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兴奋剂是怎么败坏中国体育界名誉的? 2012-08-02 04:34:04







 1 、纯真阶段(1984年以前):


 2 、萌芽阶段(1985-1988 ):


 3 、扩散阶段(1988-1994 ): 

由于上不关心,下不报告,兴奋剂开始迅速蔓延。首先是游泳队开始由集中制改为邦联制,国家队各教练下放地方队,从此开始了游泳队的大跃进;田径队也开始令人惊讶地提高成绩,尤其是女子径赛和投掷项目;自行车,赛艇,全面上升,形成鲜明对比的却是举重队的停滞不前。这种趋势在7 运会上达到顶峰,马家军狂破世界纪录,各路田径好手屡创世界第N 好成绩,女子游泳直逼世界顶峰。



4 、惊慌阶段(1994-1998 )1994年,中国游泳赢来了历史的辉煌:帕尔马世锦赛上,女将们夺得14枚金牌中的11枚;10月的亚运会,更是席卷3/4 的游泳金牌,陈运鹏、王林、周明、张雄及其弟子们成为国人的英雄。在中国水军扬眉吐气的画面上,我们看到的是美国教练的气急败坏和日本泳手的一脸无奈。

但是好景不长,体育科学的突破,特别是对诺龙的突破使这一年注定成为中国体育史上最耻辱的一年:这年的寒冬,传来了令人震惊的消息,广岛亚运会上共计11名中国选手被查出服用兴奋剂,其中游泳七名,田径两名,赛艇和自行车各一名,更为尴尬的是,其中9 名是亚运冠军,包括游泳的世界冠军吕彬,杨爱华,亚洲名将熊国鸣,胡彬等,中国官员惊慌失措,这次他们终于承认了不是误服,但还是对外宣称:“属于个别运动员的个别行为,”同时,对国际泳联的质询置之不理,用中国传统的太极功夫蒙混过关。





5 、大棒阶段(1999- )1999年,正式的反兴奋剂规定从体总出台,中国开始大刀阔斧地把反兴奋剂的标签贴到雄鸡的各个角落。中国的兴奋剂工作人员也真正开始走出封闭,虚心地向外国同行讨教。除对传统的兴奋剂加大检测力度后,对目前尚不能确诊的采取了一刀切的政策:“宁可错杀一千,绝不放跑一个。”


检测的结果是金花吴艳艳, 女举名将孟宪娟的禁赛,马家军及赛艇名将张秀云的伤别离和男子举重队的全体清白,尽管也许会有痛苦,遗憾,甚至是错误,但是,这绝对是一次正义的壮举,尽管他的尾巴仍是官方模棱两可的声明。


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作者:贪官太多 留言时间:2012-08-03 16:42:35
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作者:hotmoon 留言时间:2012-08-02 16:58:25


Use of performance-enhancing drugs in the Olympic Games

[edit] Summer Olympic GamesWhat follows is a list of all the athletes that have tested positive for a banned substance either during or after an Olympic Games in which they competed. Any medals listed were revoked by the International Olympic Commission (IOC). In 1967 the IOC banned the use of performance-enhancing drugs, instituted a Medical Commission, and created a list of banned substances.[15] Mandatory testing began at the following years Summer and Winter games.[15]

