What to Know About the Atlanta Spa Shootings A man has been charged in the attacks, in which eight people were killed, including six women of Asian descent. 减醋:另外两个是白人不提 A Rise in Anti-Asian Attacks:A torrent of hate and violence against people of Asian descent around the United States began last spring, in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. 加盐:对亚裔的攻击仅仅是去年才开始升高? Background: Community leaders say the bigotry was fueled by President Donald J. Trump, who frequently used racist language like “Chinese virus” to refer to the coronavirus. 减醋:按摩馆,那个枪手是性成瘾,铁的事实不提。加盐:偏偏联系到是因为川普提到中国病毒。拉仇恨。减醋:那两个一起被枪击的白人是中国人?几个韩国人,一个西裔不提 The suspect, who is white, was identified as Robert Aaron Long, 21, of Woodstock, Ga. 白人,明确提出来,拉仇恨。 CNN
What we know about 2 sailors being shooting at Maryland's Fort Detrick. Two sailors are hospitalized following a shooting Tuesday at a military installation in Frederick, Maryland, authorities said. 没错是美军军事基地,事关国家安全的地方 The US Navy identified the gunman as Fantahun Girma Woldesenbet, a Navy hospital corpsman, he was posted at that installation. 带过:枪手是军人,不是性瘾,不是毒瘾。健康,思维明晰的人。 减醋:是黑人,不提, 信穆斯林,不提。 Authorities are investigating both the motive 。 好客观哦:动机? 在调查呢。减醋:也不找个人来说说事实:自从奥巴马上台,黑人,穆斯林混进军事基地开枪杀死美国军人明显上升, 也不说说白等上台来,他支持黑命贵。
一个性瘾白人枪手在按摩馆杀人,连黄带白不分青红皂白,就挑出亚裔,那个亚裔傻x领袖还跟着添盐加醋扯到川普头上。扯到病毒上去。搞出反白人歧视的旗帜了。我就知道亚城一个很好的中国学人买房出租,对黑人很好,但被黑人傻死的。 现在一个军中医护军人在美军军事基地向军人开枪,就故意不提是黑人,是信穆斯林。而且军中黑人,穆斯林信仰者枪杀军事基地军人好几起了。媒体也装作若无其事,不提这是一种仇恨,是一群特殊群体在仇恨整个美利坚啊。
04/07/2021 |