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民主制度和中国 2011-03-12 02:57:44







说的有点多了,有点跑题,还是回到古希腊的民主制度。直接民主由多数投票决定这一制度的产生过程,在现在看来似乎有些搞笑和荒谬。当时,所议之事不能得到全体同意,就必须举行决斗,以决定哪一方意见得到胜利;所以全体一致意见及决斗,就是古希腊原始社会解决问题的方法。后来,人们渐渐感觉决斗对于胜负双方都有害处,于是就产生了各种代替决斗的方法。首先是呐喊 ,双方发出喊声,谁压倒对方,谁使得到胜利。再有就是分别列队,如果双方喊声不分大小,则双方列队比较长短,谁的队伍长,谁的意见就获得。这就是多数决的起源,E. Jenks说,这是计算人头代替了打碎人头(Counting heads instead of breaking them)。

多数决的结果就是正确的吗?未必,但这毕竟是by the people去for the people,从历史的角度看是一种进步。而原始社会的中国在进化的过程中为什么没有产生这样的方法?这是值得研究的。一种可能是,即便是原始社会如尧舜时代,中国的领土也很大,要在广大领土之上集合全体人民开会,是办不到的,而希腊的城市国家却相对容易些。





西方民主在西方被接受和实践过程的本身,也是一个渐进过程。法国山岳党(La Montagne)的的恐怖政治、拿破仑的专制、路易十八的复辟等,是一个在民众还没有习惯民主政治的时候去组建的国民议会,并不能成为民主共和基础而成为专政工具的例子。国家民主制度的建立,只能是渐进的。当然,美国是一个例外,因为美国在殖民地时代就已有了民主的基础:议会制度及三权分立。
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-03-14 13:45:23

See on the above website or the enclosed as follows:
Moving Eastward By DANIEL A. BELL

BEIJING — Is China the next domino? Like Mubarak’s regime, the Chinese government relies on harsh measures to put down calls for democratic reform. Like Egypt, China is plagued by a huge gap between rich and poor, rampant corruption, rising prices of basic foods and high unemployment rates among recent university graduates.

So should outside forces turn to democracy-promotion in China?

Not so fast. In Egypt, social critics and reformers of different stripes profess public allegiance to the ideal of multiparty democracy, defined as free and fair competitive elections for the country’s political leaders, along with the freedoms that make those elections meaningful.

In China, it is not so simple. Pro-democracy forces are not absent — the most famous is the imprisoned Nobel Peace laureate, Liu Xiaobo — but they are not widespread. Many social critics and political reformers in China do not endorse multiparty democracy as the solution to China’s political problems.

And the “democracy is not so good” camp is itself divided into two different groups. Let us call them Pessimists and Optimists.

The Pessimists point to a serious problem with democracy: The will of the people may not be moral — it could endorse racism, fascism or and imperialism. Such concerns are not purely theoretical. In the case of Egypt, widespread anti-Israeli sentiments, for example, may not prove favorable for the cause of peace in the Middle East.

In the case of China, an unhealthy form of nationalism has gained strength. Nationalists want to make China a strong military and economic power that can “say no” to the rest of the world, whatever the moral considerations at stake. A transition to democracy could easily give rise to a populist strongman backed by a security and military mafia.

It is easy to blame the Chinese government for fanning the flames of a resentful nationalism. But the fact of the matter is that the government often tries to counteract it. Contrary to popular belief, much of the censorship of popular newspapers is targeted at extremist and dangerous forms of nationalism, not at liberal-reformist viewpoints.

Hence, Pessimist reformers say that China should implement measures to combat corruption and abuses of government power and open the society in other ways — but without going the route of electoral democracy. In the long term, perhaps, but not now.

The Optimists point to another key problem with democracy: There is no formal representation for non-voters who are affected by the policies of the government. Hence a democratic form of government may be counter to the interests of future generations and people living outside national boundaries.

Again, this is not a purely theoretical problem. Democratic countries such as Greece vote themselves unsustainable welfare policies that threaten to harm not just future generations but other European states. Or consider global warming: It is difficult if not impossible for democratically elected governments to implement policies that curb energy usage in the interests of future generations and foreigners.

If China were to follow the American model in terms of per capita carbon emissions, the world would be damaged beyond repair. Today, several hundred million Chinese living south of the Yangtze River cannot use central heating. Such policies benefit the world as well as future generations, but they would likely be revoked by a popularly elected government.

Optimists respond to such concerns by proposing forms of government that aim to do better than Western-style democracies. In the past decade, Confucian reformists have put forward proposals for a democratic assembly that would represent the interests of workers and farmers, complemented by another assembly that would represent the interests of non-voters. Deputies in the democratic house would be chosen by voters, while deputies in the other house would be chosen by meritocratic mechanisms such as competitive examinations.

On issues such as land disputes in rural China, the decisions of the democratic house would take priority. In areas such as foreign policy and the environment, the meritocratic house would have more say.

Democrats often respond to such seemingly utopian proposals with the objection that democracy is a priority: Let’s democratize the system first, and then we can think about how to improve democracy.

But the current political system is already meritocratic in some respects, and it would be practical and desirable to draw on the parts that work well.

Cadres in the 78 million strong Chinese Communist Party are increasingly selected according to competitive meritocratic criteria. And the government implements some policies according to five-year plans that are designed for long-term benefit, such as support for clean energy, high-speed railways and economic development projects in the impoverished and sparsely populated western part of the country. A more democratic government would be more constrained by short-term electoral considerations.

And once a democratic government is in place, it’s hard to change. Once people develop a taste for the ritual of voting for their country’s most important political leaders, it’s hard to argue for alternatives, even if they are more efficient and morally better. Which politician would dare tell the people that they should not hold all the trump cards in foreign policy or environmentalism?

So at the very least, outside forces should not seek to override reasonable viewpoints of social reformers in China.

Liberal democrats as well as Pessimist and Optimist reformers agree that more media freedom is desirable to expose abuses of political power. They all seek to humanize the government in various ways. To the extent possible, they should be supported in their efforts.

But both Pessimists and Optimists have good reasons to doubt the benefits of competitive, direct elections for the country’s top political leaders.

Let’s hope that democracy succeeds in Egypt. But in China, the “freedom agenda” for now need not include support for full electoral democracy.

Daniel A. Bell is professor of political theory at Tsinghua University in Beijing and of the arts and humanities at Jiaotong University in Shanghai. His latest book is “China’s New Confucianism.”
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作者:km 留言时间:2011-03-13 20:57:45

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