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我们的声音 2024-03-14 14:35:49



我们人类的正义生命生存的力量势不可挡,我们整个人类的力量面对你们习近平邪恶的迫害人类脑神经系统的极端恐怖犯罪分子共同发出了怒吼,停止电磁波脑神经恐怖袭击!放下邪恶的杀人电磁波控脑武器,还我儿子和他的家庭大脑神经系统自由!还我和我父母姐妹兄弟亲人大脑神经系统自由,还时间先生和他的子女父母原生家庭大脑自由!还美国政府官员大脑脑神经系统自由,还整个人类每个人大脑神经系统自由,停止电磁波脑内传音AI 控脑法西斯暴行!

生现在即使有签证也无法来到美国探亲访友,因为他作为中国公民在中国被限制处境,由于他支持美国公民康若茜母子和人类正义力量反抗习近平脑控武器电磁波袭击虐待大脑的反人类暴行。   时间先生在中国受到电磁波的脑神经控制迫害,他们手段残忍地对时间先生进行各种非人类的神经虐待,严重地影响了他的身体健康,他的人权和财产被剥夺。我康若茜母子大脑几十年来被中共习近平宋意宣脑控团伙电磁波每天24小时袭击,大脑的整体功能无法维持,我们在死亡线上挣扎。 中国习近平国际犯罪团伙针对整个人类脑神经系统进行虐待迫害犯罪,极端恐怖,手段恶劣,难以想象。他们在袭击个体大脑的同时,人类全体大脑神经受到同样的冲击和同样内容的侵犯迫害,由于这种侵犯蓄意控制了人类的高级脑神经系统比如,感知意识等高级脑神经系统,控制了反抗,综合和语言等高级脑神经系统,我们人类对此无法意识到,即使意识到被控也产生忽略反应。现在中国境内和美国及其世界各地有大量的脑控受害人,我们也为他们感到深深的忧虑,我们希望他们大胆地说出来,如果我们人类每个人都象我和时间一样说出来,揭露出来,曝光出来,电磁波脑控杀人武器就没有力量了。  现在经过几十年中国共产党和习近平国际AI电脑电磁波脑内传音控脑黑技术犯罪已经形成了一种把人类大脑肢解的高级脑和低级脑分别虐待,为了使得社会大众脑神经永远停留在黑暗的潜意识,造成用我们的低级神经同中国习近平的犯罪团伙的没有受到胁迫的大脑进行不平等的思想沟通,无法和他们在精神上平等的脑神经基础,为了这个邪恶的目标顺利长期实施,他们大搞欺骗性脑控电磁波恶念思想的潜意识低级脑神经能量的加载,通过乱性别,乱性低级神经的恶意刺激激活,通过性幻想恶习脑神经系统的激活刺激,使得人类大众脑神经躲进了乱性思想和乱性行为黑暗胡同产生了兴奋分裂,浑然不知现实脑神经被迫害的危险早已降临。   就是说,中国电磁波暗中强迫人类大众通过大范围的社会性乱性思想和乱性行为活生生地把人类的大脑训练成分裂脑,变成不愿让他人知道的个人乱性生活圈子脑,这是一个黑暗的圈子脑,和习近平的脑控团伙追求的怕他人知道的心态一样,这就是阴谋手段,这就中国习近平极端犯罪团伙的阴谋手段。  一旦人类走进这个黑胡同,智力下降,无法理智,分裂堕落,竭力掩盖,内疚自卑,把假我当成真我,意识不到我们人类脑神经系统进入了前所未有的黑暗陷阱,进入了意识和潜意识分裂的陷阱,意识不到我们的高级脑和低级脑都让中国习近平犯罪分子暗中用电磁波恶念袭击和脑神经犯罪分别进行污染虐待欺负,变成了非人类。这就是现实社会,这就是我们人类宝贵的大脑真实存在的迫害经历。我们人类忍辱负重了!  在这个意义上说,他们利用AI技术电脑随时控制目标人的想法,到今天产生了我们被人电磁波袭击我们的大脑,迫害我们的大脑产生毁灭自我的脑神经能量的时候,我们人类还被迫自动产生放松,忽略,嬉笑等恐怖反应。  习近平犯罪分子早已经从各种数据中知道他们闯下大祸,人类走在灭亡的路上,他们习近平,华春莹和徐立勇多次在电磁波潜意识透露中对我跪地求饶,叫苦连天,他们积重难返。结果他们擦干眼泪,继续更加猖狂地对我们普通百姓个体,对全人类大脑整体进行弱智脑培训实现的目标设置成功,他们几十年来暗中天天24小时不停止地对人类大脑进行疯狂残杀破坏,实现他们的目标。他们的电磁波脑控机器就是这样不断重复错误,暗中驱赶我们人类走向绝路,以肢解我们的大脑神经,把我们的高级脑神经和低级脑神经强行用AI电磁波脑内传音等脑控技术分开,分别迫害我们的高级脑神经和低级脑神经,是我们失去联合统一的综合智慧。  他们驱赶我们人类走向绝路,通过驱赶我们人类的大脑神经自动产生走向绝路的错误神经链接和产生相应的脑神经系统能量。