“归家”圣乐布道会 即将举办 诚邀您合家出席 倾听三位著名音乐家 用圣乐讲述他们的信仰见证 Scroll down for English
生命季刊主办 恩言辅导、芝加哥中国基督徒合唱团 协办 “归家”圣乐布道会 时间: 2月8日(周六)下午2点-4点 地点: Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church 点击 → 149 W Brush Hill Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126 音乐会免费入场,座位先到先得;欢迎大芝加哥区、伊利诺州及印第安纳州、威斯康星州的弟兄姊妹及慕道友出席,享受美好圣乐,倾听三位著名基督徒音乐家演奏的优美圣乐及古典音乐,以及他们的心路历程和信仰见证。 有弟兄姊妹询问:“圣乐会”有翻译吗?我们可以邀请讲英文的亲友出席吗?答案是肯定的。圣乐会中所有的语言都会同步及时翻译为书面英文,欢迎讲英文的朋友出席。 为了帮助我们更好地为您服务,您若可以出席这次圣乐会,敬请您发email 至cclife@cclife.org,只需要简单说明: “我会 1 人出席” “我会带朋友共 X 人出席” “我们教会共有 X 人出席” 同时也敬请告诉我们大约有多少位慕道友
这样我们可以根据出席人数来印制节目单,根据慕道友人数为他们预备礼物。谢谢您的合作。 圣乐会场地简介: 圣乐会将在 Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church举办,这是一间设计非常壮观、音响设备非常完善的教会,可容纳800人聚会。 About the Venue: The concert will be held at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church, a beautifully designed church with state-of-the-art acoustics and a seating capacity of 800 people. 

演奏圣乐的音乐家简介 黄滨姊妹 Bin Huang 
国际知名小提琴演奏家 帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛头奖 德国慕尼黑国际音乐比赛头奖 波兰维尼奥夫斯基青少年国际小提琴比赛头奖 曾任伊斯曼音乐学院 与上海音乐学院小提琴教授 帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛评委 现任中国音乐学院特聘教授 Bin Huang is an internationally renowned violinist, and the only musician to have won first prizes at three prestigious international violin competitions: the Wieniawski Competition (Poland), the Paganini Competition (Italy), and the Munich International Music Competition (Germany).
翟耀光弟兄 Yaoguang Zhai 
国际知名独奏家、室内乐音乐家和教育家 现任巴尔的摩交响乐团单簧管首席 柯蒂斯音乐学院担任单簧管教授 波士顿伯克利音乐学院副教授 常与世界知名乐团合作 并参加世界各地的音乐节演出 Yaoguang Zhai serves as the principal clarinetist of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. He is also a clarinet professor at the Curtis Institute of Music and an associate professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He is one of the few Chinese woodwind musicians performing with world-class orchestras.
孙锺玲姊妹 Julia Tsien 
圣乐钢琴编曲、演奏家 Grace Welsh国际钢琴赛一等奖 获芝加哥美国音乐学院硕士学位 曾任教于著名学院,录制了数十张光碟 积极参与各类基督徒聚会的音乐服事 现全时间以感恩奉献的心用圣乐事奉神 Julia Tsien, an award-winning pianist and sacred music arranger, earned first place in the Grace Welsh International Piano Competition. Over the years, she has devoted herself to sacred music ministry in churches and para-churches and has released more than ten sacred music albums.
Dear Pastor, Pastor’s Wife, Fellow Workers in Christ, Brothers and Sisters, Peace be with you! The "Homeward Sacred Music Evangelistic Concert" will take place next Saturday, and we sincerely invite you and your family to attend. Date & Time: Saturday, February 8th, 2:00–4:00 PM Location: Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church Click for Directions → 149 W Brush Hill Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126 This free concert offers open seating on a first-come, first-served basis. We welcome brothers and sisters, as well as seekers from the Greater Chicago area, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin to join us for an uplifting time of sacred music and classical performances by three renowned Christian musicians. They will also share their personal faith journeys and testimonies. Some have asked: "Will there be translation at the concert? Can we invite English-speaking friends?" The answer is yes! All spoken content will be simultaneously translated into written English, making it accessible for English-speaking guests. To help us better serve you, we kindly ask that you RSVP by emailing cclife@cclife.org with a simple note such as: "I will attend (1 person)." "I will bring X friends." "Our church will attend with a total of X people." Additionally, if possible, please let us know approximately how many seekers will be attending, so we can prepare the appropriate number of program booklets and welcome gifts for them. Thank you for your cooperation!
We look forward to worshiping together through sacred music and witnessing God’s work in the hearts of those who attend. May His name be glorified! 下载圣乐会中文海报: 归家圣乐布道会海报 下载圣乐会英文海报: Click for the English Poster:Music for the Soul |