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Prologue 2010-12-05 18:38:30

598 C.E. Sui Dynasty  (隋朝)

Imperial Palace

          "Emperor Yang, the borders..."


          "The Tubos have managed to penetrate our borders..."


          "Your majesty, we did not anticipate such a..."

          "You incompetent, useless meathead! I gave you 1,000,000 troops!"

          "Yes sir, but..."

          "No more excuses!! You will defeat the Gaoli within one year or you and you're entire family will suffer."


          "Get out of here. You make me sick."

          As the general backed out, the elderly Emperor slumped onto his throne from fatigue. When the general was gone, the Emperor turned and asked the chancellor, who was standing next to him:

          "Do you think we can win this war and push them back?"

          The chancellor thought for a bit, and replied in a thoughtful tone:

          "You're majesty, throughout history, people succeed when the right place, the right time, and the right people. It seems to me that we have the first two already. Now, what we need is a charismatic military genius."

          "And where will we find that person?" asked the emperor, who was already developing a headache from all of the stressful affairs he had to sort out.

          "Your majesty, when the time comes, that person will appear. That person will appear. "

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懮嫇~JayPWN ,31岁
来自: 梦中
注册日期: 2010-12-06
访问总量: 73,508 次
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