我们人类谈何有能力消灭试图打死我们人类的国际极端恐怖犯罪分子习近平电磁波脑控武器团伙犯罪分子,这意味着我们失去了消灭我们人类的敌人的大脑神经的智力,失去消灭我们人类的敌人的相应的脑功能的趋势。   现在我们人类集体进入了电磁波脑控的黑暗时代,所有的秩序中共电磁波都已经暗中错误改写,暗中强迫人类大众潜意识接受这种错误秩序,人类逐渐以不被发觉的方式集体弱智和堕落。   中共习近平恐怖犯罪团伙利用电磁波脑控人类的思维方式,强行改变人类固有的正确想法,人类想法产生的脑神经能量演变成物质世界,这是自然物质世界的本质和能量源泉,   我们人类忽略了人类本质的问题,我们生活在忽略脑神经能量来源这个本质的世界里,恰恰是这个领域,被中共习近平AI电磁波暗中觊觎,暗中肆意破坏,对我们进化了几万年的文明人类大脑神经系统进行肆意的破坏,来改变我们大脑神经的正确生存机制系统。他们的愚昧无知地使用犯罪机器电脑暗中对付我们的大脑触动了我们人类生存的底线,我们的大脑智力下降,失去了天然拥有的保护能力。   我们的人脑是一个联合统一的大脑,这是一个正确的生存人脑,这是我们人类集体潜意识正确生存本能几万年来文明进程进化发展的结果,由于这种进化是潜意识适应生存的进化成就了我们的理智精密的大脑,人类大脑从古到今被默认为一个研究禁区来尊重和珍惜,更不要说破坏了。  可是,中国习近平这帮无知,无耻,野蛮,愚昧阴毒之徒,为了他们能够把持他们抢夺来的地位,为了习近平夫妇在中国当政,残忍地用电磁波AI和颅内传音对我们人类大脑进行肢解分裂前提下的脑神经系统的分别虐待,使得我们大脑失去应有的功能。  他们肢解了我们的大脑神经,对我们的物质世界的来源人类大脑进行侵犯,我们的高级脑低级脑在电磁波恶意迫害的虐待中失去生命力,走向绝路。  因此,他们习近平是暗中的鬼,只要有太阳,他们就烟消云散了。他们试图在暗中电磁波脑神经迫害战胜人类,只要暗中,他们就能胜利,这是他们的出没规律。他们利用电磁波强迫人类大众维持在黑暗的无法面对无法公开谈论电磁波脑控的层面上的时候,就意味着人类无法走出潜意识被迫害,意识中也无法知道,或者处在假装不知道的自我抑制错误状态任其各种欺骗和犯罪活动,这就意味着我们整个人类保持在潜意识脑神经中遭受迫害无法来到意识中无法公开面对的状态,这是他们犯罪分子利用电磁波脑控战胜人类的秘诀,就是说,他们的目标之一就是迫使人类大众保持在潜意识被迫害的脑神经实验对象状态,无法面对,拒绝公开承认,产生弱智反应,任其伤害,长期进行。   他们违背常理黑白颠倒了,把世界引向黑暗,变成了一个特殊的极端恐怖主义犯罪,我们人类大众要战胜他们,需要按照特殊的办法反其道而行之。   他们一旦遇到整个人类社会集体曝光,同仇敌忾,共同反抗,滋生新形势下大无畏的反抗精神和反抗的行动,我们就在可以生存的阳光界面上了。习近平极端恐怖主义犯罪分子的势力就消失不见踪影,这伙人类的盗寇也就统统的被逮捕了。 China's brain control has turned human society into darkness and despair, because humans are forced to stay in unconscious subconscious nerves and suffer AI electromagnetic wave brain torture  By RuoQian Kang 03/14/2024   Mr. Time is now unable to come to the United States to visit friends even if he has a visa, because he is restricted in China as a Chinese citizen, and because he supports the mother and son of American citizen Ruoqian Kang and the forces of human justice to resist Xi Jinping’s anti-human atrocities of electromagnetic wave attacks and

