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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
So Many Types of NYC PSYCHOPATHS 2023-11-13 11:44:05

So Many Types of NYC PSYCHOPATHS Encountered in a Single Day

Nov. 05, 2023, updated by Nov. 21, 2023

By Limin Wang

At ~19:05, Nov. 05, 2023, today Sunday, I boarded Q17 bus at Kissena Blvd/Franklin Ave, with a cart load of groceries, and then I saw there was a Chinese young woman in her early 30s like was standing near the backdoor area and SHOUTING FOUL LANGUAGE in Chinese down the aisle to the bus front! The fully-seated bus was quiet to her PSYCHOSES. The woman was meanwhile wielding a cigarette. At the next stop, some riders got off, and then the PSYCHOTIC WOMAN SAT DOWN. Since my legs have been EXTREMELY PAINFUL SINCE OCTOBER 16, 2023 due to the EXACERBATED TETRAPLEGIA sourced from the HEAD AND SPINE serious injuries sustained from the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System Humanscums' PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED MURDER-ATTEMPTS first at an NYC slavery workplace (B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc, the ORIGINAL branch store (of KSI Auto Parts) at 109-35 178th St, Jamaica, NY 11433) and then at two NYC "medical clinics" (New York Medical & Diagnostic Center; New York City Medical & Neurological Offices) authorized by NYS WCB and referred to by my then "representative" "attorney" of a JEWISH law firm (Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLP) back as early as years 2017 & 2018, I then went and sat down next to that STRANGER PSYCHOTIC WOMAN who was still psychotically shouting toward the front. NOBODY WAS responding, other than I occasionally turned and looked at her face, and found her cigarette was an unlit one, and she was shouting in a Chinese Northeast accent. She seemed not talking about any specific thing that set the fuck thing off, although her FURIOUS raving mentioned "blackman" and her "service" to many kinds of people. Lucky to her, neither I nor anybody else had treated her as a THREAT and thus put her on a chokehold or shot her to death, whereas the INFAMOUS NYC has a long history of people getting killed on public transportation. The Psychopath got off the Q17 at Kissena Blvd/45th Ave, only two stops from where I boarded. Isn't the Special-Colored Chinese PHONY "communism" still pumping out Chinese females as SEX SLAVES and Chinese males as LABOR SLAVES? While I don’t have much personal feeling about such a stranger adult woman’s psychoses in public, I DO HAVE FEAR THAT SOME ACHES HUMANSCUMS MAY HAVE DELIBERATELY SET UP SOME A DRAMATIC SCENARIO IN THE PUBLIC PHYSICAL SPACE IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO ME AND THEN LATER DISTORT VIDEO RECORDINGS AND/OR “WITNESSES’” “TESTIMONIES” THAT THIS STRANGER PSYCHOTIC WOMAN WERE MY “WIFE” LI LI. Outsiders, you should not jump to conclude like some ACHES “professional” HUMANSCUMS that I am “paranoid”! Back when my “wife” Li Li twice deserted me and the two BIOLOGICAL & YOUNG daughters, ACHES HUMANSCUMS by really anonymous accounts but in INSINUATING usernames on have pretended to outsiders that they were LI LI as a PROSTITUTE. Only people who have experienced the ACHES themselves may understand well HOW EVIL THE ACHES AND ITS HUMANSCUMS CAN BE. The website has been DESTROYED by the ACHES on 07/17/2022, the day after I had publicized the two recorded 911 outgoing calls during the night of September 24 – 25, 2021 when my younger daughter Alexandria Wang, then 17-and-a-half years old, was de facto seduced and abducted by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS, including the two UNIFORMED NYPD COPS from Precinct 109. WHAT THE ACHES HAS? SHEER EVIL ONLY!

