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  Brave New World
种族主义:Imus和Duke事件 2007-04-12 09:13:02


第一件是4月4号CBS和MSNBC联合主办的一个电台节目主持人Imus在在解说Rutgers女子篮球比赛时使用了nappy-headed hos (black whores)这种既是种族主义又是性别主义的词语。他当然是道歉了,而且道歉的话语和其他以前我听过的,比如Seinfeld事件里的演员道歉的一样:“I am not a racist, but...”有趣的是,上个周末我在旧书店里的社会学架上就看到一本书名叫“I am not a racist, but”. Imus最初被电台停职两周,结果MSNBC今天早上架不住抗议的声浪,宣布将他解雇,目前CBS还没有做出最后决定,估计也要把丫开掉,目前想的可能是怎样消除前期轻微惩罚带来的负面效应,让自己看起来更加政治正确一点,更加道德高尚一点。

第二件是Duke的强奸案彻底撤诉了。三名白人青年在全国新闻里都被描写成受害者,因为此事耽误了大好前程。我坚信他们是有罪的。从一开始我关注这个案件,我就预见到了辩方律师的每一步,而且我也坚信他们最后将被无罪开释。首先辩方律师将袭击受害人的人品,挖出她使用毒品,欠信用卡债不还,暗示她名为脱衣舞女实则卖淫,一系列黑暗的历史足以让公众怀疑她控诉的可信程度。在案件有利于控方的时候,他们猛烈袭击受害者,并且暗示她没有监护小孩的资格,给她精神上的打击。转折点发生在另一名黑人舞女推翻原证词,说她本人没有亲见受害人被强奸,并暗示受害人有撒谎的历史。我有一百零一个理由相信她被收买了。至此,辩方已经完成所有战略部署,从那以后他们就非常低调,几乎很少主动出击了。CBS破天荒在60 Minutes节目中两度采访三名嫌犯,三名嫌犯表现出的态度基本就是守规矩的上中流社会小孩儿应有的正确态度,美国人民尤其是白人开始生气了,他们开始询问,我们的司法制度出了什么问题。然后,媒体暗示地区检察长Nifang由于希望开发这个有种族色彩的案子的价值而获连选连任。辩方这一系列动作真的是无懈可击,相当漂亮,所有这一切可能都离不开钱来运作,包括最终让主要受害人和相关证人闭嘴。


第一,墨西哥奥运会上,两个美国黑人田径运动员在获得金牌面对采访的时候,可能是在美国国内受到歧视一直憋着一把火,他们喊了一句口号:“Black Power!”结果是他们回国后失去了工作,奥运冠军的光环也不再闪光了,他们被贴上标签:种族主义者,逆向歧视。对比Imus同学用最恶毒的话侮辱黑人女篮选手最开始得到的处分只是停职两周,这两名黑人奥运会冠军受到这样的惩罚难道不是太严重了么?

第二,我知道有人要说到O.J. Simpson了,没错,辛普森也逃脱了法律的惩罚,可那是怎样一场旷日持久的官司啊。而且问一百个美国人,九十五个会告诉你,是他干的,剩下的五个百分百是黑人。最重要的是,新闻媒体充分使用辛普森事件成功树立了白人受害者的形象,它使一代美国白人对黑人的仇恨成为了白人血液里的东西。


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作者:jean 留言时间:2007-11-02 12:04:54
to those who said blacks are trash

where did the evidence of showing blacks being the loweest race from? from scientists? from comparison? there are many scientiests are also racists, you cannot guarantee that his race tendency wouldnt influence the accuracy of the study of science. plus many science was proved to be wrong at the end; and the comprison, among what? whites? browns? whatever, it is also the result of society which had ashamedly based on the white history. the colonies. it cannot be a proof at all. its just like male in the ancient time had written the bible, so human being takes the god as a male which females have been taken as an inferior 'species' given no education and no status. but more and more studies have shown that women are captable the same with men on mentality. and about phydics, due to the technology advancement, being stronger wouldnt be an advantage at all. saying that blacks have not been civilized, then what is civilization, a society like US? i doubt. maybe to overthrow this 'business corporation based civilization could be more suitable for human beings. i say humam beings, as a whole. respect.
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作者:anti-racist! 留言时间:2007-04-15 12:02:58
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作者:passer-by 留言时间:2007-04-14 17:11:30
To Rochester:
Remember, those who call other people trash are trash themselves. You will pay for this someday.
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作者:sky 留言时间:2007-04-14 12:47:42
还谢他为我普及了Black Power的知识。