China's brain control has turned human society into darkness and despair, because humans are forced to stay in unconscious subconscious nerves and suffer AI electromagnetic wave brain torture.

By RuoQian Kang 03/12/2024 Kang Ruoqian

    Mr. Time is now unable to come to the United States to visit relatives and friends even if he has a visa, because he is restricted in China as a Chinese citizen, and because he supports the mother and son of American citizen Ruoxi Kang and the forces of human justice to resist Xi Jinping’s anti-human atrocities of electromagnetic wave attacks and brain abuse with brain-controlled weapons. .

    Mr. Time was controlled and persecuted by electromagnetic waves in China. They brutally subjected Mr. Time to various non-human neurological abuses, which seriously affected his health and deprived him of his human rights and property. For decades, my brain, Kang Ruoxian, has been attacked by electromagnetic waves 24 hours a day by the CCP’s Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan brain control gangs. The overall function of the brain cannot be maintained, and we are struggling on the verge of death.

    Because they are committing crimes with brain-controlled weapons such as extreme terrorist electromagnetic waves that target human brain nerves, they are actually extremely terrorist criminal methods that target the human brain nervous system to control abuse and persecution crimes. When they attack the individual brain, all human brain nerves are similarly affected. The impact and the same level of violation and persecution, because this violation inhibits and controls our higher-level brain nervous systems such as higher-level consciousness and perception, and controls and inhibits higher-level brain nervous systems such as resistance, synthesis, and language, we humans cannot realize this, even if Awareness of being charged also produces a neglect response. There are a large number of victims of brain-controlled weapons AI electromagnetic waves in China and the United States and around the world. We are also deeply angry for them. We hope they will speak out boldly. If each of us humans can speak like I did with time, Come out, reveal it, expose it, and electromagnetic wave brain-controlled murder weapons will have no power. We humans must resist electromagnetic wave brain invasion, stop, rebuke, repel and eliminate electromagnetic wave brain invasion, so that we humans can correctly adapt to the new environment and last long.

   Now after decades of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping’s international AI computer electromagnetic wave intra-brain sound transmission and brain black technology crime, a kind of dismemberment of the human brain has been formed to torture the higher brain and lower brain separately, in order to keep the brain nerves of the public in the dark forever. The subconscious mind has caused us to use our low-level nerves to communicate unequally with the uncoerced brains of China's Xi Jinping's criminal gang, and cannot be spiritually equal with their brain nerve base. In order to successfully implement this evil goal for a long time, they The loading of subconscious low-level brain nerve energy that engages in deceptive brain-controlled electromagnetic waves and evil thoughts, through the malicious stimulation of low-level nerves through indiscriminate gender and sex, and through the activation and stimulation of the brain nervous system through sexual fantasy and bad habits, has caused the human brain to hide in The dark alley of promiscuous thoughts and sexual behaviors produces excitement and schizophrenia, unaware that the actual danger of brain damage has already arrived.