Li Li, my "wife" for over two decades, is the OPPOSITE type of PSYCHOPATH when compared to that STRANGER PSYCHOPATH, because LI LI WAS NEVER SEEN CURSING TOWARD ANY "STRANGER" PUBLICLY, AS FAR AS I KNOW, BUT LI LI SHAMELESSLY LIVES AS A MALIGNANT TUMOR ON ME AND GOES PSYCHOTIC, EVEN HYSTERICAL, AT LEAST MULTIPLE TIMES WEEKLY, EVEN WHEN I WAS PHYSICALLY AWAY FROM HER VICINITY, OR WHEN ONLY OUR YOUNG DAUGHTER(S) WAS(WERE) PHYSICALLY NEARBY HER AT HOME, OR WHEN LI LI WAS COMPLETELY PHYSICALLY ALONE AT HOME, OR WHEN LI LI WENT FROM HER SINGLE-BED RENT AT 42-60 MAIN ST., APARTMENT 2D TO THE 41-99 MAIN STREET SPOT WHERE I WAS SELLING USED ITEMS ON THE STREET STREET TO START UP PSYCHOTIC EPISODES ALONE BUT AGAINST THE SILENT AND “EVASIVE” ME, WHILE LIVING PHYSICALLY TOGETHER OR CONNECTED WITH ME (AND OUR TWO DAUGHTERS) SINCE LI LI'S RETURN IN 2015 FROM HER TWICE DESERTIONS BACK IN 2014. Our two daughters were living together with the parents, before the elder daughter went to college in 2019, and the younger daughter Alexandria Wang was de facto seduced and abducted by the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System’s Humanscums in NYC on the night of sept. 24 - 25, 2021 by the ACHES PERVERSELY BRAINWASHED AND FABRICATED story of the younger daughter’s “suicidal thoughts” and thus the “need” of “psychiatric care” whereas the truth is simply that the younger daughter could not stand the almost daily psychoses of the psychotic biological mother Li Li but AW had to stay home mostly without her elder sister physically nearby for the so-called ONE-YEAR-AND-A-HALF “remote learning” due to the ACHES’s COVID-19 SYSTEMATIC FRAUD. Over this weekend of Nov. 04 & 05, 2023, I have been working as a poll worker, and the weather is very good, but HUMANSCUM LI LI AGAIN would NOT go ALONE to buy even groceries. However, PSYCHOPATH LI LI went to the outside today AGAIN, claiming to the library, while today is SUNDAY, a day most of the libraries are closed. If HUMANSCUM LI LI REALLY HAD GONE AS FAR AS TO THE FLUSHING LIBRARY for her PSYCHOTIC KILLING OF HER USELESS TIME, she had been steps away from the bunch of grocery stores!!!!!! Psychopath Li Li REALLY knows it costs money to buy groceries, and the money CONTROLLED IN LI LI'S HANDS DUE TO THE NEW YORK CITY EVIL SYSTEM'S HUMANSCUMS AIDING AND ABETTING BY CLOSING THE SPOUSE'S JOINT Citibank ACCOUNTS AND TRANSFERRING ALL THE MONEY INTO LI LI'S NEWLY OPENED Citibank ACCOUNTS IN NOV. 2014 ARE RUNNING DOWN TO VERY LITTLE, ALTHOUGH LI LI HAS PAID VERY LITTLE FOR THE FAMILY!!!!! Nonetheless, HUMANSCUM Li Li again and again claimed I had "stolen" her money, and claimed as if the LITTLE money Li Li earned MORE THAN A DECADE AGO as a “nail specialist”, “esthetic”, or “MASSAGER” most in the year of 2009 at NYC while I was back in China working as a professor in JiangNan University, could support her life and her (premarital) family’s lives “FOREVER”. Any honest humans in the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System check the ACHES's "records": Does Li Li earn any CENT FOR THE PAST TEN CONSECUTIVE YEARS? Does any ACHES governmental or nongovernmental agency provide any REAL HELP OTHER THAN THE ACHES TOXIC "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" OR "FREE WORLD" TO LI LI? As far as I know, there has been ZERO assistance!!! Can anyone tell the PROSTITUTE LI LI TO DO SIMPLE ARITHMATIC ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY SHE NEEDS TO SPEND TO EVEN SUPPORT AN ALWAYS INSTANT NOODLE LIFE IN NYC AS HER ELDER SISTER PROSTITUTE CHUNLING LI HAD "RAISED" HER UP BACK SINCE EARLY CHILDHOOD IN HANDAN, HEBEI, CHINA, AND A RENTAL OF A SINGLE TWIN-SIZE BED IN A CROWDED TINY OPEN ROOM MIXED WITH MEN AND WOMEN IN 42-60, MAIN ST., APARTMENT 2D, FLUSHING, NY 11355 BETWEEN DECEMBER 31, 2022 AND APRIL 11, 2023 DUE TO THE ACHES