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Jesus is not God 2013-02-04 22:04:46

    Jesus is not God


“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God”(“Holy Bible” John 1:1) ;”The Word became flesh”(“ Holy Bible” John1: 14)The Wordis the Holy Spirit, not Jesus .

Jesus is the manifestation of Holy Spirit. Jesus is Holy Spirit in the flesh "body". Jesus is not God, not human,.not Prophets and not the Archangel also. Jesus with the attributes of God, acts of God, and God's honor. So we fell that "God with us." (“Holy Bible” Matthew 1:23) and the power of God.

In front of our interpretation of Jesus not man, is the the Holy Spirit in the flesh "body". Jesus is born origin Holy Spirit. Jesus is th manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is a bridge and mediator between God and man. Due to Holy Spirit. Jesus is definitely not the second Adam was created, but also does not belong to human. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God (see John 3:16).

For details, see: http://www.jidujiao.com/ziliao/7012
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