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杜布森博士大选前最后一封致基督徒的公开信(中英文) 2020-10-02 10:15:44





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作者介绍杜布森James Dobson博士为美国著名基督徒领袖,Focus on Family(爱家协会)的创始人。202010月1日,他写了这封“致基督徒的公开信”,以下是译文。原文链接:https://www.drjamesdobson.org/newsletters/October-newsletter-2020 

许多政治评论家都说,2020年这次选举,是自1864年以来,最重要的选举。1864年的选举,是亚伯拉罕·林肯争夺连任,他的对手是民主党人乔治·麦克莱伦(George McClellan)。
现在,这即将来临的总统选举,是另一场对我们民主政体的稳定性(存亡)至关紧要的选举。金里奇(Newt Gingrich)曾说,我们现在所面临的,可能会扼杀我们所熟知的文明。他也许指的是一场可能爆发的革命。不管怎样,我相信他对我们国家的深切担忧,是有道理的。几个世纪以来,美国一直是自由的明亮之光,照耀着美国国内和世界各地。
我投票,也是选择能够在国际上行正道的领袖,是选择那些支持以色列的人,是选择那些保护儿童免受左派课程洗脑的人。是选择国家的财政廉洁,是选择父母的权力,选择在家教育的权力,是选择郊区的自由,是选择支持穷人小姐妹会(Little Sisters of the Poor)和其他基督教组织,是选择各种族的合一,是选择我们相信上帝,选择支持在校园中祷告,是选择支持医生和其他专业人士的良心自由,是选择传统婚姻,是选择保护所有阶段(母腹中)的生命,是选择反对安乐死,反对医生协助人自杀,是选择用智慧来处理这场疫情,是选择保护教会不受政客的压迫。


1. 空前殷勤地祷告,求上帝使这个伟大的国家免于遭受暴政,免遭对宗教自由的压迫。
2. 做义工帮助你的候选人。
3. 投票选择那些最能维护你的价值观和信念的候选人。



October Newsletter 2020:

Final Thoughts About The Election


Dear Friends,

This will be my final letter to 800,000 people before Americans cast our ballots on November 3rd. It is a breathtaking moment in the history of the United States. Perhaps I will be permitted to repeat a brief comment I made in my August letter because of its relevance to today. Many political comments at or shave stated that this election is the most significant since 1864 when AbrahamLincoln vied for a second term against Democratic nominee, George McClellan.The future of our beloved nation hung in the balance that year. If Lincoln had lost, the Civil War would have ended precipitously and the wretched evils of slavery would have remained legal in the Confederate States, and perhaps even in the North. Had Lincoln been defeated, the Union would have been torn asunder. Thank God Mr. Lincoln won, even though it cost him his life!

Now we are approaching another presidential election that carries enormous implications for the stability of our democratic system of government. Indeed, Newt Gingrich said that what we are facing now might bring an end to civilization as we have known it. He may have been referring to a possible revolution. Regardless, I believe his grave concern for our nation is valid. For centuries, America has stood as a shining light for liberty and freedom in our nation and around the globe. If we abandon our founding core values, the world will suffer for it. The binary choice before us is that stark.

How will Americans, and how will you, decide who to vote for as our Chief Executive Officer? I have heard from dozens of friends and acquaintances in recent weeks who tell me they will base their decision solely on a candidate's rhetoric, tone, style, or likeability. Does that describe your thinking process?

Just now, as I was about to react to that idea, my wife, Shirley, brought in an email that she had received a few minutes before from a friend. It quoted an anonymous statement that gets to the heart of the issue, as follows:

"This is not a junior high or high school popularity/personality contest. I'm not voting for the person—I'm voting for the platform!

I'm voting for the Second Amendment. I'm voting for the next Supreme Court justice. I'm voting for the electoral college. I'm voting for the Republic in which we live. I'm voting for the police and law and order. I'm voting for the military and the veterans who fought and died for this country. I'm voting for the flag that is often missing from public events. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored for it. I'm voting for secure borders. I'm voting for the right to praise God without fear. I'm voting for every unborn soul that is at risk of being aborted. I'm voting for freedom and the American dream. I'm voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person.

I'm voting for the future of my country!"

I couldn't have said it better, although I want to add to the writer's list. I'm also voting for candidates who will exercise sound leadership internationally. I'm voting for those who will support Israel. I'm voting for those who will protect children from leftist curricula. I'm voting for the nation's fiscal integrity. I'm voting for parental rights. I'm voting for school choice and home education. I'm voting for freedom in the suburbs. I'm voting for Little Sisters of the Poor and other Christian organizations. I'm voting for racial unity. I am voting to support "In God we trust" and school prayer. I'm voting for freedom of conscience for physicians and other professionals. I am voting for marriage. I am voting for life in all its dimensions. I am voting against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. I'm voting for wisdom in handling the pandemic. I am voting for protection for the Church from oppressive politicians.

One final thought: With all respect, this election isn't about you. It certainly isn't about me. It is about our kids and grandkids. It is about those who are yet to come if they are allowed to live. This vote has awesome implications for future generations and the nation we love. It is about our Constitution and the immutable, God-given rights it protects. It is about values, and truth, and greatness, and hope. That is why the notion of choosing a president based on frivolous personality characteristics is so unfortunate.

In summary, this election is for all the marbles . . . the Presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Together, they set the agenda for this country.

If you love America and don't want it to be "fundamentally transformed," it is time to do three things:

  1. Pray like never before that God will spare this great nation from tyranny and oppression of religious liberty.
  2. Volunteer to help your candidates.
  3. Vote for the candidates who will best uphold your values and convictions.

Also, consider forwarding this letter to your friends, family, and others whom you might influence.

May God bless America!



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