电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1968年版)主题歌。偶尔看到电影片段、听到这首经典歌曲,被带入其中意境,深为感动。余音绕梁三日,难以从头脑中抹去。在网上找到几个中文版,却觉得都不够传神,于是试着自己动手翻译,以飨读者。 (歌曲视频链接:https://youtu.be/QxidjMJK9f4) 青春到底是什么青春是什么? 就是胸膛里的火焰啊。 少女又是什么? 就是她外表的冰冷、我内心的炙热。 人际纷扰,浊世浮沉。 玫瑰花开, 然后凋零。 青春也是这样, 那最美丽的少女也是这样。
总有一段时光,你遇到了最甜美的笑容, 它霸占你的心灵, 那就是爱情降临。 有些人只盼望快结婚, 另一些人艳羡放浪恣情, 而我内心羞怯、总想闪躲, 其实,爱神掌管所有人。 青春的脚步快活,就像伴着欢歌, 但是时光荏苒,岁月催人。 甜过蜂蜜,苦若黄连, 爱情这件事,它从不平庸乏味。 甜过蜂蜜,苦若黄连, 爱神丘比特,他掌管我们所有人。 What is a Youth By Nino RotaWhat is a youth? Impetuous fire What is a maid? Ice and desire The world wags on A rose will bloom It then will fade So does a youth So does the fairest maid Comes a time when one sweet smile Has its season for awhile Then Love's in love with me Some may think only to marry Others will tease and tarry Mine is the very best parry Cupid he rules us all Caper the caper; sing me the song Death will come soon to hush us along Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall Love is a task and it never will pall Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall Cupid he rules us all
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