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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Russia should Change its Policies 2024-09-03 11:50:07

Russia should Change its Policies, Urgently of War Engagement

By Limin Wang

September 01, 2024

Russia's nuclear weapons doctrine needs some change to USE them onto the enemies and the enemies' weaponry and infrastructures, not just in FORMER Ukraine. Did the U.S.A. hesitate to use one after another atomic bomb onto Japan near the end of WWII? If the U.S.A. had not dropped atomic bombs onto Japan, WWII in Asia and the Pacific Ocean could last much longer and the U.S.A. military would have enormous casualty, if the outcome wouldn't be quite different. Didn't the U.S.A. military threaten again and again to use atomic bombs against the then newly founded PRC? It didn't use only because the ally Soviet Union had its own atomic bomb by then! Whenever nuclear weapons and other WMD can achieve the military goals where traditional weapons can not, Russia should start to use WMD now. By using WMD in hot war, Russia sends the unequivocal message: when Russia is having the hot and hybrid war with the whole NATO, Russia should exercise it's rights to use whatever means and weaponry it has to defend Russians, Russia, and many many people and countries in the world siding overtly or covertly with Russia and Russians. If Russia loses the war to the USUK-led NATO, the whole world and all the humans will fall victim quickly to the EVIL SYSTEM upheld by USUK.

But the most urgent policy change by Russia should be its guideline of war engagement with the MILITARY BACKERS OF FORMER UKRAINE FROM NATO INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES. The US is so BOLD that it sends endless supply of weapons and militants to FORMER Ukraine to inflict atrocities to Russians and Russia. Russia should announce new policies of war engagement with NATO countries like its leaders USUK and its lapdogs like Poland and some Baltic countries. Russia should declare whichever country's administration demonstrates ACTUAL HOSTILITY to Russia and Russians, Russia and Russians will have DIRECT RESPONSES. Hit NATO INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES' military bases and CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES without any specific warning or acknowledgement at all. Russia only needs to broadcast the nationalities of the enemy personnel, captured dead or alive, and the originations of the enemy weaponry, captured destroyed or functional. Russia and Russians need to send the CLEAR AND CONSEQUENTIAL MESSAGES, INCLUDING TO THE CONTINENTAL U.S.A. If Russia fears an ALL-OUT war with the EVIL CENTER of the U.S.A., Russia will NEVER win. Meanwhile, MANY countries in the world have BITTER historical and/or contemporary issues with the USUK, Russia should have the right diplomacy to win their friendship or neutrality.

The third significant prong of Russia's needed policy changes is to educate people around the world, including in Russia and FORMER Ukraine, that the USUK led world system is an EVIL SYSTEM under which THE PEOPLE around the world ALONG THE HISTORY TO THE PRESENT suffer enormously, including by genocides, familiocides, and individual murders. TURN ON THE POLITICAL TIDE OF THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE EVIL SYSTEM. When Russia wins the hearts and minds of the people, Russia will win the war in former Ukraine a lot faster and easier.

Last but not least, Russia needs drastic internal changes to demonstrate to the whole world a REAL DEMOCRACY OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY. When the oppressed people in the USUK, NATO, and many countries around the globe know the HUMAN LIFE is led by the Russian System, they will start to overthrow their own countries' EVIL SYSTEM. When the fire starts, it will spread fast and far and destroy the EVIL SYSTEM AND ITS HUMANSCUMS. RUSSIA MUST TRUST THE USUK THEMSELVES ARE A HOT BED FOR REVOLUTION BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE. Does Russia know the USUK EVIL SYSTEM and its CANNIBALISTIC SOCIETY?

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2024-09-09 14:01:58

This post has been shadow-banned by this website!!! What the fuck you are afraid of?

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