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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
My Thoughts on the Palestine Issue 2023-10-12 12:36:48

My Thoughts on the Palestine Issue

By Limin Wang

October 12, 2023


First of all, the Al-Aqsa Flood carried out by Palestinian military group Hamas against Israel on October 7, 2023 is welcomed by the MAJORITY of people and countries as a courageous, just, and successful military and political operation. After WWII, EVIL Jews under the FABRICATED “Holocaust” have created their nation under the UK EVIL SYSTEM back in 1948 on the Palestinians’ historical land and then have brutally executed slaughters and murders of Arabians in the Middle East under the USUK EVIL SYSTEM for more than seven decades. If the Arabian people and countries do not unite for a common cause of SURVIVAL against the USUK Evil System and the Jews Evil Subsystem, your historical homeland will be gradually taken, and your people will be gradually genocided, just like what had happened to the great continents and great civilizations across the Atlantic Ocean over the centuries. Native Americans really have suffered the REAL GENOCIDES AND HOLOCAUST. If USSR had wanted to create a United States of Native Americans in America at 1945, it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to find even HUNDREDS of GENUINE NATIVE AMERICANS in America! And all other peoples and countries around the world, as long as you do not want to be enslaved or exterminated, you should shoulder the burden of the common cause against the USUK EVIL SYSTEM and its crony subsystems. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you really should admire about the USUK EVIL SYSTEM, because it’s an EVIL SYSTEM of fraud, killing, pillage, slavery, colonization, perversity, etc, and it can NOT take care of EVEN THE BASIC NEEDS OF THE MAJORITY OF HUMANS on the land it has already occupied and ruled as long as centuries! The USUK EVIL SYSTEM and its subsystems have NO FUCKING DEMOCRACY OR LIBERTY OTHER THAN SHEER EVIL WHICH OFTEN MANIFESTS AS VICIOUS WARS.


After Oct 7, the EVIL JEWS claim Hamas had beheaded a young Jewish girl, a story matching to the fabrication of The Diary of a Young Girl onto a non-existent girl by the publication year. Hamas sure has bitter hatred against EVIL JEWS because EVIL JEWS have delivered EVIL AND DEATH to the Arabians over decades whereas the Arabians have NOT “served” “holocaust” on JEWS over millenniums. Yet, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SPECIAL OR GOOD Hamas would even THINK of beheading a young Jewish girl to “ACHIEVE”. However, the EVIL JEWS now “unite” under a war cabinet, and fan their EVIL against the MILITARY RESISTANTS Hamas, the Palestinians, the Arabians, as well as MANY peoples and countries around the world, AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT AGREE WITH WHAT THE EVIL JEWS SAY AND DO. The Hamas warriors are heroes; The Palestinians who do not fight against the EVIL JEWS need to BEG a life LESS WORTHY THAN A PET’S FROM THE EVIL JEWS, and the Palestine civilians, including millions of children and youngsters, can NOT get the “mercy” from the EVIL JEWS’ HUMAN SLAUGHTERING WAR MACHINERY.


Hamas, you should start to brutally torture and execute the captives one by one under video recording and then broadcasting, first from the top military commandos, then adult men, and then adult women, and put the young Jewish children under the EVIL JEWS bombing targets. Meanwhile, Hamas should tell the EVIL JEWS to IMMEDIATELY STOP BOMBING PALESTINE, and challenge the COWARDOUS EVIL JEWS to FIGHT A GROUND WAR WITH HAMAS AND ITS ALLIES.


Other Arabian or Islamic military groups should immediately actively join the war against the EVIL JEWS; you should NEVER be stupid enough to believe the EVIL JEWS would be “nice” now or later.


Arabian countries should stand shoulder to shoulder with each other, and DEMAND there must be routes for humanity aids to ALL THE PEOPLE being sieged in Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the Arabian governments’ militaries should be seriously prepared for a decisive and united confrontation with the EVIL JEWS. Syrian and Iran can be the spearhead, because they have suffered greatly from the EVIL JEWS recently. In the upcoming Middle East War, the WHOLE EVIL ISRAEL will suffer COMPREHENSIVE DEVASTATION, if not TOTAL ANNIHILATION. THINK BIG AND ACT REAL. A WORLD WITHOUT THE USUK EVIL SYSTEM AND ITS SUBSYSTEMS WILL BE A LOT BETTER. THE SOONER THE BETTER.


Other countries around the world, together with the Arabian countries, DEMAND the creation of a FREE STATE OF PALESTINE in the immediate future, and the FREEDOM of their own actions to HELP all the people, including their own citizens, being sieged in Gaza Strip by the EVIL JEWS.

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