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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Wilfredo Colon of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2024-02-03 08:27:26

Wilfredo Colon of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

by Limin Wang

Feb. 03, 2024

Cowards, do NOT delete or shadow-ban this REAL-LIFE post! FUCK YOUR FAKE LIBERTY, JUSTICE!

To be drafted as a full chapter of my real life story book - No Man Land - ASAP.

I would do a TRUTHFUL REVIEW about Wilfredo Colon of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Serum Amyloid A (SAA) structural and amyloid fibrillation studies in his lab. SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY AND JUSTICE SHOULD NEVER BE TOO LATE. Wilfredo Colon, you should NOT bury MY groundbreaking findings on SAA and its amyloid fibrillization by NOT publishing MY ORIGINAL FINDINGS in time, or by publishing some CRITICAL NOVAL FINDINGS into a very obscure journal named Amyloid where it is also EXTREMELY HARD to get a full-text article, or by having some other LATER-COMING people from your lab to repeat MY ORIGINAL EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS and then CLAIMING AND PUBLISHING AS YOUR MENTORED "ORIGINAL" findings WITHOUT EVEN MENTIONING ME OR MY ALREADY FINDINGS. What you and your lab have done on SAA structure and fibrillization for the over TWO DECADES since my PH.D. dissertation and graduation in August 2003 has ever extended over what I had already have the experimental findings and analytic conclusions??? WC, right after I graduated with my Ph.D. degree from your lab in RPI in August 2003, you were THREATENING me by claiming you were going to give me "GREAT" "RECOMMENDATION" letters. While I never saw any copy of your paper "recommendation" letter, my first postdoctoral employer Hongmin Li at Wadsworth Center in early 2005 or so agreed to show me your EMAIL "GREAT" "recommendation" which is ACTUALLY SO FALSE AND MALICIOUS. Your "recommendation" email was so short with only about five lines on computer screen, but YOU MALICIOUSLY FALSELY STATED THAT I, LIMIN WANG, HAD A STORMY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU FOR "TWO AND A HALF YEAR" (EXACT QUOTATION, the word "year" is in singular form). By MAXIMUM PHYSICAL POSSIBILITY, I HAD BEEN CONNECTED WITH YOUR LAB FOR ONLY THREE AND A HALF YEARS, AND I HAD NEVER HAD ANY "STORMY" RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU OR ANYBODY IN YOUR LAB. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN EITHER TREMENDOUSLY DELAY OR FOREVER DENY PUBLISHING MY ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH FINDINGS OR SUBMITTING MY WELL-PREPARED MANUSCRIPTS with your whatever change and then sending them out WITHOUT letting me any look at them? Is it just HOW THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM plays in the "scientific" field and thus you become "successful" while I get not only career destroyed but also physically severely injured by the AES'S HUMANSCUMS? Also, is it just HOW the AES HUMANSCUMS need to destroy my family, including my YOUNG CHILDREN, so the AES HUMANSCUMS distort such atrocities sustained as "evidence" of MY "failure"? By the way, WHO IS ACTUALLY THE FIRST PH.D. GRADUATE FROM YOUR LAB? IT'S LIMIN WANG, NOT SARAH HOBART (BOSWELL), THOUGH YOUR RPI WEBPAGE ONCE PUBLICLY WRONGLY STATED THE FALSEHOOD. I would meet YOUR CHALLENGE AGAIN to write up the ALL-OUT, but this time is not my Ph.D. dissertation, but the ACCOUNT of the TRUTH, about not only YOU, but also YOUR LAB, RPI, my afterward employers, the "scientific" and "educational" society, as well as the GENERAL BROAD SOCIETY. Wilfredo Colon, you defend your reputation as a mentor and a scientist and a leadership, while I bring up all the necessary FACTS AND TRUTH to DEFEND MY ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS AND MY REPUTATION.

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2024-02-12 12:41:16

Cowards shadow-ban this REAL-LIFE post.

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