    That is to say, China's electromagnetic waves secretly force the human public to lively train the human brain into a split brain through large-scale social promiscuous thoughts and promiscuous behaviors, and turn it into a personal promiscuous life circle brain that does not want others to know. This is A dark circle brain is the same mentality that Xi Jinping's brain control gang pursues, fearing that others will know. This is the conspiracy method, and this is the conspiracy method of China's Xi Jinping extreme criminal gang.

   Once human beings enter this dark alley, their intelligence declines, they lose their rationality, they become divided and degenerate, they try their best to cover it up, feel guilty and inferior, and regard the false self as the true self. They are unaware that our human brain nervous system has entered an unprecedented dark trap, entering the conscious and subconscious mind. The trap of division, not realizing that both our higher and lower brains have allowed China’s Xi Jinping criminals to secretly use electromagnetic wave evil thoughts to attack and cranial nerve crimes to pollute, abuse and bully them, turning them into subhuman beings. This is the real society, and this is the real experience of persecution for our precious human brains. We humans have endured the humiliation!

   In this sense, they use AI technology and computers to control the target person at any time. To this day, when we are attacked by electromagnetic waves from others and persecute our brains to produce self-destructive brain nerve energy, we humans are still forced to Automatically produce horror reactions such as relaxation, neglect, and laughter.

   Xi Jinping's criminals have long known from various data that they have caused great disasters and that mankind is on the road to destruction. Xi Jinping, Hua Chunying and Xu Liyong have kneeled down and begged me for mercy many times in the subconscious revelation of electromagnetic waves. They have complained endlessly, and it is difficult for them to return. As a result, they wiped away their tears and continued to set the goal of mentally retarded brain training for ordinary people and the entire human brain even more aggressively. For decades, they secretly carried out crazy killing and destruction of human brains 24 hours a day for decades. achieve their goals. Their electromagnetic wave brain control machines just keep repeating mistakes like this, secretly driving us humans to a dead end, dismembering our brain nerves, and forcibly separating our high-level brain nerves and low-level brain nerves using AI electromagnetic wave intra-brain sound transmission and other brain control technologies. By persecuting our higher-level brain nerves and lower-level brain nerves respectively, we lose our unified and unified comprehensive wisdom.

   They drive us humans to a dead end, and by driving our brain nerves, they automatically generate erroneous neural links that lead to a dead end and generate corresponding brain nervous system energy. How can we humans be able to eliminate the international extremist terrorist criminals who are trying to kill us? Corresponding brain function trends.

    Now we humans have collectively entered the dark age of electromagnetic wave brain control. All orders have been secretly and wrongly rewritten by the CCP's electromagnetic waves, secretly forcing the subconscious of the human public to accept this wrong order. Humanity is gradually becoming collectively mentally retarded and degenerate without being noticed.

    The CCP Xi Jinping’s terrorist criminal gang uses electromagnetic waves to brain-control human beings’ way of thinking and forcibly change human beings’ inherent correct thoughts. The brain nerve energy generated by human thoughts evolves into the material world, which is the essence and energy source of the natural material world.

    We humans have ignored the issue of human nature. We live in a world that ignores the essence of the energy source of brain nerves. It is precisely this field that is secretly coveted by the electromagnetic waves of the AI waves of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping, and is secretly and wantonly destroying us, civilized humans who have evolved for tens of thousands of years. The brain nervous system carries out wanton destruction to change the correct survival mechanism system of our brain nerves. Their ignorant use of criminal machine computers to secretly attack our brains has touched the bottom line of our human existence. Our brains have reduced intelligence and lost their natural protective capabilities.