HUMANSCUMS’ VICIOUS MANIPULATIONS OF AN-ALREADY-PSYCHOTIC LI LI AFTER BEING RUTHLESSLY EVICTED VIA THE SHAM AND SHAME “CIVIL COURT” PROCEEDINGS!!!!!! Both the Apartment 2D “home-hotel” “business” owners and Li Li FALSELY claimed it were only for females as well as SHAMELESSLY prevented me from visiting this place until I was called by Li Li on April 11, 2023 moring that she had been “evicted” and had NO PLACE TO GO. I was so shocked that there were the SO MANY (probably TEN) BEDS in an OPEN but TINY (probably 10’ x 15’) ROOM, and TWO ADULT CHINESE MEN were talking and eating on their beds behind drapes, and one came out from the drapes, and the “business” CHINESE OLD COUPLE were still SHAMELESSLY disliking me having come inside the apartment to help Li Li move away to live together in my current rental single room. And please tell the PROSTITUTE Li Li to keep her receipts and make registers of her spendings, instead of destroying ALL MATERIAL EVIDENCE. Also, what DIFFICULTIES the ACHES HUMANSCUMS have put on Li Li's applications/renewals of immigration status, NYS driver license, and licenses of nail specialty and esthetics? Or Li Li has really been turned into such a PSYCHOTIC MORON by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS that she could NOT get ANY of ALL HER OWN IMPORTANT MATTERS DONE BY HERSELF WITH THE ACHES? I at least witness that the "License Center" website of Division of Licensing Services of New York State Department of State DOES NOT WORK BY ANY FUCKING "DEMOCRACY" OR "LIBERTY" ON THE LICENSEE'S END BECAUSE THE LICENSEE CAN NEITHER ASSOCIATE THEIR LICENSES TO THEIR NY.GOV ACCOUNT NOR UPDATE THEIR CURRENT ADDRESS. Anybody ever wants to know what kind of these fucking NY governmental bureauocraps replied about these difficulties? Only circling around its CIRCUS "services" on updating the current address have been provided so far after WEEKS of email contacts and SEVERAL ROUNDS of LONG-HOURS of phone call and waiting to DLS’s service number (518) 474-4429. However, some NYS DOS DLS HUMANSCUM was emailing Li Li to "advise" her to "advocate" "domestic violence” in the SAME DIFFICULT ROUND of licenses renewal back in year 2019. The ACHES HUMANSCUMS HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHING AND DRUGGING MY “wife” Li Li into a “battered woman syndrome” for the ACHES HUMANSCUMS TO FRAME their victim Li Li’s atrocity onto me the “husband” and to PLOT TO USE PSYCHOTIC LI LI TO MURDER ME AS THEIR ALTERNATIVE MURDERING WAY! Li Li was very eager to renew her licenses of “nail specialty” and “esthetics” in the 2019 round, but by this 2023 round, Li Li initially claimed she would only like to renew the “nail specialty” but soon claimed she wanted ALL THINGS (the two DLS licenses, and NYS driver license) to be renewed. Nonetheless, PSYCHOPATH LI LI SIMPLY LEAVES ALL HER SUCH MATTERS TO ME AND CLAIMS I HAVE ALL THE NEEDED INFORMATION WHILE THE ACHES, INCLUDING NYS DOS DLS NEEDS TO TALK DIRECTLY TO LI LI ON THEIR METICULOUS PHONE ENGAGEMENT. PROSTITUTE LI LI KEEPS BLAMING ME OF ALL THE DIFFICULTIES THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM’S HUMANSCUMS HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLY, INCLUDING ELECTRONICALLY, GENERATING, MONITORING, MANIPULATING, AND CONTROLLING. It’s ABSOLUTELY NOT my baseless “paranoid” BUT REAL FEAR that the ACHES HUMANSCUMS have spewed out propaganda stories, REAL OR FABRICATED OR INSINUATED, that as if I the “husband” Limin Wang had prevented Li Li from getting her “RECOGNITION” by the ACHES!!!!!! The excruciatingly painful TRUTH is the ACHES HUMANSCUMS DIRECTLY HURT LI LI INTO A PSYCHOPATH, AND PSYCHOTICIZED LI LI WOULD NOT AND COULD NOT EVEN HELP HERSELF WITH THE NEEDED EFFORT BUT WOULD BLAME EVERYTHING BAD ONTO ME “THE HUSBAND” WHILE SHE HAS NO GRIT AT ALL TO BLAME AND FIGHT BACK AT THE ACHES HUMANSCUMS!

