Since I now don't have Chinese support in my Windows computer, I have to rely on Google Translate. I hope it will do good translation.
In order to do that, I have to use simple English. In this way, Google translate can pretty much do the good job. I think, I cannot require Google translate to do excellent translation for any sentences, especially for complicated and compond sentences. Do it mean that English or Chinese have to be changed or influenced our language?
OK, back to my blog. In this blog, I am going to write my blog's one feature. Do you notice, at beginning, one-icon in my blog? Yes, I use icon to identify the topic of my blog, so that readers or I can easily tell what is the topic of this blog. Picture value more than thousand sentences. It is a very effective way to communicate with readers.
No matter what, this is my style. I hope you will like this. Do you have any suggestions, or do you have any other interesting ways to write blog or diary? I would like to know.
It looks like that Google translate is doing pretty good job. It translate I want to say. Some sentences are not good, I had to adjust my English words and sentences. When it is close to good, I accept my English and the translation. I think that you have to know well both English and Chinese as a condition, if you want to use the service.
Without Chinese input I wrote this blog, let Google translate helping me to type Chinese. Very cool!
By the way, Microsoft also has a similar translation service by using Bing. Not sure how good it is. Try it?
The following is Microsoft's Bing translation. 由于我现在没有在我的Windows电脑中的支持,我必须依靠谷歌翻译。我希望它会好的翻译。
它看起来像是 Google 翻译做得相当不错。它把我想说。几句不好,我不得不调整我的英语单词和句子。当它接近于良好,我接受了我的英语和翻译。我认为你要知道好的英语和汉语作为一项条件,如果你想使用这项服务。
无中文输入我写这篇博客,让谷歌翻译帮助我打中文。非常酷 !
顺便说一句,微软也有类似的翻译服务,通过使用冰。它是确定如何好。试一试吗? 微软的冰翻译做得好吗?不错。