    Our human brain is a united and unified brain. This is a correct survival human brain. This is the result of the evolution and development of the correct survival instinct of our collective subconscious mind over tens of thousands of years of civilization. This evolution is an evolutionary achievement of the subconscious adapting to survival. Without our rational and sophisticated brains, the human brain has been regarded as a research forbidden area from ancient times to the present and should be respected and cherished, not to mention destroyed.

   However, China’s Xi Jinping, a bunch of ignorant, shameless, barbaric, ignorant and sinister people, in order for them to control the status they have snatched, and for Xi Jinping and his wife to be in power in China, they cruelly use electromagnetic wave AI and intracranial sound transmission to dismember our human brains. The separate abuse of the brain nervous system under the premise of division causes our brain to lose its proper function.

   They dismembered our brain nerves and invaded the human brain, the source of our material world. Our higher-level brain and lower-level brain lost their vitality under the malicious persecution of electromagnetic waves and went to a dead end.

   Therefore, they, Xi Jinping, are ghosts in the dark. As long as the sun shines, they will disappear. They try to defeat humans through electromagnetic wave brain damage in the dark. As long as it is dark, they can win. This is their haunting pattern. When they use electromagnetic waves to force the human public to remain in a dark level where they cannot face it and cannot openly talk about electromagnetic wave brain control, it means that humans cannot get out of their subconscious and are persecuted, and they cannot know in their consciousness, or they are in a state of self-repression pretending not to know. The wrong state allows them to engage in various deceptive and criminal activities, which means that we humans as a whole remain persecuted in the subconscious brain and cannot come to a state that cannot be openly faced in consciousness. This is how their criminals use electromagnetic wave brain control to defeat humans. The secret, that is to say, one of their goals is to force the general public to remain in the state of subconsciously persecuted brain nerve experiment subjects, unable to face it, refusing to openly admit it, producing mentally retarded reactions, and allowing it to be harmed for a long time.

    They went against common sense and reversed right and wrong, leading the world into darkness and turning it into a special extreme terrorist crime. To defeat them, we humans need to use special methods to do the opposite.

    Once they encounter the collective exposure of the entire human society, share the same hatred and common resistance, and breed a fearless spirit of resistance and actions under the new situation, we will be in the sunshine where we can survive. The power of Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminals disappeared without a trace, and all these human bandits were arrested.

China's brain control has turned human society into darkness and despair, because humans are forced to stay in unconscious subconscious nerves and suffer AI electromagnetic wave brain torture.

brain abuse with brain-controlled weapons.   Mr. Time (Shi, Jian) was controlled and persecuted by electromagnetic waves in China. They brutally subjected Mr. Time to various non-human neurological abuses, which seriously affected his health and deprived him of his human rights and property. For decades, my brain, Kang Ruoqian, has been attacked by electromagnetic waves 24 hours a day by the CCP’s Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan brain control gangs, and we are struggling on the verge of death.   They are actually extremely terrorist criminal methods that target the human brain nervous system to control abuse and persecution crimes. When they attack the individual brain, all human brain nerves are similarly affected. The impact and the same level of violation and persecution, because this violation inhibits and controls our higher-level brain nervous systems such as higher-level consciousness and perception, and controls and inhibits higher-level brain nervous systems such as resistance, synthesis, and language, we humans cannot realize this, even if they realize this they also produce a neglect response.    There are limitless victims of brain-controlled weapons AI electromagnetic waves in China in the U.S.A. and around the world. We are also deeply worried about them. We hope they will speak out boldly.  We humans must resist electromagnetic wave brain invasion, stop, rebuke, repel and eliminate electromagnetic wave human brains invasion. Here is the link to my reports,  https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/.

Ruoqian kang



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