1931年九一八事变,张学良不放一枪一炮,将东北拱手让给了日本人。 1937年七七卢沟桥事变,拉开了中国八年全面抗战的序幕。 绝大多数中国人都坚信,这两场事变完全是由日本亲自策划、亲自指挥和亲自部署的。策划九一八事变的,是日本军人石原莞尔。卢沟桥事变,是日本以士兵失踪为借口,强行进入宛平,以达到造成军事冲突的目的。 近些年的历史研究表明,七七事变是一场意外,没有确实的证据表明,日本事先有发动这场冲突的预谋。有趣的是,倒是由蛛丝马迹表明,伟光正的共产国际中国支部积极策划、制造国民党反动派和日本侵略者之间的冲突。中共北方局的领导人刘少奇,受到众多民间野生历史爱好者的怀疑。不少人(包括圈圈功的学员们)怀疑是刘少奇下令,让张克侠暗中策划绑架了日本士兵,并在两军中间放鞭炮,让双方误以为遭到对方枪击。 对此,我相信组织相信党。首先,我毫不怀疑我党是有从事这项艰巨任务的能力的,只要党愿意,党的优秀儿女们肯定是能百分之百甚至超额完成任务的。其次,没有证据表明是我党参与或者策划了这场冲突,这完全是反动的阶级敌人对党的污蔑和进攻。再次,即便真的是我党制造了七七事变,我相信,党肯定是有不得已的苦衷的。党一定是为了唤醒中国人民,将中国人民团结起来一致抗日,而不得不用这样一条苦肉计。对此,党不但无过,而且还有功。毛主席很谦虚地说过,是日本让中国人民团结了起来。其实,让中国人民团结起来的不是日本,而是中国共产党。所以呢,作为被党养活了的中国人民,也不必深究当年党到底干了些什么事情。 想当年,党在最困难的时候,从事过非常艰苦卓绝的活动:拿女同志刚生下的孩子去换钱来支持革命;扒地主家的祖坟,拿一堆破烂人骨头换地主家的钱,目的还是支持革命。党本着大无畏的革命精神,撩起袖子,把能干和不能干的事情都给使劲干了,目的还是为了中国人民好。所以呢,这么重要的卢沟桥事变,要是我党自私自利,不为中国人民着想,不把这样的脏活累活揽上身,那肯定天理不容,人民也不会答应。 可是,但是,竟然有反动的资产阶级文人黒宮宏明,宣称九一八和卢沟桥事变的功劳都是斯大林爷爷的!这让我大大地震惊!九一八的功劳不算在我党头上也就罢了,毕竟我党也要谦虚谨慎,不能贪功。可是,卢沟桥这么大的功劳,怎么就被斯大林抢去了呢? 所谓的历史学家,黒宮宏明(Hiroaki Kuromiya),他的话就一定能相信吗?这个日本人,为了让大家相信他说的才是历史真相,竟然把他的书的电子版搞成了免费下载,这是什么意思?为了打赢舆论战、宣传战? Hiroaki Kuromiya, “Stalin, Japan, and the Struggle for Supremacy over China, 1894-1945”,Routledge, 2022 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781032066769?_gl=1*1v30m04*_ga*Mjg4NjQ3MDUwLjE3MDYyOTcwNTM.*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTcwODExNjM5MS40LjEuMTcwODExNjQxNC4wLjAuMA
Stalin was a master of deception, disinformation, and camouflage, by means of which he gained supremacy over China and defeated imperialism on Chinese soil. This book examines Stalin’s covert operations in his hunt for supremacy. By the late 1920s Britain had ceded place to Japan as Stalin’s main enemy in Asia. By seducing Japan deeply into China, Stalin successfully turned Japan’s aggression into a weapon of its own destruction. The book examines Stalin’s covert operations from the murder of the Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin in 1928 and the publication of the forged “Tanaka Memorial” in 1929, to Stalin’s hidden role in Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931, the outbreak of all-out war between China and Japan in 1937, and Japan’s defeat in 1945. In the shadow of these and other events we find Stalin and his secret operatives, including many Chinese and Japanese collaborators, most notably Zhang Xueliang and Komoto Daisaku, the self-professed assassin of Zhang Zuolin. The book challenges accounts of the turbulent history of inter-war East Asia that have ignored or minimized Stalin’s presence and instead exposes and analyzes Stalin’s secret modus operandi, modernized as “hybrid war” in today’s Russia. The book is essential for students and specialists of Stalin, China, the Soviet Union, Japan, and East Asia. Stalin was a master of deception, disinformation, and camouflage, by means of which he gained supremacy over China and defeated imperialism on Chinese soil. This book examines Stalin’s covert operations in his hunt for supremacy. Hiroaki Kuromiya is a professor of history emeritus, Indiana University, USA. He has authored, among others, Freedom and Terror in the Donbas: A Ukrainian- Russian Borderland,18705–19905 (1998), Stalin (Profiles in Power) (2005), The Voices of the Dead: Stalin’s Great Terror in the 1930s (2007), Conscience on Trial: The Fate of Fourteen Pacifists in Stalin’s Ukraine, 1952–1953 (2012), and Zrozumity Donbas (2015), and coauthored Między Warszawą a Tokio: Polsko-japońska współpraca wywiadowcza 1904-1944 (2009, with Andrzej Pepłoński) and The Eurasian Triangle: Russia, The Caucasus, and Japan, 1904-1945 (2016, with Georges Mamoulia). Routledge Open History
