没有人愿意和她合作。同理,"她指的是前纽约市长和特朗普的支持者鲁迪-朱利安尼。卡尔森回答说,他认为鲍威尔的谎言 "令人难以置信地冒犯",因为他们的 "观众是好人,他们相信它"

·         "她是一个f------ 疯子,"卡尔森的制片人亚历克斯-菲弗在谈到鲍威尔时写道。


In the days and weeks after the 2020 elections, the Fox News Channel repeatedly broadcast false claims that then-President Donald Trump had been cheated of victory.

Off the air, the network's stars, producers and executives expressed contempt for those same conspiracies, calling them "mind-blowingly nuts," "totally off the rails" and "completely bs" - often in far earthier terms.

The network's top primetime stars - Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity - texted contemptuously of the claims in group chats, but also denounced colleagues pointing that out publicly or on television.

Employees at Fox News knew that claims blaming Donald Trump’s 2020 loss on election fraud were outlandish and false, even as the network promoted them as credible, a newly unsealed court filing appears to show.

The document, which pulls from a host of internal communications from Fox News employees involved in election coverage, includes comments and quotes revealing that producers, executives and stars of the network knew that the election wasn’t stolen and that many fraud claims were bogus. The communications suggest that Fox News zeroed in on fraud claims as a way to boost ratings and appease their conservative viewers, who executives feared were abandoning the channel for other conservative media outlets — particularly after Fox News was the first network to project that Joe Biden had won the key battleground of Arizona.

A number of prominent network stars who sometimes embrace conspiracy theories on their shows said in private that they knew that Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, who filed election lawsuits to stop multiple states that Joe Biden had won from certifying their elections, was not telling the truth, according to the filings. 

“That whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second," prominent Fox News host Sean Hannity said, according to the legal filing.

The filing is the latest to be made public in the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems, one of the largest manufacturers of U.S. voting equipment, against Fox News.

What the documents revealed

  • "Watching      Giuliani! Really crazy stuff. And damaging," Rupert Murdoch said in      an email in mid-November, as the network he founded broadcast a lengthy,      rambling press conference in which Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Powell made allegations of hackable voting machines and a      wide-ranging conspiracy involving foreign communists.

  • Tucker      Carlson told a producer soon after the election that Powell “is lying”      about voter fraud, the documents show. Carlson would text Fox News      host Laura Ingraham the same thing later in the month, adding that “it’s      insane” and “it’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good      people and they believe it.”

  • “She      is a f------ nutcase,” wrote Carlson’s producer, Alex Pfeiffer, referring      to Powell.

  • “This dominion s--- is going to give me a      f------ aneurysm,” Ingraham's producer, Tommy Firth, wrote at one point,      according to the filing. Firth had concluded the Dominion claims were      false, according to the filing.

  • Host Laura Ingraham told      Carlson that Powell is “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto      with Rudy,” referring to former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy      Giuliani. Carlson replied that he found Powell's lies "unbelievably      offensive" because their  "viewers are good      people and they believe it," according to the filing.





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作者:liucarl 留言时间:2023-02-17 15:55:19


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