[edit] 1968 Mexico CityMain article: 1968 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall Sweden Modern pentathlon Ethanol 3 ! (team)
[edit] 1972 MunichMain article: 1972 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Bakaava Buidaa Mongolia Judo Caffeine 2 ! (63 kg)
Miguel Coll Puerto Rico Basketball Ephedrine
Rick DeMont United States Swimming Ephedrine 1 ! (400 m freestyle)
Jaime Huélamo Spain Cycling Coramine 3 ! (individual road race)
Walter Legel Austria Weightlifting Amphetamine
Mohammad Reza Nasehi Iran Weightlifting Ephedrine
Aad van den Hoek Netherlands Cycling Coramine 3 ! (100 km team race)
[edit] 1976 MontrealMain article: 1976 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Blagoi Blagoev Bulgaria Weightlifting Anabolic steroid 2 ! (82.5 kg)
Mark Cameron United States Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Paul Cerutti Monaco Shooting Amphetamine
Dragomir Ciorosian Romania Weightlifting Fencanfamine
Philippe Grippaldi United States Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Zbigniew Kaczmarek Poland Weightlifting Anabolic steroid 1 ! (67.5 kg)
Valentin Khristov Bulgaria Weightlifting Anabolic steroid 1 ! (100 kg)
Lorne Liebel Canada Sailing Phenylpropanolamine
Arne Norrback Sweden Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Peter Pavlasek Czechoslovakia Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Danuta Rosani Poland Athletics Anabolic steroid
[edit] 1980 MoscowMain article: 1980 Summer Olympics
Though no athletes were caught doping at the 1980 Summer Olympics, it has been claimed that athletes had begun using testosterone and other drugs for which tests had not been yet developed. A 1989 report by a committee of the Australian Senate claimed that "there is hardly a medal winner at the Moscow Games, certainly not a gold medal winner...who is not on one sort of drug or another: usually several kinds. The Moscow Games might well have been called the Chemists' Games".[16]

A member of the IOC Medical Commission, Manfred Donike, privately ran additional tests with a new technique for identifying abnormal levels of testosterone by measuring its ratio to epitestosterone in urine. Twenty percent of the specimens he tested, including those from sixteen gold medalists would have resulted in disciplinary proceedings had the tests been official.[16] The results of Donike's unofficial tests later convinced the IOC to add his new technique to their testing protocols.[17] The first case of "blood doping" occurred at the 1980 Summer Olympics as a runner was transfused with two pints of blood before winning medals in the 5 and 10 kilometer races.[18]

[edit] 1984 Los AngelesMain article: 1984 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Serafim Grammatikopoulos Greece Weightlifting Nandrolone
Vésteinn Hafsteinsson Iceland Athletics Nandrolone
Tomas Johansson Sweden Wrestling Methenolone 2 ! (super-heavy)
Stefan Laggner Austria Weightlifting Nandrolone
Göran Petersson Sweden Weightlifting Nandrolone
Eiji Shimomura Japan Volleyball Testosterone
Mikiyasu Tanaka Japan Volleyball Ephedrine
Ahmed Tarbi Algeria Weightlifting Nandrolone
Mahmud Tarha Lebanon Weightlifting Nandrolone
Gianpaolo Urlando Italy Athletics Testosterone
Martti Vainio Finland Athletics Methenolone 2 ! (10,000 m)
Anna Verouli Greece Athletics Nandrolone

The organizers of the Los Angeles games had refused to provide the IOC doping authorities with a safe prior to the start of the games. Due to a lack of security, medical records were subsequently stolen.[16] A 1994 letter from IOC Medical Commission chair Alexandre de Mérode claimed that Tony Daly, a member of the Los Angeles organizing committee had destroyed the records.[16] Dick Pound later wrote of his frustration that the organizing committee had removed evidence before it could be acted on by the IOC. Pound also claimed that IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and Primo Nebiolo, President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) had conspired to delay the announcement of positive tests so that the games could pass without controversy.[16]

The American cyclist Pat McDonough later admitted to "blood doping" at the 1984 Los Angeles Games.[19] Following the games it was revealed that one-third of the U.S. cycling team had received blood transfusions before the games, where they won nine medals, their first medal success since the 1912 Summer Olympics.[19] "Blood doping" was banned by the IOC in 1985, though no test existed for it at the time.[19]

