| Russia Should Take Control of Whatever Resources Originated from Former-Ukraine by Limin Wang July 14, 2023 Russia should be proactive, instead of passive; aggressive, instead of retrogressive, about the resources originated from former-Ukraine. The "collective" West sounds like it cares about hunger in Africa because there is food in former Ukraine, then Russia should talk about 1) stopping pushing your mother-fucking "defensive" NATO close to my border; 2) stopping flushing your lethal weapons to my border; 3) you sending your OWN, not former Ukraine's, food/grain to feed Africa, beyond your sending of shithole "freedom" there; 4) my real needs to take over former Ukraine's whatever resources for my purposes, because the war is pushed to me, and the war is very costly on my side too, and the USUK-controlled mother-fucking NATO rats have seized my assets besides setting a sleuth of sanctions; 5) My own help to African people and countries by my way. If you care about their hunger, do NOT fuck endanger my oversea transportations of whatever; 6) Whatever is more under my control goes by my way. If you think it’s unfair, let’s OPENLY talk about the fairness. Who destroyed the gas pipe? Who blew up the ammonia pipe? Are you claiming growing crops in just soil and eating food raw and washing with cold water are more climate friendly? 7) Any people living in former Ukraine, or anywhere on Earth, are welcome to live and work, temporarily or permanently, in Russia, at least I have food from former Ukraine and land from former USSR.