While at this weekend's poll work site, I witnessed some NASTY WORDS AND DEEDS of some female "poll workers" (Chinese, Black, and Latino), although they did NOT DIRECTLY haul toward me. Particularly one puffy ugly short mid-aged female Chinese poll worker kept spewing judgmental craps and instigating hostilities on this one and that one, on this and that. It really exacerbated my physical pain, while I had to sit next to her because of the poll site coordinators' such "assignment" of NO ASSIGNMENT to me and some other “Inspectors”. Are some ACHES Humanscums always wanting to even utilize such RARE poll work assignments to HARASS and DISTORT me? ALMOST all of the rare several rounds of poll work had something UNUSUAL going around me but NOT due to me, and I seriously believe that the ACHES HUMANSCUMS have been fabricating “witnesses” and “stories” to harm my reputation. ALL the assignments (Oct. 28, Nov. 04 & 05, Nov. 07) to me for the Nov. 07, 2023 round of Early Voting and Election Day Voting were made by the NYC BOE on Oct. 27, 2023!!!!!! By NORMAL practice, BOE is supposed to make the assignments at least DAYS earlier and to let the assignee receive their Notice To Work in the mail before the actual work day. And while I was happy to get the FEW days of “opportunity” to earn some MURKY money, as compared to the LITTLE refund from the bottles/cans I recently restarted to pick up, HUMANSCUM LI LI HAD THE CHEEK AND ACTIONS TO DESPISE ME, AND TO HURT ME BY NOT HELPING PREPARE SOME OF THE DAYS’ MEALS. HUMANSCUM LI LI HAS MADE ABSOLUTELY ZERO INCOME OVER FOR THE PAST CONSECUTIVE DECADE. Besides, I can imagine what such ACHES HUMANSCUMS may have inflicted onto my young daughters during their school-study and part-time jobs. How DRASTICLY my younger daughter Alexandria Wang had been changed by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS from a father-respecting normal 17-and-a-half years old teenager to a father-despising and home-deserting girl after having been starting her summer youth program job at World Ice Arena for only ONE MONTH! Some humanscums at WIA had assigned CLEANING UP THE PUBLIC BATHROOS as part of AW’s job and then some TODDLER BOY as a COACHED ACHES HUMANSCUM kept mocking AW on the ice rink as a “janitor”! This is only some of the little piece of TRUTH my victimized daughter AW had shared with me the father!!!!!! How DRASTICLY my elder daughter Rosila Wang had been changed the similar way since the ACHES HUMANSCUMS by the name of NYC “Administration for Children’s Services” contacted RW after her younger sister AW was de facto seduced and abducted by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS into a DEATH TRAP OF “PARENTLESS” WHILE AS A “PSYCHOPATH”! May Heroes around the WORLD DESTROY the ACHES and its HUMANSCUMS worldwide! THE ACHES AND ITS HUMANSCUMS ARE NOTHING BUT SHEER EVIL!!!!!!