[edit] 1988 SeoulMain article: 1988 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Alidad Afghanistan Wrestling Furosemide
Kerrith Brown Great Britain Judo Furosemide
Kalman Csengeri Hungary Weightlifting Stanozolol
Mitko Grablev Bulgaria Weightlifting Furosemide 1 ! (56 kg)
Angell Guenchev Bulgaria Weightlifting Furosemide 1 ! (67.5 kg)
Ben Johnson Canada Athletics Stanozolol 1 ! (100 m)
Fernando Mariaca Spain Weightlifting Pemoline
Jorge Quesada Spain Modern pentathlon Propanolol
Andor Szanyi Hungary Weightlifting Stanozolol 2 ! (100 kg)
Alexander Watson Australia Modern Pentathlon Caffeine
[edit] 1992 BarcelonaMain article: 1992 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Madina Biktagirova Unified Team Athletics Norephedrine
Bonnie Dasse United States Athletics Clenbuterol
Jud Logan United States Athletics Clenbuterol
Nijolė Medvedeva Lithuania Athletics Meziocarde
Wu Dan China Volleyball Strychnine
[edit] 1996 AtlantaMain article: 1996 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Iva Prandzheva Bulgaria Athletics Metadienone
Natalya Shekhodanova Russia Athletics Stanozolol
[edit] 2000 SydneyMain article: 2000 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Fritz Aanes Norway Wrestling Norandrosterone and noretiochdandone
Ashot Danielyan Armenia Weightlifting Stanozolol 3 ! (+105 kg)
Izabela Dragneva Bulgaria Weightlifting Furosemide 1 ! (48 kg)
Stian Grimseth Norway Weightlifting Nandrolone
Ivan Ivanov Bulgaria Weightlifting Furosemide 2 ! (56 kg)
Alexander Leipold Germany Wrestling Nandrolone 1 ! (76 kg)
Sevdalin Minchev Bulgaria Weightlifting Furosemide 3 ! (62 kg)
Oyuunbilegiin Pürevbaatar Mongolia Wrestling Furosemide
Andreea Răducan Romania Gymnastics Pseudophedrine[20] 1 ! (individual all-round)
Andris Reinholds Latvia Rowing Nandrolone
Antonio Pettigrew United States Athletics EPO and HGH 1 ! (4 x 400 m relay)
Marion Jones United States Athletics THG 1 ! (100 m), 1 ! (200 m), 1 ! (4 x 400m relay), 3 ! (long jump), 3 ! (4 x 100 m relay)
[edit] 2004 AthensMain article: 2004 Summer Olympics
Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Wafa Ammouri Morocco Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Adrián Annus Hungary Athletics Falsified test result 1 ! (hammer throw)
Andrew Brack Greece Baseball Stanozolol
Viktor Chislean Moldova Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Róbert Fazekas Hungary Athletics Missed the test 1 ! (discus throw)
Mabel Fonseca Puerto Rico Wrestling Stanozolol
Anton Galkin Russia Athletics Stanozolol
Ferenc Gyurkovics Hungary Weightlifting Oxanfrolone 2 ! (105 kg)
Zoltan Kecskes Hungary Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Konstantinos Kenteris Greece Athletics Missed the test
Albina Khomic Russia Weightlifting Testosterone
Aye Khine Nan Myanmar Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Irina Korzhanenko Russia Athletics Stanozolol 1 ! (shot put)
Zoltán Kovács Hungary Weightlifting Missed the test
Pratima Kumari Na India Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Aleksey Lesnichiy Belarus Athletics Clenbuterol
David Munyasia Kenya Boxing Cathine
Derek Nicholson Greece Baseball Diuretic
Cian O'Connor Ireland Equestrian Antipsychotics (to horse Waterford Crystal) 1 ! (individual jumping)
Olena Olefirenko Ukraine Rowing Ethamivan 3 ! (coxless four)
Leonidas Sampanis Greece Weightlifting Testosterone 3 ! (62 kg)
Thinbaijam Sanamcha Chanu India Weightlifting Furosemide
Mital Sharipov Kyrgyzstan Weightlifting Furosemide
Olga Shchukina Uzbekistan Athletics Clenbuterol
Sahbaz Sule Turkey Weightlifting Anabolic steroid
Ekaterini Thanou Greece Athletics Missed the test
Ludger Beerbaum Germany Show Jumping Betamethasone (to horse Goldfever) 1 ! (team jumping)
[edit] 2008 BeijingMain article: 2008 Summer Olympics
"Zero Tolerance for Doping" was adopted as an official slogan for the Beijing Olympic Games.[21] A number of athletes were already eliminated by testing prior to coming to Beijing.[21]

