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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Indecent Exposure/Nudity & Related of "Mr. Jiang" 2024-02-29 14:10:30

Indecent Exposure/Nudity and Related Serious Issues from the Newcomer Occupant "Mr. Jiang" --- Serious Issues of the Rent Apartment 153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, 2nd Fl., Flushing, NY 11367

February 29, 2024, Thu.

by Limin Wang


This post is supposed to be written as a long, full, and multimedia article. Some facts of the INDECENT EXPOSURE/NUDITY of the newcomer male "tenant"/occupant "Mr. Jiang" in the SHARED space  (the inside hallway, the no-door kitchen, and the bathroom with its door OPEN) inside the apartment (153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, 2nd Fl., Flushing, NY 11367) as well as at his room near his OPEN room-door, either completely naked on his upper body and wearing only a tight, short, black underwear boxer shorts on his lower body, or wearing a red T-shirt on top but only a tight, short, black underwear boxer shorts, since he started to live in the side-by-side immediately neighboring room in the 4-"HOUSEHOLDS" (3 adult single men, and my native-woman wife along with me) apartment on the night of February 18, 2024, have been publicized online and revealed to NYC's 311. Since it has quite a lot to cover, and the volatile development has been going worse, I try to first reveal as much as possible in a hasty way. My previous goal was only trying to persuade politely by myself and professionally via the current sublease landlord Mr. Mei Su and the realty owner Mr. (Kevin) Wong, but neither the arrogant "Mr. Jiang" would stop his disgusting and offensive indecent exposure/nudity in the SHARED space, nor would the landlords address or mitigate or solve this issue. On the contrary, the arrogant newcomer "tenant"/occupant "Mr. Jiang" escalated into VERBAL AND PHYSICAL AGGRESSION, and the landlords, particularly Mr. Mei Su, falsely or distortedly but viciously alleged me as the trouble-maker and wrongdoer on THIS ISSUE and MULTIPLE OTHER THINGS. Thus, I want to seek the PUBLIC OPINION on ALL RELATED MATTERS of this problematic apartment and building. Wishfully, the New York City government and beyond would SERVE JUSTICE for me and my family instead of FURTHURANCE OF THEIR PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED PERSECUTION ONTO ME AND MY WHOLE FAMILY FROM ALL ASPECTS.


This post would first come along with some RAW videos and pictures and audios. Titles and descriptions may have been drafted along with some of these individual multimedia files on YouTube. Some CRUCIAL SERIOUS MOMENTS of ~20:45, February 28, 2024, Wednesday were NOT captured by my phone, either because the AGGRESSIVE "Jiang" had grabbed my phone and caused my phone to stop recording, or because I didn't realize my phone's video recording had stopped, or because my phone quickly claimed the storage space is full! However, the current sublease landlord Mr. Mei Su sneaked out of his room and started to video-record by holding his phone high and straight, seconds after my verbal request to "Mr. Jiang" for him to stop wearing only a short and tight underwear to the SHARED space for PUBLIC VIEW, so Mei Su is supposed to have video coverage of THE SERIOUS OR EVEN LIFE-THREATENING MOMENTS, as well as of "Jiang" repetitively tapping his hips and arrogantly shouting toward me in Chinese (Mandarin), "You call police right now. Even when police come here, I will be just wearing this (he was tapping his short and tight black underwear)." It's only after my right hand grabbing of Jiang's RIGHT-HAND-FIST AND POINTING-OUT-INDEX-FINGER PERSISTENTLY PURSUING THE GRADUALLY RETREATING ME AND PERSISTENTLY COMING ONLY ABOUT A CENTIMETER TO MY FACE, near my room door, that Jiang backed away from me and toward Mei Su and then into the kitchen, and then "Jiang" claimed his NO FEAR OF NOBODY EVEN POLICE about his such repetitive indecent exposure/nudity in the SHARED apartment. Mei Su, as on other occasions, said NOTHING AT ALL to stop Jiang's any arrogant, offensive, and/or aggressive talks and behaviors. On the contrary, Mei Su JUSTIFIED AND ENCOURAGED "Jiang" to aggress onto me and my wife, and VICIOUSLY claimed a bunch of other things to DEFAME me and my wife.




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