While at my current rental place of 153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11367 (I rent only one room in an apartment with a shared bathroom, kitchen, and hallway), there is an almost persistent repulsive OLD URINE STENCH, sometimes as intense as suffocating, permeating throughout the apartment. There is an APPARENTLY FILTHY AND STINKY MID-AGED single man, Chinese-looking, living in a FRONT room on the 2nd floor. Readers, you can google and see the street views ACROSS YEARS about it. I started to rent only a REAR room since January 04, 2023. The other two apartmentmates, both self-reportingly coming from Mainland China to Taiwan China and then to the USA, and both single, one in his 60s and the other in his 70s, claim this FAS man is a "Malaysian" and HE PEES INTO CANS IN HIS ROOM and then often FLIPS HIS URINE CANS and thus SPILLS HIS URINE ONTO HIS ROOM FLOOR, and DUMBS HIS STORED URINE EVEN INTO THE KITCHEN SINKS. At least, during the past months, I have witnessed some of the FAS man's MANY DISGUSTING OR RIDICULOUS PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIORS. The most disturbing one to me is that he often checks the SHARED SPACES, including CABINETS IN THE KITCHEN, FOR "FBI" AGENT(S) HE ALLEGES TO BE HIDING THERE. Despite the fact that I have NOT DIRECTLY SEEN THOUGH CERTAINLY INDIRECTLY CONCLUDED that he PEES INTO CANS OR DUMPS STORED URINE, I have found he is at least A, not necessarily THE, one MESSING UP THE SHARED SPACE such as now and then leaving shit (FECES) onto the toilet seat and making door knobs gooey and leaving bathroom tiled floor sticky and/or black-stained. This “Malaysian” man almost always walks BARE-FEET within the apartment’s SHARED SPACE. While his bare feet almost always look covered with blackish gunk, the floors of the shared space would NOT always become sticky after his barefoot walking. There have already been MANY EVENTS AND TALKS happened at this current rental place for me to conclude that the ACHES HUMANSCUMS have been ONCE AGAIN GENERATING, FABRICATING, DISTORTING, AND FRAMING THINGS onto me Limin Wang. These events will be publicized online when needed. It's a very NASTY AND RISKY PLACE by health, safety and legal terms, MORE THAN just about the APPARENT FAS PSYCHOPATH man whom I have NO way to know for any certainty of his even basic information such as real name. THE LITTLE BIT I want to explicitly express here and now is the kitchen was SO FILTHY with thick black or orange grease layer or spots over floor corners, tiled walls, stove, exhaust fan, cabinet doors, and so many live cockroaches and dry roach shit grains within the cabinets at least because SOMEONE, REPORTEDLY THE FAS MAN, stored OPENED instant noodle over the cabinet shelves, when I asked for some space to store my cooking-ware in January 2023, and the bathtub was SO USED, BEFORE I started to use the kitchen and bathroom. Also, there were often dead NEW roaches on the kitchen counter where my couple and the old man in his 70s, not the old man in his 60s use for food preparation because the man in his 60s sprayed pesticide onto the kitchen counter in LATE MIDDLE NIGHT when others were sleeping. These two old men, particularly the one in his 60s and in the early weeks after I had moved in here, FALSELY, and HARSHLY as of the one in his 60s, FRAMED AND BLAMED THINGS onto me. Some of my properties in the shared space had been recklessly thrown away or viciously damaged. However, this was the ONLY place I could land a rental during MONTHS OF HUNDREDS OF CONTACTS FOR THE NEXT RENTAL PLACE while my WHOLE FAMILY OF FOUR, INCLUDING TWO YOUNG DAUGHTERS, WERE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING EVICTED VIA THE SHAM AND SHAME "RULE OF LAW" from the previous rental place (136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355)! So, it's still better than ALL the BOGUS GOVERNMENTAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE, the DANGEROUS NYC SHELTERS, or the DEATH-NEARING NYC STREETS OR SUBWAYS OR LOBBIES.

Fuck your so-touted "DEMOCRACY" or the "GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD" of New York City, and Fuck your so-claimed “development” of the Special-Colored FAKE “communism” China, because the REALITY IS OFTEN SO DAMNING. The Special-Colored PHONY Chinese “communists” and the PHONY “democratic” American capitalists LOVE the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System, because they are the ONES living as MALIGNANT TUMORS on billions of regular chinks in China, regular bucks in the USA, and regular daves (CORRECT HANDWRITING, slaves) all around the world. WHY THE FUCK THE PHONY CHINESE “COMMUNISM” CHINA AND THE FUCK PHONY AMERICAN “DEMOCRACY” CAPITALISM WOULD NOT FUCK OFF EACH OTHER? ALL BECAUSE THESE ACHES HUMANSCUMS LIVE AS MALIGNANT TUMORS ON THE RULED AND RUINED PEOPLE, ABSOLUTELY NOT BECAUSE THE MASTERS CARE ABOUT THE SLAVES.

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-11-21 13:30:55

further significantly updated, on 11/21/23

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-11-18 12:28:13

significantly updated, as of 11/18/23

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