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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Any Just Entity Would Bomb the Evil Israel 2024-08-08 16:36:03

Any Just Entity Would Bomb the Evil Jews in Evil Israel

By Limin Wang

August 04, 2024

Since the establishment of Israel in the land of Palestine, the EVIL JEWS have never stopped their all kinds of EVIL ACTIONS onto the Palestinians and the Arabians, via everlasting overt wars, covert wars, encroachment of land, animalization of humans, enslavery of people, REAL GENOCIDE, MASS DESTRUCTION, and VICIOUS ASSASSINATIONS. PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ALONG THE HISTORY HATE EVIL JEWS BECAUSE OF THE JEWS' EVIL.

Some Jews, veiled as "medical professionals", "attorneys", "judges", "teachers", etc, in the New York City of the USA have been long as part of the systematic perpetrations, including repeated PROFESSIONAL ATTEMPTED-MURDERS onto me and my family, persistent BRAINWASHING and DE FACTO ABDUCTION of my young daughters, and COERCING, SEDUCING, AIDING AND ABETTING my wife Li Li to twice desert me and the young daughters in 2014 and BRAINWASHING AND DRUGGING Li Li into a SEVERE PSYCHOPATH before letting her go back to this family in 2015! The NYPD SYSTEMATIC HUMANSCUMS claimed they could not find her while they actually did much of the systematic injuries to Li Li to destroy my family, and meanwhile these SYSTEMATIC THUGS AS NYPD tried to FABRICATE, or CREATE a (REAL) MURDER of LI LI and to FRAME it onto me the VICTIM! The New York state, city, and the United States of America have a lot of Jews occupying powerful political positions, and you should expect and know that these upper level thugs side with all other levels of thugs, not with the victims.

If I had the resources, I would directly target Benjamin Netanyahu, his office, any of his staunch followers, and all the critical infrastructures all across Israel. THE PUNISHMENT MUST BE VERY SEVERE AND ITS EFFECTS MUST BE LONG-LASTING. Iran's allies, as well as many other countries in the Middle East should stand up to support Iran and its proxies to fight against the EVIL. When the American Evil System's military gets involved again, ANY OF THE AES' ASSETS SUCH AS AIRCRAFT CARRIERS, AND PERSONNEL, SHOULD BE DIRECTLY TARGETED FOR DESTROY! HEROES MUST HAVE THE DETERMINATION TO DESTROY THE HISTORICAL, FUNDAMENTAL, YET DEVELOPED EVIL.

The AES and its lapdog systems such as the Jewish Netanyahu system have NOTHING related to DEMOCRACY or LIBERTY. The Netanyahu gang really wanted the October 7 event to happen and really want the Jewish hostages to DIE, because the Netanyahu gang want "patriotic reasons" to DESTROY GAZA AND GENOCIDE PALESTANIANS AND THEN PERMANENTLY ANNEX GAZA AND RULE/RUIN THE LEFT-OVER PALESTANIANS. You see and understand HOW CANNIBALISM OF THEIR OWN RACE OR OF THEIR OWN "CITIZENS" HAPPENS UNDER THIS KIND OF AMERICAN OR JEWISH EVIL SYSTEM? If you know this, you should also know these evil systems can be catalyzed to implode. Also, as a poll worker for several years in Democrapic New York City, I can explicitly tell you, THAT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S ELECTIONS SYSTEM IS SO BUREAUCRATIC, DICTATORIAL, AND CORRUPT, AND SO FEW VOTERS COME TO VOTE, AND SO MANY POLL WORKERS ARE SO NASTY TO EACH OTHER CLEARLY BETRAY THAT SO FEW PEOPLE SUPPORT SUCH A FRAUDULENT EVIL SYSTEM OR EACH OTHER UNDER SUCH A DISINTEGRATING EVIL SYSTEM.

Heroes around the world, if you have the technologies and tools to hit Netanyahu's office or destroy a USA aircraft carrier, and to annihilate the USA mainland when it's necessary, then start now to have a direct war onto the USA military. If you really dare not fight against a powerful evil system and its humanscums to DEFEAT or even DESTROY it or them, then what's your current fighting? And what it is for? WHY THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM DARED TO USE NUCLEAR, CHEMICAL, AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS IN THE FIRST PLACE? THEN WHY YOU ARE SO COWARDLY IN YOUR MIND AND ACTION?

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