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美国联邦机构关于节日期间交换礼物的告诫 2021-12-08 20:57:09

现在是节日聚会和交换礼物的季节!  在你们准备享受欢乐的时候,请注意,道德精灵(在他的架子上)想提醒你们,道德规则将适用于接受邀请和礼物,包括员工之间的礼物交换。 特别是,请牢记。
- 上司不得接受下属的礼物,除非价值极低(10美元或以下)。
- 对办公室聚会的捐款必须是自愿的(而且不应该由主管要求)。
- 政治任命人员不得接受游说者或游说组织的礼物或邀请(少数情况例外,例如,如果礼物是来自个人并基于个人关系)。
- 商务部员工不得接受承包商、受赠人或任何与该部事务有关的人的礼物或邀请,但某些情况除外(礼物价值极低,或邀请参加的是广泛参加的聚会,并获得主管批准)。 

Subject: Ethics Rules on Holiday Gifts

To:       All DOC employees

T’is the season for holiday parties and gift exchanges!  As you prepare to enjoy the fun, note that the Ethics Elf (from atop his shelf) wants to remind you that ethics rules will apply to the acceptance of invitations and gifts, including gift exchanges between employees.  In particular, please keep in mind that:

  • supervisors may not accept gifts from subordinates unless of minimal value ($10 or less)

  • contributions to an office party must be voluntary (and should not be requested by a supervisor)

  • political appointees may not accept gifts or invitations from lobbyists or lobbying organization (with a few exceptions, such as if the gift is from an individual and based on a personal relationship)

  • Commerce employees may not accept gifts or invitations from contractors, grantees, or anyone with matters before the Department, except under certain circumstances (the gift is of minimal value or the invitation is to a widely-attended gathering and supervisory approval is obtained). 

For a summary of the applicable rules, click here or cut and paste the following into your browser: (https://ogc.commerce.gov/sites/default/files/holiday_parties-awae-2021.pdf).  

Other useful information is available on the Ethics Office webpage at:  www.commerce.gov/ethics, including a form for a supervisor to approve an employee’s attendance at a holiday party, reception, or other widely-attended event (if certain criteria are met) (https://ogc.commerce.gov/sites/ogc.commerce.gov/files/media/files/2019/wag_approval_form.pdf). 

If you have a question about holiday gifts or parties or other ethics matters, please contact an ethics official for advice by calling 202-482-5384 or by emailing ethicsdivision@doc.gov

Wishing you a wonderful and safe holiday season.


This message was authorized by OGC.

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