Out of the 4,500 samples that were collected from participating athletes at the games, six athletes with positive specimens were ousted from the competition. It is possible that further positive tests may still be found as samples are sealed and frozen for eight years. It is unclear who remains in charge of these samples, the host or the IOC. The quality of testing was questioned when the BBC reported that samples positive for EPO were labeled as negative by Chinese laboratories in July.[22] The rate of positive findings is lower than at Athens four years ago, but it cannot be deduced that the prevalence of doping has decreased; possibly, doping technology has become more sophisticated and a number of drugs cannot be detected.[21][22][23]

Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Maria Isabel Moreno Spain Cycling Erythropoietin[24]
Kim Jong-su North Korea Shooting Propranolol 3 ! (10 m air pistol),2 ! (50 m pistol)
Do Thi Ngan Thuong Vietnam Gymnastics Furosemide
Fani Halkia Greece Athletics Methyltrienolone[25]
Lyudmila Blonska Ukraine Athletics Methyltestosterone[26] 2 ! (heptathlon)
Igor Razoronov Ukraine Weightlifting Nandrolone[27]
Bernardo Alves Brazil Equestrian Capsaicin
Rodrigo Pessoa Brazil Equestrian Nonivamide
Christian Ahlmann Germany Equestrian Capsaicin
Denis Lynch Ireland Equestrian Capsaicin
Tony André Hansen Norway Equestrian Capsaicin 3 ! (team jumping)
Courtney King United States Equestrian Felbinac
Adam Seroczyński Poland Canoeing Clenbuterol
Rashid Ramzi Bahrain Athletics CERA[28] 1 ! (1500 m)
Davide Rebellin Italy Cycling CERA[28] 2 ! (Men's road race)
Stefan Schumacher Germany Cycling CERA[28]
Vanja Perisic Croatia Athletics CERA[28]
Athanasia Tsoumeleka Greece Athletics CERA[28]
[edit] 2012 LondonMain article: 2012 Summer Olympics
It was announced prior to the Summer games that half of all competitors will be tested for drugs, with 150 scientists set to take 6,000 samples between the start of the games and the end of the Paralympic games.[29] Every competitor who wins a medal will also be tested. The Olympic anti-doping laboratory will test up to 400 samples every day for more than 240 prohibited substances.[29] British sprinter Dwain Chambers and cyclist David Millar will compete in London after the British Olympic Association's policy of punishing drug cheats with lifetime bans was overturned by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.[29] The Men's road race was won by cyclist Alexandre Vinokourov, who had previously served a two year ban for blood doping in 2007.[30] There had been some suspicions that Ye Shiwen had been taking drugs, after this young Chinese swimmer did extremely well in the swimming; however, later tests revealed that she was all clear, and her case was cleared.

Name Country Sport Banned substance Medals
Luiza Galiulina Uzbekistan Artistic gymnastics Furosemide[31]
Hysen Pulaku Albania Weightlifting - Men's 77kg Stanozolol[30]
Tameka Williams Saint Kitts and Nevis 100m/200m Unknown[32]
Luiza Galiulina Uzbekistan Gymnastics Diuretic furosemide[33]
[edit] Winter Olympic Games[edit] 1968 GrenobleMain article: 1968 Winter Olympics
No athletes were caught doping at these Games.

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作者:好同学 留言时间:2012-08-02 15:02:06

从九十年代直到现在,在西方运动员中用兴奋剂很普遍,在自行车,田径,各类球赛中经常出现。最普遍的例子要数美国棒球选手。2005 棒球选手David Well 说有25%-40% 运动员用兴奋剂。另一运动员Jose Canseco 在六十分钟节目中说有80%用药。有些人说他们的整个职业生涯都在用药,如果不用就不会有好成绩。
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作者:草庐隐士 留言时间:2012-08-02 06:32:57
谢谢博主的介绍。终于知道了这些黑幕。博主文章节尾问的几个问题很值得全体华人思考:其实很多冠冕堂而皇之的词藻本质上就是名和利在作崇, 以博主文中列举的那些损失和后果换来的瞬间即失的风头真的是价值所在吗?
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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2012-08-02 05:35:27
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作者:随笔1 留言时间:2012-08-02 04:51:16
结尾这一段是典型的画蛇添足。 在逻辑上和本文特别是上一段正好相冲。 不是吗?

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