[Yes, racism is well and alive among us Chinese--I believe Rochester is a Chinese, from his error in using English ("While," should be "Well,") and even though he claims "I am not a racist and I have
black buddies"]。

“今日美国”报道了行为学专家对此事的看法。Imus' degrading "jokes" would be most likely to reinforce bigotry in listeners who already tend to be sexist and/or racist。易目斯说的这些话强化了那些本来就是种族主义者的偏见。正是这样。


建议网友Rochester 以及其他也抱有“blacks are the lowest race among human beings” 观点的人们 从人类学的科学角度看看下面联结给出的由全美人类学学会制作的“了解种族”website--Race: Are we so different?And "hopefully you will understand why" you were so ignorant!

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作者:anon 留言时间:2007-04-13 18:14:51
To Rochester:
By the way, if you are a trash from either White or Black, please do let me know. I will be relieved because my ethnicity won't be tarnished with your slurs.
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作者:anon 留言时间:2007-04-13 18:05:44
To Rochester:
麻烦告诉我你哪个种族的,好让我定义你时在trash前面加上合适的限定词.虽然我努力地想客观地看待你的评论,但你充满偏见的言论让我无法遏制地想知道你到底是white trash, 还是black trash,还是yellow trash?
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作者:原则上同意 留言时间:2007-04-13 14:58:36
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作者:写得好哇! 留言时间:2007-04-13 14:27:49
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作者:tar 留言时间:2007-04-13 14:08:30
I am rochester's shadow. I am stupid too. And I am trash.
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作者:rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 14:05:58
I am trash.
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作者:rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 13:12:14
to 傻逼,

You are a typical chinese trash and wish you enjoy your mingle with your black trashes...
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作者:Rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:54:00
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作者:rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:39:55
To aiwowo,

Your post tells us what you are...Hope you are not the author, hehe...
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作者:aiwowo 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:27:23
The last comment is for Rochester.
Support carfieldcat!
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作者:aiwowo 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:26:31
You are just stupid. Don't overestimate your IQ.
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作者:Rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:19:32
The author is just try to "dope" himself. He might think, if he can justify the "discrimination"against black, he himself would get and share the same "protection" with his black "brothers"...
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作者:tar 留言时间:2007-04-13 12:10:32
You "believe" that 3 Dukes are guilty. What a pathetic argument you are making! You are not living in the real world where, truly, there is much much more black trash than any other race trash. Period. That's not up to you to believe. That's simply fact.
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作者:Rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 11:57:00
While, I am just telling you a fact. if you dont agree, thats fine. There are white trash, latino trash and other trashes from all different races. However, its just a simple fact that blacks are the lowest race among human beings and has the highest rate of human trashes. Not all blacks are trashes and I am not a racist and I have black buddies, while, I must say, as a race, the blacks need to learn how to be civilized... I strongly recommend you find some ducumentaries about the genocide happened in Africa, and hopefully you will understand why blacks here in America are so uncivilized---its the genetic, its in their unsavable blood!

BTW, do you current live in the US? Kind of wonder where do you live...
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作者:sky 留言时间:2007-04-13 11:45:14
Shame on Rochester.
Only an OUT-AND-OUT racist would say "Most blacks are trashes".
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作者:Rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 11:34:50
I have also read several other posts by the author. It seems he is very good at manipulating evidence to support his points---only select the ones he like but neglect others that might be more convincing while contradict to his points...
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作者:ano 留言时间:2007-04-13 11:26:02
In Duke's case, the DNA evidence doesn't match at all. This is more than enough to prove the innocence.
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作者:Rochester 留言时间:2007-04-13 11:21:18
Most blacks are trashes. This is not a discrimination. This is just a simple fact. Most of them are not healthy cells of the society, but lazy parasites, which seems they will never realize. Even worse, anyone who critisize them for their low-life will be put on the tag of "racist"... What a shame! and shame on you too.
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