西方政治家常常是竞选时诺言多多,当选后兑现少少。美国现任总统特朗普竞选时的诺言可谓是惊天地,吓鬼神,譬如要在美墨边境修建新时代长城、限制穆斯林移民/难民,等等。许多人,包括笔者,都认为这只不过是政治家争取选票的惯用伎俩。没曾想,这位总统还挺遵守诺言,上任伊始,啪啪啪,签署了一系列命令,其中就有禁止七个穆斯林国家公民进入美国的命令。 无独有偶,北方的加拿大总理在当选后,尽管在其它诺言,如基建投资上迟迟不见动静(至少一年过后,饱受交通堵塞困扰的多伦多未见任何道路建设),但关于穆斯林难民许下的诺言,兑现既快又彻底 — 不但如期接受许诺的2.5万穆斯林难民,还把难民指标提升到每年五万,占移民/难民总额的1/6! 关于穆斯林移民/难民对本国经济政治的影响,各有各的见解。下面的人口普查和两份研究报告揭露的数据,也许能给人答案。 穆斯林人口比例

2016加拿大穆斯林人群研究(The Globe and Mail, 2016):宗教传统感增强 "Religious observance among Muslims has strengthened over the past decade. An increasing number are attending mosques for prayers on a regular basis (at least once a week) and (among women) are wearing the hijab. In both cases the trend is most noticeable among Muslims 18 to 34 years of age, in contrast with the broader trend in Canadian society where youth are turning away from organized religion." 这种宗教传统感增强在18-34的青年群体中最明显,与整个加拿大社会青年群体背离有组织的宗教的更广泛趋向成显著对比。
2015加拿大联邦选举投票率研究(CBC, 2016):穆斯林人群投票非常踊跃和集中 “Of those who said they had voted in the 2015 federal election, 65 per cent reported voting for the Liberals, with 10 per cent saying they voted for the New Democrats and just two per cent for the Conservatives.” 65%投票给自由党,10%给新民主党,保守党只得2%。 该研究还发现,这个人群的在2015年联邦选举中的投票率为79%,显著高于全民投票率69%。
参考文献 加拿大统计局人口普查网站:http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/index-eng.cfm “Liberals won over Muslims by huge margin in 2015, poll suggests”, CBC, Apr 29, 2016, http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/grenier-environics-muslims-politics-1.3555216 “Why Muslims are proud Canadians”, The Globe and Mail, 2016, Apr. 28, 2016, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/why-muslims-are-proud-canadians/article29774194/